Catholic Wedding Ceremony Guide

If you or your partner are Catholic and you’re planning your wedding, you’ve probably considered having a Catholic wedding ceremony. Catholic ceremonies are steeped in tradition and rituals, so they often follow a very similar structure. They’re also elegant, beautiful and romantic, and focus not only on the promise you’re making to each other, but your promise to God as well.

But, what exactly happens at a Catholic wedding ceremony and how do you know if it’s the right choice for you?

In this post, we’re going to answer some of the most common questions about Catholic weddings, including what they are, what happens at one and how much they cost. That way, you’ll have all the information you need to help you decide if it’s the right choice for you and your partner.

For more information about some of the most common types of ceremony, read our ultimate wedding ceremony guide.

What is a Catholic wedding ceremony?

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A Catholic wedding ceremony is a wedding ceremony that takes place in a church and follows a set structure. It may or may not include a nuptial mass, which is similar to a regular mass, only it takes place alongside the wedding. If you don’t want a nuptial mass at your ceremony, speak to the priest about this and discuss your hopes and expectations with them.

The ceremony will of course focus on your love and marriage, but there’ll also be a strong link to Christianity. That means there’ll be many references to God and Jesus, which may be in the words spoken by the officiant, and in the readings, hymns, blessings and prayers.

How soon can you have a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Duncan Edward Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The Catholic Church asks that you give at least six months’ notice if you intend to get married in a Roman Catholic wedding ceremony.

What happens before a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Damian Burcher Photographer | See their Bridebook profile

Many of the same traditions happen before a Catholic wedding ceremony as they do with other types of ceremony, for example a stag or hen party and the bride and groom not seeing each other. However, one major difference with Catholic weddings is that there are programs that help prepare couples for married life.

The preparation program, known as Pre-Cana, is a mandatory program that lasts six months. This is the reason why you must give at least six months’ notice if you want to get married in a Catholic church.

In Pre-Cana, couples are taught about how to adapt to marriage. It focuses on your relationship with God and the Church, healthy values, managing money, responsibility, parenting, intimacy and more. If you can’t attend in-person sessions, there are online courses available. You can discuss with your priest as to whether they’re happy for you to choose this route.

How popular are Catholic wedding ceremonies?

Photo © M.I.N.E Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Thanks to Bridebook’s 2023 Wedding Report, we know that 3% of weddings last year were in a place of worship. However, as well as churches, this also includes other places of worship, such as a synagogue or mosque. 

2023 data released by the Office for National Statistics found that there were 3,916 Catholic weddings in 2019, which is approximately 1% of all ceremonies that took place in the UK.

What type of couples usually choose a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © S Howard Photography Ltd | See their Bridebook profile

As you might expect, only Catholics get married in a Catholic wedding ceremony. However, both halves of the couple don’t need to be Catholic – to have a Catholic wedding ceremony, just one needs to be a member of the church. If you’re part of a mixed-faith relationship, it’s your choice whether you have a Catholic ceremony or you opt for something else.

Whether or not you choose to have a Catholic ceremony depends on your beliefs, preferences and budget.

Are Catholic weddings expensive?

Photo © Tom Groves Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The average cost of a church wedding in the UK is £5,480. However, this figure is the average cost of weddings that take place in any type of Christian church.

In actuality, we know exactly how much it costs to get married in a Catholic church: nothing. Because the Church believes that marriage is a gift from God, it doesn’t cost a penny to have the ceremony itself. But, the Church will ask for a voluntary donation of £150 to help with the upkeep of the church and its grounds. Believe it or not, it costs up to £100,000 annually to maintain a church, so if you are keen on having a Catholic wedding, it’s recommended that you contribute towards that upkeep with a donation.

It’s also worth noting that there’s also an additional fee for any ‘extras’ you might like to have included at your ceremony. These, and their approximate costs, include:

  • Organist – £50
  • Bell ringer – £40
  • Verger – £40
  • Extra heating – £65

You’ll also need to factor in the cost of external vendors you might choose to hire, such as florists, decor, a photographer and videographer. One non-negotiable vendor you’ll need to hire is a registrar to ensure your marriage is legal. Some churches will have a registrar while others don’t, so this is something else to check with your priest.

If you plan on celebrating after the ceremony with a wedding breakfast and reception, this will of course come at a cost, as you can’t host this at the church.

Who officiates a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Wendy Aldiss Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A Catholic wedding is usually officiated by a priest, or in some cases a bishop.

Is a Catholic wedding ceremony legally binding?

Photo © Evandro Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Yes, a Catholic wedding ceremony is legally binding so long as a registrar is also present at the ceremony. Some churches have their own registrar, but if not you’ll have to hire one for the date of your wedding.

Where are Catholic wedding ceremonies held?

Photo © Greenhill Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Catholic weddings are always held at a Catholic church. If you’re looking for greater flexibility and would like to get married elsewhere, you’ll have to consider having a different type of wedding ceremony.

How long are Catholic wedding ceremonies?

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When you speak to your priest about your wedding, you should be given a choice about whether or not you’d like to include a mass at the same time as your ceremony. If you include a communion and mass, your wedding ceremony will take around an hour. If you don’t have a mass, your ceremony will take between 30 and 45 minutes.

Catholic weddings often last longer than traditional weddings due to the references to God and religion, with the addition of hymns, readings, blessings and prayers.

For more information, read our guide to how long wedding ceremonies take.

When does a Catholic wedding ceremony take place?

Photo © Rebecca May Photography | See their Bridebook profileCatholic wedding ceremonies usually take place sometime after lunch, often between 1pm and 3pm. This is because there is often mass in the late afternoon or early evening.

Read our post on the best wedding day timeline for more information about what happens on a wedding day and when.

What words are exchanged at a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Jack Slade Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Many Roman Catholic wedding ceremonies follow a set structure, so the words spoken will often be reminiscent of other Catholic ceremonies you may have been to. Most of the words are spoken by the officiant, but you and your partner will also speak to exchange vows and consent to the marriage. These include

1. The address and statement of intention

The priest will ask whether you’ve come together to enter into marriage freely and without coercion, to which you’ll both respond by saying, ‘I have’.

The priest will then ask whether you’re both prepared to follow the path of marriage, to love and honour each other for as long as you both shall live. You’ll then respond by saying, ‘I am.’

2. Exchange of consent

The priest will then ask you to repeat the exchange of consent, which is as follows:

“I, [YOUR FULL NAME], take you, [YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME], to be my [WIFE/HUSBAND/PARTNER]. I promise to be faithful to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honour you all the days of my life.”

3. Exchanging of the rings

As you exchange rings, you’ll also say the following words:

“[YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME], receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Unfortunately, because Catholic ceremonies follow a program template, it’s unlikely that the priest will allow you to write or speak personal vows. If you would like a much greater amount of personalisation at your wedding, you may have to plan a different type of ceremony.

What traditions are there at a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Picture Essence Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Because Catholic wedding ceremonies stick to a relatively strict structure, there are plenty of traditions that take place. Which traditions you choose to include in your own ceremony depends on your preferences and the flexibility of that structure. If there are any traditions you want to change, you can speak to the priest ahead of the ceremony. Some of the most popular Catholic wedding ceremony traditions include:

  • The processional, which is a staple at many different ceremonies. However, unlike traditional ceremonies, the groom enters first but from the side, not down the aisle.
  • The opening greeting and hymn, where the priest issues a greeting and invites your guests to sing a hymn, which is often Gloria.
  • Nuptial mass, which many couples choose to include. 
  • Recitation of the Lord’s Prayer, shared as a unifying, sacred expression.
  • Holy Communion, which symbolises the spiritual unity of the couple and their journey together.

What do you wear at a Catholic wedding?

Photo © Laura Miller Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Catholic wedding ceremonies are semi-formal, so you don’t have to wear a tuxedo or dig out a hat. But, grooms will probably want to wear a suit, and brides a dress that’s relatively modest. The Church is becoming more open to sleeveless shirts and dresses, but aren’t quite as happy about plunging necklines or deep backs. Traditionally, the bride wears a veil, but this is also something the modern Church is more relaxed about.

What is the order at a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Catholic Wedding Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a Catholic wedding ceremony order

As we’ve already highlighted, Catholic weddings usually follow a set structure that will happen in a certain order. However, there will be a slight variation to this if you haven’t chosen to include a nuptial mass to take place alongside your wedding ceremony. Below is an example of what your Catholic wedding mass program might look like:

1. The processional

The processional begins with the priest entering from the side, followed by the groom and his best man. They stand at the altar, as the rest of the wedding party enter and walk down the aisle towards the altar in the following order:

  • Bridesmaids
  • Groomsmen
  • Maid of honour
  • Ring bearer or page boy
  • Flower girl
  • The bride and her father

2. The entrance rites

Once everyone has taken their seats, the priest begins by welcoming everyone to the ceremony and invites everyone to sing a hymn, usually Gloria, before reading a prayer. Because at least half of the couple has to be Catholic, it’s assumed that at least half of the guests will also be Catholic and therefore take part.

3. The readings

You can invite some of your guests to read Bible verses, which will usually include one from the New Testament and one from the Old Testament. The theme of the readings will be love, marriage or commitment. Your guests will repeat the Responsorial Psalm. There are seven to choose from, which you and your partner should consider during the lead-up to the ceremony.

4. The gospel

The priest will ask your guests to stand and they’ll read a passage from Matthew, Mark, Luke or John which will centre around love or marriage. Popular passages include Matthew 5:13-16, Mark 10: 6-9 and John 2:1-11.

5. The homily

The priest will perform a sermon, also known as the homily. This explains the meaning behind the gospel and how it applies to your marriage.

6. The vows

You will now be asked to say your vows, which are known as the rite of marriage. You can choose to recite them or read them, or the priest may read the vows so you can say I do. These are sacred and special words, which means you can’t write your own vows to use in a Catholic ceremony.

7. The ring ceremony

The priest will ask the best man for the rings, which they’ll first bless with holy water and by saying a prayer. You’ll then be asked to say a few more words as you place the ring on your partner’s finger.

8. The offertory

Some of your guests will now offer gifts, which they’ll do by bringing them to the altar. You’ll ask your guests to do this ahead of the ceremony, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise. For your other guests, a collection plate will be passed around the church so they can give a monetary donation. 

At the same time, the priest will bless bread and wine, which is known as the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

9. The Lord’s Prayer

The congregation will recite The Lord’s Prayer in unison.

10. The sign of peace

The priest will ask everyone in attendance to greet each other with a warm welcome and handshake. This is a gesture of neighbourly love.

11. Holy Communion

Your guests will line up at the altar for the priest to offer them bread and wine, something that symbolises the body and blood of Jesus Christ. 

12. The first kiss

The priest will invite the two of you to share your first kiss as a married couple. If the bride chooses to wear a veil, this is when the groom will lift it to see his wife’s face.

13. The nuptial blessing

The priest will say a final prayer which will end with the words, go in peace. Your guests will respond by saying, thanks be to God.

14. The recessional

The wedding party will leave the church in the opposite order to how they entered. Outside, you’ll take part in a photoshoot, including the wedding staple, the confetti shot.

For more information on the different orders at various ceremonies, read our guide to wedding ceremony orders.

How do you book a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Millard Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Once you’re engaged and have decided you’d like to have a Catholic wedding ceremony, the first thing to do is speak to the priest at your local Catholic church. The priest will then explain everything that needs to be done ahead of the wedding, such as the preparation program and paperwork. They should also be able to suggest a number of dates so you can begin planning the rest of your wedding.

Who plans a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Wedding Photography & Film | See their Bridebook profile

You can plan a Catholic wedding ceremony with the help of your priest. They should be able to advise you about what you want to include at the ceremony, including hymns, readings and any extras, such as an organist or bell ringer.

What comes after a Catholic wedding ceremony?

Photo © Queen Bea Photography | See their Bridebook profile

If you’ve chosen to have a Catholic wedding ceremony, there aren’t many options when it comes to personalisation. So, if you’re excited to create a theme and style, what you do after the ceremony is where you can really let your personalities shine through and go crazy with creativity.

After the ceremony, many couples choose to have a wedding breakfast, which includes a three- or four-course meal, some drinks, and speeches. This is then followed by an evening reception with buffet food, dancing and, of course, more drinks. Or, you could jump straight into the evening reception if you wish. What you do is up to you, your preferences and your budget. Just make it your own!

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Registry Office Ceremony Guide

If you’re looking to get married on a budget, keep your wedding short and sweet, or you’re simply not interested in having a large or lavish wedding, a registry office wedding ceremony is a fantastic alternative to a traditional wedding ceremony.

But, what exactly happens at a registry office wedding ceremony? How much do they cost, how long are they and how do you organise one? There are a lot of questions about them and how they compare to other more traditional or religious ceremonies. You might not be sure whether they’re right for you.

If you’re looking to plan your own registry office wedding or figure out if one fits the vision you have for your big day, then this guide is for you. We’ll cover everything you need to know so you can plan a fabulous registry office ceremony. For more information, read our ultimate wedding ceremony guide for a detailed look at different types of wedding ceremonies.

What is a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Wendy Aldiss Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A registry office wedding is, as the name suggests, a wedding that takes place in a registry office. A registry office is a government building where every birth, death, adoption, civil partnership and marriage is registered in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Despite being a working office where many employees spend their days, there are rooms and spaces within the building that are specifically designed and decorated with weddings in mind. It may be an office by name, but registry office ceremonies take place in lovely surroundings. Many councils have registry offices located on their own premises, with dedicated grounds and gardens that are perfect for hosting a wedding. So, don’t be put off by hearing the words ‘office’ and ‘government building’. If you’re getting married on a budget or don’t want a large wedding, it’s worth visiting your local registry office to view the space and get a feel for what your ceremony could look like.

Registry office wedding ceremonies may be short and non-religious, but that doesn’t mean they’re not memorable or lack the magic and romance of other types of ceremonies. Most ceremonies will follow a similar structure, but you can still personalise them and make them your own.

How popular are registry office wedding ceremonies?

Photo © Capture House Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

Our 2023 Wedding Report revealed that 2% of wedding ceremonies that took place in the UK last year were at a registry office. That means, with almost 400,000 weddings taking place a year in the UK, as many as 6,000 couples tied the knot at a registry office.

What type of couples usually choose a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Damian Burcher Photographer | See their Bridebook profile

Because registry office wedding ceremonies can’t contain any references to God or religion, including hymns, readings or references in vows, they’re a common choice for couples with no religious beliefs or couples with mixed beliefs. If you have religious beliefs and would like there to be references to them in your wedding ceremony, you unfortunately can’t get married at a registry office. However, if you do have religious beliefs and you’re happy for there not to be religious elements to your ceremony, you’re of course more than welcome to get married at a registry office.

Because registry office weddings are short and inexpensive, they’re a popular choice for couples who have smaller budgets or don’t want the fuss associated with larger weddings.

Are registry office weddings expensive?

Photo © M.I.N.E Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Our 2023 Wedding Report found that the average cost of a registry office wedding in the UK is £1,342, which makes it one of the most affordable ways to get married – especially when you consider the average overall cost of a wedding in the UK is a whopping £19,184. That means, if you’re excited to get married but only have a small budget, you can still have a beautiful and memorable ceremony.

Don’t forget, there are plenty of ways you can personalise a registry office wedding ceremony, which means this figure can go up or down. For example, the basic ceremony rate for a registry office wedding is around £57, or you may choose to get married in a ceremony room, which is a little bigger to allow for more guests, which will cost around £200. It can also be slightly more expensive to get married on a Saturday or Sunday than it can during the week.

Of course, it also depends on whether you choose to have a reception or breakfast after the wedding. The more you plan, the more expensive it’s going to be.

If you love the idea of a registry office wedding but are keen to keep costs low, read our guide on how to save money on a registry office wedding.

Who officiates a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Damien Vickers Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A registry office wedding ceremony is usually officiated by a registrar who works at the registry office. Two registrars will attend the ceremony, with one taking the reins to officiate.

To make your ceremony more personalised, you may wish to hire a celebrant to officiate your wedding. However, this isn’t common. While a celebrant is a fantastic addition to a wedding, the additional personalisation means the ceremony will last much longer, which means it’ll cost more – plus the cost of the celebrant themselves. If you’d like a celebrant to officiate your wedding, a traditional wedding ceremony may suit your vision a little more closely.

Where are registry office wedding ceremonies held?

Photo © Tom Groves Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

As you might expect, a registry office wedding is held in specific ceremony rooms within government registry office buildings. There’s often a choice of rooms that can suit different budgets and accommodate different numbers of guests.

How long are registry office wedding ceremonies?

Photo © Wedding Photography & Film | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding ceremonies that take place at a registry office are among the shortest ceremonies there are, with most taking just 10 or 15 minutes. They may take a little longer if you choose to have a loved one perform a reading, but because there can’t be references to religion, they’re usually much shorter than other types of wedding ceremonies.

As well as being a momentous and romantic moment in your lives, a wedding is also a legal process. Registry office weddings mostly focus on the legal aspect of getting married, which is why they’re so much shorter than other weddings. For example, a traditional wedding ceremony or Catholic wedding ceremony may last an hour or so, and a Hindu wedding ceremony might last around 90 minutes or longer.

Read our dedicated blog post on for more information on the length of different types of ceremonies.

Do you need to give notice before a registry office wedding?

Photo © Mark Stinchon Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Before you can legally marry at a registry office, you must give notice at your local office, which costs around £35 each. To give notice, you must have lived within the local area for a minimum of seven days. To register, you must both visit the registry office in person with a valid ID. This must be done a minimum of 29 days before the date of your wedding and a maximum of 12 months before your wedding.

Giving notice doesn’t legally start the marriage process, or count as any kind of legal contract. It simply tells the registrar that you are who you say you are, and that you intend to get married to your partner.

When does a registry office wedding ceremony take place?

Photo © Lois Brown Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A registry office can host several weddings a day, and what time these are available depends on the local registry office and how many rooms and registrars there are. Sometimes, ceremonies will take place around lunchtime, but it’s more common for them to start in the early afternoon. Most registry office ceremonies will start on the hour.

You should also have your choice of days, with the majority of registry offices offering ceremonies seven days a week. However, with weekends being the most popular choice for couples, it can be more difficult to secure a weekend date, which is something to bear in mind if you’re looking to get married in the not-too-distant future.

For more information, our article on the best wedding day timeline outlines what happens and when on your wedding day.

Can you include a reading or hymn at a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Picture Essence Photography | See their Bridebook profile

You can include readings or songs at your registry office ceremony, but they must not include any religious content. Many couples choose to ask a loved one to perform a reading, which might be a poem, extract or song lyrics. However, because most hymns sung at weddings are religious, it’s not common for there to be hymns at a registry office wedding. 

Can you have a photographer at a registry office wedding?

Photo © Aden Priest Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Yes, you absolutely can have a photographer at a registry office wedding. Because the ceremony is short, you should be able to secure decent rates for a professional photographer and pay way less than you might for a traditional wedding.

The only thing to note is that the photographer won’t be allowed to take photographs as you sign the register, but you can pose for photographs with the register afterward. If you plan on having the famous wedding confetti shot, make sure you check with the registrar first as there can be restrictions surrounding this.

What words are exchanged at a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © The Soul of My Lens Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The words you speak at your wedding are hugely personal because it’s a promise and commitment to your partner about how you’re going to spend the rest of your life with them. This is why it’s important to think carefully about what you’d like to say at your wedding.

Thankfully, there’s a fair amount of flexibility offered when it comes to the words you can say at your wedding. You may wish to say the words fed to you by the officiant, but you can write your own vows if you’d like them to be more personal. However, it’s important to note that you’re unable to reference religion and the vows must be reviewed by the registrar before the ceremony.

As we’ve already highlighted, a registry office wedding is a short and legal process, so the majority of the words spoken by you (unless you choose otherwise) mainly cover this. This includes the declaratory and contracting words, which are the non-negotiable parts of what you’ll say. These words are usually as follows:

Declaratory words

“I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful reason why I [YOUR FULL NAME] may not be joined in matrimony to [YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME].”

Contracting words

“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, [YOUR FULL NAME], do take thee [YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME] to be my lawful wedded [WIFE/HUSBAND/SPOUSE/PARTNER IN MARRIAGE].”

What traditions are there at a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Chris Giles Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Because registry office weddings are usually on the shorter side, there aren’t as many traditions as there are at traditional or religious ceremonies. That being said, there are still some traditions, which are usually similar to that of a traditional ceremony. These include:

  • The processional, when you walk down the aisle. However, because registry office weddings are much smaller than other wedding types, the processional is also much smaller.
  • Wedding attire, such as the customary white dress or suit.
  • The exchanging of the rings, which are traditionally held for safekeeping by the best man.
  • Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
  • The confetti shot, which you will need to check with the registrar beforehand.

Which traditions you choose to uphold are down to you – it’s your wedding, after all. Only the parts of the ceremony that are legal have to be followed, so there’s usually a lot of wiggle room when it comes to everything else.

What do you wear at a registry office wedding?

Photo © Acronym Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The great thing about a registry office wedding is that there aren’t as many expectations as there can be with traditional weddings. So, you’re free to wear whatever you like, whether it’s a white bridal dress, suit, formalwear, or something a lot more casual. Just remember to communicate with each other and let your guests know your plans.

What is the order at a registry office wedding ceremony?

Registry Office Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a registry office ceremony order

Because a registry office wedding is so short, there’s a lot to include in such a small amount of time. So, the order usually only includes the most ‘important’ and legal parts of a traditional wedding.

A registry office wedding ceremony will generally follow an order similar to the following (which doesn’t include the notice that must take place at least 29 days beforehand):

1. Pre-ceremony meeting

Before the ceremony can begin, you and your partner will meet with the registrar to make sure all the details are correct and you’re happy for the wedding to take place. You must both meet with the registrar, which can either be done separately or together.

2. The processional

Registry office ceremonies are often intimate, so the processional will be relatively short. That being said, you can include as many participants as you like, so if you’d like bridesmaids, groomsmen and even a page boy or flower girl, you absolutely can. The processional begins with the music of your choice playing (which can’t be religious in any way).

3. The welcome

Once you’re both at the front and your loved ones have taken their seats, the officiant will welcome everyone to the ceremony and say a few words about marriage and commitment.

4. The legal declaration and contracting vows

This is the legal part of the process, when you’ll repeat lines fed to you by the registrar.

5. The readings

Registry office ceremonies are short, but you’re still welcome to include a non-religious reading if you wish, which can be performed by the guest of your choosing (just make sure you ask them ahead of time).

6. The exchanging of the rings

The registrar will ask you (or your best man) for the rings. You’ll then exchange a few more words which the registrar can feed you, or you could read vows you’ve written yourself, as you give each other the rings.

7. The declaration of marriage and first kiss

Finally, the moment you’ve been waiting so long for – the registrar declares you married! You’ll also be invited to share your first kiss as your family and friends applaud (and shed a tear or two).

8. The signing of the register

You’ll be asked to sign the register to make your marriage legal and official, in the company of the two witnesses you’ll have asked ahead of the wedding. While this happens, music plays to entertain your guests (who will be all too happy to wait).

9. The photographs

The two of you are encouraged to pose for photographs with the marriage certificate, which can be official photographs if you’ve hired a photographer or your loved ones with their own cameras.

10. The recessional

The registrar will announce that the ceremony’s over and invite your guests to join you for the breakfast or reception (if you’ve chosen to have one at all). You’ll then leave the venue as music plays, and head outside for more photographs.

For more information on different orders, check out our guide to wedding ceremony orders.

How do you book a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Memories & Milestones Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Booking a registry office wedding office is a relatively easy and straightforward process. First, you’ll need to call your local registry office and ask for an appointment to give notice. You must give notice at least 29 days before and within 12 months of the date you want to get married.

Once you’ve spoken to the registrar and given notice, you’re free to get married. Speak to the team at the registry office and book the date and time that suits you.

Who plans a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Take Two Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Because registry office weddings are often small in scale and more affordable than other types of weddings, it’s common for most couples to plan their ceremony themselves. You can hire a wedding planner if you wish, but the costs involved mean you’re not likely to experience much benefit. Plus, there are certain legal steps you have to do yourself, which means you’ll have to be fairly hands-on with the planning process.

What comes after a registry office wedding ceremony?

Photo © Jennifer West Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Once your registry office ceremony is over and you and your partner are legally married, what you do next is entirely up to you. If you have the budget and inclination, you might want to celebrate your marriage with a meal or party, or have a traditional wedding breakfast. It all depends on your personal preferences and budget.

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25 Best Bible Readings for a Wedding Ceremony

Words from the Bible have truly stood the test of time. In a world where the pace of life seems to get quicker every day, Bible verses offer a gentle reminder of the virtues that bind us together — love, kindness, and the importance of faith. 

Including a Bible reading in your wedding service is a beautiful and traditional way to express how you feel about your new spouse. It’s also a great way to ensure your wedding ceremony is rooted in your Christian beliefs and sets the stage for a marriage built on a foundation of faith and love.

But, with 3,145 verses in the Old Testament and 7,957 verses in the New Testament, it can be tricky knowing which wedding verse to pick. Read on for our 25 favourite wedding verses in the Bible, as well as some top tips on how to include a Bible reading in your special day. 

What makes a good wedding reading from the Bible?

Photo © Cyrus Mehta Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The most important thing about choosing a reading from the Bible is that it resonates with you, your partner, and your unique love story. The timeless nature of Bible verses means they can apply to lots of different situations or stages of life. The most important things to consider are:

  • Is it relevant to your relationship?
  • Does it suit the tone of your wedding?
  • Can you connect with the verse or use it as a source of inspiration?
  • Is it inclusive of those present? 

If the answer to all or most of these questions is yes, then you’ve picked a good Bible verse for your wedding!

How to include a Bible reading in your wedding ceremony

There are multiple ways to work a Bible reading into your wedding ceremony. These include:

As a wedding reading

If you prefer a longer wedding verse or Bible story, you can use this as a wedding reading. Choosing a longer reading allows you to dive into the meaning of the text and emphasise the values included as a key part of your service. 

As wedding vows

You can either incorporate a longer Bible verse into your vows or use shorter vows to draw emphasis to certain promises. For example, you could use Corinthians 16:14: “Do everything in love,” to highlight how you will do everything in love during your marriage.

For guest readings

If you’d like your guests to make readings during the ceremony, asking them to pick their favourite Bible verse is a great way to include them in your service. It not only removes the stress from picking a wedding reading, but it will help you get to know them a little better. After all, their favourite Bible verse will tell you a lot about their character, values, and how they practise their faith. 

If the guest you ask to make a reading isn’t religious, ask them to read a Bible verse that resonates with you or your partner. This way, you can still incorporate the wisdom of scripture into your ceremony and remove the burden of choice from your guest. 

During wedding speeches

Wedding speeches are a great chance to incorporate Bible verses into your wedding ceremony, especially if your service isn’t religious. You could either try using whole Bible verses in place of a speech or incorporating a few lines of your favourite verses for a touch of spiritual significance. 

In thank you cards

You could also incorporate a few Bible verses into your wedding thank you cards. This is a great way to keep the spirituality of your big day alive, even after the ceremony has concluded. Try using 1 Thessalonians 3:12 to express your gratitude, “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else.”

5 short Bible readings for a wedding

  1. Romans 12:10: Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.
  2. Romans 13:8: Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
  3. Ephesians 4:32: Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
  4. Song of Solomon 8:7: Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned.
  5. Ephesians 5:25: For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her…

5 unique Bible readings for a wedding 

  1. The First Letter of Saint John 4:7-12: Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. Whoever is without love does not know God, for God is love…
  2. Song of Solomon 8:6-7: Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, its jealousy as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame…
  3. Song of Solomon 6:3: I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. My beloved speaks and says to me: Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land…
  4. Psalms 92:12-15: The righteous flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. In old age they still produce fruit; they are always green and full of sap, showing that the Lord is upright; he is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
  5. Isaiah 62:4-5: People will not call you Deserted anymore. They will no longer name your land Empty. Instead, you will be called One the Lord Delights In. Your land will be named Married One. That’s because the Lord will take delight in you. And your land will be married. As a young man marries a young woman, so your Builder will marry you. As a groom is happy with his bride, so your God will be full of joy over you.

5 beautiful Bible readings about love and marriage

  1. Genesis 2:18–22: Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”…So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.
  2. Genesis 2:24: Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
  3. Ephesians 5:25-29: Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church…
  4. Matthew 19:4-6: “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
  5. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

5 Old Testament readings for a wedding

  1. Proverbs 30:18-19: There are three things that amaze me—no, four things that I don’t understand: how an eagle glides through the sky, how a snake slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates the ocean, how a man loves a woman.
  2. Ruth 1:16-17: Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, And there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, If anything but death parts you and me.
  3. Proverbs 31:10-13: When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize. She brings him good, and not evil, all the days of her life.
  4. Song of Songs 2:8-10: Hark! my lover—here he comes springing across the mountains, leaping across the hills. My lover is like a gazelle or a young stag. Here he stands behind our wall, gazing through the windows, peering through the lattices. My lover speaks; he says to me, “Arise, my beloved, my dove, my beautiful one, and come!”
  5. Book of Sirach 26:1-4: Blessed the husband of a good wife, twice-lengthened are his days; A worthy wife brings joy to her husband, peaceful and full is his life. A good wife is a generous gift bestowed upon him who fears the Lord; Be he rich or poor, his heart is content, and a smile is ever on his face.

5 New Testament readings for a wedding

  1. Colossians 3:14: And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
  2. Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians 5:2a: Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the Church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word, that he might present to himself the Church in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. So also husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the Church, because we are members of his Body.
  3. Book of Revelation 19:1: “Alleluia! The Lord has established his reign, our God, the almighty. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory. For the wedding day of the Lamb has come, his bride has made herself ready. She was allowed to wear a bright, clean linen garment.” Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who have been called to the wedding feast of the Lamb.” The word of the Lord.
  4. John 15:9-10: As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
  5. John 2:1-11: On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, ‘They have no wine.’ And Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.’ His mother said to the servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ Now standing there were six stone water-jars for the Jewish rites of purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons. Jesus said to them, ‘Fill the jars with water.’ And they filled them up to the brim. He said to them, ‘Now draw some out, and take it to the chief steward.’ So they took it. When the steward tasted the water that had become wine, and did not know where it came from (though the servants who had drawn the water knew), the steward called the bridegroom and said to him, ‘Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the guests have become drunk. But you have kept the good wine until now.’ Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him. 

The bottom line on wedding verses in the Bible

Photo © Photography by Smiths | See their Bridebook profile

Weaving Bible verses into your readings, speeches, or thank you cards is a great way to inject some spirituality into your wedding ceremony. Whether you’re planning on a church service or a more secular celebration, these verses can add a sacred touch that resonates with the essence of love, family, and commitment. 

Bible verses can be used on their own or peppered throughout your wedding reading or speech. The best Bible verses will be those that resonate with you as a couple, or that represent your hopes and dreams for your married life. 

So, whether you’re deeply religious or have a more casual relationship with spirituality, there’s always space for a Bible quote on your wedding day. If you’re looking for a shorter quote than the readings above, check out our post on 110 inspiring love quotes, which includes 10 short Bible quotes. Otherwise, see our post on wedding speech ideas, which contains inspiration for every type of wedding speech. 

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Traditional Wedding Ceremony Guide

Your wedding ceremony is the heart and soul of your wedding day. It’s the moment you and the love of your life come together as one to exchange vows and make a commitment to spend the rest of your lives as one.

Traditional wedding ceremonies are filled with customs and traditions that make them some of the most quintessential ceremonies around. And they can be super customisable, which means you can make them as personal to you as you like.

But, with so much choice available, when it comes to planning your traditional wedding ceremony, where do you even begin? Where are they held, at what time, and how long are they? There are so many questions and options to choose from, it can be a challenge knowing what to think about first.

That’s why, in this guide, we’re going to take a deep dive into everything to do with traditional wedding ceremonies. Then, once you have all your questions answered, you can start planning your very own dream wedding ceremony. For more information, read our ultimate wedding ceremony guide, which goes into even more detail.

What is a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © Photographer Liam Gillan | See their Bridebook profile

A traditional wedding ceremony is likely one of the images that materialise in your head when asked to think of a picturesque wedding. A beautiful venue, like a place of worship, a hotel or even a castle, decked out in stunning lights, decor and flowers. A happy couple stands at the front as their friends and family watch on (with a tear or two in their eyes). An officiant leads the ceremony, guiding the couple as they exchange vows and rings, and make a promise to love and cherish one another forever. Then, after sharing their first kiss as a married couple and signing their licence, the couple walks out hand in hand as guests shower them with confetti and a photographer snaps incredible pictures.

Not all traditional weddings are the same, but they usually follow a certain structure that’s recognisable to many people in the UK, US and beyond.

How popular are traditional wedding ceremonies?

Photo © The Wedding Photography House | See their Bridebook profile

Across the UK, a wide variety of wonderful wedding ceremonies happen every single day, including Catholic ceremonies, Jewish ceremonies, Muslim ceremonies and Hindu ceremonies. One of the most popular types of ceremony in the UK is the traditional ceremony, with Bridebook’s 2023 Wedding Report finding that 85% of UK ceremonies took place in venues such as a hotel, barn, country house, or golf club, which suggests they hosted traditional ceremonies.

What type of couples usually choose a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © Photography Ninja | See their Bridebook profile

Traditional wedding ceremonies are suitable for all couples, regardless of background, culture or beliefs. However, they’re often favoured by couples with no strong religious beliefs or those who might have mixed religious beliefs. That being said, unless your religion states that you must get married in a place of worship or follow a certain structure (for example, Catholics must get married in a church) you’re free to have a traditional wedding ceremony at any venue if you wish.

Who officiates a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © Eastside Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A traditional wedding ceremony is officiated by a wedding officiant, celebrant, registrar or religious leader, depending on the type of ceremony you choose to have and your own preferences and beliefs.

A celebrant is a wonderful way to personalise your wedding ceremony by making it all about you. A celebrant takes the time to learn about you and your relationship to create an order and words that are extra special. However, a celebrant can’t legally marry you, so you’ll still need a registrar to make sure everything is by the book.

Where are traditional wedding ceremonies usually held?

Photo © Picture Essence Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The great thing about wedding ceremonies is the amount of personalisation available to you. If you’d like to get married in a place of worship, you can. Outside in a beautifully landscaped garden? Absolutely. At a medieval castle decorated with fairy lights and torches? Of course!

Our 2023 Wedding Report revealed that the most popular wedding venue chosen by couples last year was a hotel, with almost a quarter (24%) of all weddings taking place in one. This was followed by barns, country houses and event spaces. However, with UK wedding laws having been relaxed in 2020, couples can now choose to host a traditional wedding ceremony wherever they like – so let your imagination run wild.

How long are traditional wedding ceremonies?

Photo © Tom Groves Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Traditional wedding ceremonies usually last around 45 to 60 minutes. However, this all depends on the amount of personalisation you choose to include – the more you include, the longer it’ll be. A ceremony with readings, hymns and a celebrant will usually be far longer than one without, so if you’re keen to have a shorter ceremony this is something to bear in mind.

For more information, read our blog post on the length of wedding ceremonies to find out how long different types of ceremonies are.

When does a traditional wedding ceremony take place?

Photo © Jennifer West Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Typically, a traditional wedding ceremony will take place around lunchtime, often between 11am and 2pm. Any later than this and a wedding begins to stray into twilight wedding territory.

Our article on the best wedding day timeline goes into detail about what happens and when on your big day.

What words are exchanged at a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © Damian Burcher Photographer | See their Bridebook profile

The words spoken at your wedding carry so much weight that it’s important to choose exactly the right ones. You can have a lot of fun researching and writing your own words, or you can choose traditional vows fed to you by the officiant.

While you can write your own vows to exchange at a traditional wedding, the declaration and contracting words must follow a set structure, as this is the legal part of your wedding ceremony. These words will usually be along these lines:

Declaratory words

“I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful reason why I [YOUR FULL NAME] may not be joined in matrimony to [YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME].”

Contracting words

“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, [YOUR FULL NAME], do take thee [YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME] to be my lawful wedded [WIFE/HUSBAND/SPOUSE/PARTNER IN MARRIAGE].”

Of course, there are also plenty of other words spoken at a wedding ceremony, either by the officiant or celebrant, or specially chosen guests. Depending on your preferences and beliefs, these could include:

  • The welcome
  • A speech from a celebrant
  • Readings (either from a religious text or poetry/lyrics)
  • Blessings
  • Prayers
  • The declaration of marriage

What traditions are there at a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © Laura Miller Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Many different weddings are steeped in traditions, which can take place before, during and after the day itself. As you might expect from the name, a traditional wedding ceremony also has heaps of traditions that have been around for hundreds of years. It’s up to you whether or not you include all of these in your own ceremony, you modernise them slightly, or remove them altogether.

Some of the most popular traditional wedding ceremony traditions include:

  • The processional, which traditionally begins with the bride’s mum and ends with the bride and her father. However, there are plenty of ways to modernise this, with many brides walked down the aisle by their mum, both parents, brother, a friend or even on their own.
  • The exchanging of rings, which are traditionally bands of precious metal. Many modern couples choose to forgo rings and pick from unique ring alternatives.
  • Wedding attire, especially a white dress worn by the bride.
  • Flower girls and page boys.
  • Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.
  • The bride wearing a veil, however, according to Dressarte Paris only 25% of modern brides wear a veil.
  • The confetti shot is a staple of many wedding albums.

What is the order at a traditional wedding ceremony?

Wedding Ceremony Traditional Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates the traditional wedding ceremony order

Every traditional wedding ceremony will generally follow the same kind of order, with slight variations based on beliefs and personal preferences. For more information, read our post on the ultimate wedding ceremony order, but the order will usually look a little bit like this:

1. The processional

The big moment – the start of your wedding ceremony! This is when everyone walks down the aisle as your family and friends sit on either side and watch (while trying not to well up). The traditional order of the processional is: 

  • Bride’s mum
  • Groom’s parents
  • Bride’s grandparents
  • Groom’s grandparents
  • Groom
  • Officiant
  • Bridesmaids
  • Maid of honour
  • Best man
  • Ring bearer or page boy
  • Flower girl
  • The bride and her father

Remember, the processional isn’t set in stone so you can make as many changes as you like. This is especially important if you’re an LGBTQ+ couple or simply aren’t interested in traditions.

2. The welcome

Once everyone has taken their seats and you and your partner are standing at the front, the officiant or celebrant will welcome everyone. If you have a celebrant, this is when they’ll begin their speech and talk about the two of you and your journey together up to this point.

3. A song or reading

Depending on your beliefs or preferences, the welcome may follow a hymn or reading. A hymn can be sung by everyone in attendance, a religious reading can be performed by the officiant, and a reading of poetry or lyrics can be done by a guest of your choosing.

4. Marriage ceremony

Finally, the most important part of your ceremony begins. This is when the two of you will exchange your vows and declaratory and contracting words. It’s at this stage when you’ll get to speak the two most memorable words of any wedding ceremony: I do!

5. Exchanging of the rings

Following the vows you’ll place your rings on each other’s fingers, which the best man traditionally holds on to for you. You’ll do this while the officiant prompts you to say a few more words about what the rings symbolise.

6. Declaration of marriage and first kiss

Here it is, you are now pronounced a married couple! All those months of planning were worth it to hear those wonderful words. The officiant will also invite you to share your first kiss as a married couple as your guests clap and cheer.

7. An optional song, reading or prayer

At this point, you might be keen to head off and celebrate, but you might also choose to include a second hymn or reading, or if it’s a religious ceremony, you may want a prayer.

8. The signing of the register

Next up is the legal bit, when you sign the marriage register in the company of two witnesses. Don’t worry, this doesn’t take long and your guests will be more than happy to wait.

9. The end of the ceremony 

The officiant will thank everyone for coming and invite them to celebrate with you at the breakfast or reception.

10. The recessional 

Music plays as you leave the venue as a happily married couple. Once outside, your photographer will work with everyone to create a fantastic confetti shot.

Then, you’ll take part in the customary photo session (so long as you chose to hire a photographer) and then make your way to the venue for your breakfast and/or evening reception – after all, you’ve got a lot of celebrating to do!

How do you plan a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © Mark Stinchon Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Planning a traditional wedding ceremony is something that comes with so many choices and variables that there’s plenty to consider. From the theme to the music and what to wear and who to include, you need to think about everything.

So, when planning your perfect wedding ceremony, consider the following things so nothing gets forgotten. For more information, read our guide on how to plan a wedding ceremony:

  • Think about the overall vision you want for your wedding ceremony, including themes and traditions you might want to uphold.
  • Once you know what you want from your ceremony, research to discover the types of venues, celebrants and officiants, florists and more that are out there and could help you achieve that vision. Visit, meet and speak with them before making any kind of booking.
  • Create your ideal wedding ceremony order and discuss this with your chosen officiant. Talk to them about what you’d like to include.
  • Think about your vows and whether you’d like to go with traditional vows or write your own. There’s no right choice, just whatever you’d prefer to go with.
  • Coordinate your attire to make sure you and your wedding party complement each other.
  • Discuss with chosen family and friends how you’d like to involve them in the ceremony, whether it’s being a bridesmaid, best man or performing a reading.
  • Make sure everything you’ve chosen will be legally binding – you don’t want any unwelcome surprises as the big day approaches.
  • Talk to each other every step of the way to make sure you’re both on the same page and have everything you want to be included.

Who plans a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © Wedding Photography & Film | See their Bridebook profile

Usually, the couple will plan their own wedding ceremony. However, it’s common for many couples to ask for help and advice from friends and family along the way, especially if you’re looking for recommendations.

It’s also common for couples to hire a wedding planner, who can do either a full or part planning service. It takes some of the time-consuming, challenging and stressful jobs off your plate, so you can just get on with enjoying the wedding planning process. Just be aware that the average cost of a wedding planner is £1,891. That being said, they can also save you a lot of money by securing discounts along the way, so can sometimes pay for themselves in the long term.

What comes after a traditional wedding ceremony?

Photo © The Soul of My Lens Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

What happens after a traditional wedding ceremony is down to you. So, whether you want to head off for a three-course wedding breakfast with your guests, start partying with an evening reception, or simply whisk straight off on your honeymoon, you can.

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15 Romantic and Inspiring Love Poems for Your Wedding Ceremony

Listen, we get it — traditional religious readings and speeches aren’t for everyone. Your wedding is a reflection of your unique love story, and if you’re looking to break away from convention and infuse your ceremony with a touch of personal flair, you’re not alone. 

Having a poetry reading as part of your wedding ceremony is a creative and artistic way to express your feelings of love and happiness on your big day. Whether you choose a classic piece that has stood the test of time or a contemporary gem that speaks to your unique connection, a well-chosen poem can really elevate your ceremony.

However, you’ll need a poem that fits the vibe of your wedding. We’ve compiled a collection of our 15 favourite wedding poems. So, whether you’re looking for something short, romantic, non-religious, modern, or rhyming, we’ve got you covered. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a simple quote about love, check out our dedicated post featuring 110 inspiring love quotes for your wedding day.

What makes a good love poem?

A good love poem is anything that touches the hearts of you and your partner and reflects your personal love story. It can be long or short, rhyming or not rhyming, and even have a joke in there if you’d like! The most important thing is that it means something to you and your partner. 

Love poems are the perfect alternative to wedding vows, readings, or even speeches if you’re stuck for words. They’re also a great way to gain inspiration, structure your vows or speech, or simply make your wedding day more artistic and poetic.  

How can I incorporate poems about love in my speech or message?

There are a few ways you can incorporate poems about love into your wedding speech or message:

  • Instead of a speech or vows. If the cat’s got your tongue or you’re feeling the wedding day nerves, using a love poem in place of your own vows or speech can be a great way to calm your nerves. Love poems are expertly written and many have stood the test of time, making them the perfect addition to your special day. 
  • As inspiration. If you love the way a poem makes you feel, but aren’t crazy about the words, consider using it to inspire your wedding vows or speech. For example, instead of, “I will love you in a unique and tender way,” you could try, “I truly believe there isn’t a love as unique or tender as ours.”
  • Use a few lines of the love poem. Try peppering your vows or speech with a few lines from your favourite poem. You could even quote your favourite part of the poem. For example, “Pablo Nerunda says, ‘I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride’. That’s especially true of James and I. Our love isn’t over the top or fluffy — it’s safe and secure. Uncomplicated.” 

3 short wedding poems

Photo © Chris Thornton Photography and Videography | See their Bridebook profile

​1. ​The Minute I Heard My First Love Story – Rumi


The minute I heard my first love story,

I started looking for you,

not knowing how blind that was.

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.

They’re in each other all along.

2. When Two People Are At One – I Ching 

When two people are at one in their inmost hearts,

they shatter even the strength of iron or bronze.

And when two people understand each other in their inmost hearts,

their words are sweet and strong,

like the fragrance of orchids.

3. In Your Light I Learn How To Love – Rumi

In your light I learn how to love.

In your beauty, how to make poems.

You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you,

but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.

3 romantic wedding poems

Photo © Andy Sidders Photography | See their Bridebook profile

1. Devoted – Lori Eberhai

My heart can be your home,

my soul can be your refuge.

You can turn to me when you are weak,

you can call to me when the way is not clear.

I will be your promise and your prayer,

I will always be there,

Constant and complete.

Run to me,

reach out for me,

and I will love you in a unique and tender way.

Bring your love to me,

share your love with me,

sing your love to me,

and I will offer you peace, ease and comfort.

2. Stardust – Lang Leav

If you came to me with a face I have not seen,

with a name I have never heard,

I would still know you. 

Even if centuries separated us,

I would still feel you. 


Somewhere between the sand and the stardust,

through every collapse and creation,

there is a pulse that echoes of you and I.


When we leave this world,

we give up all our possessions and our memories.

Love is the only thing we take with us.

It is all we carry from one life to the next.

3. I’ll Be There For You – Louise Cuddon

I’ll be there my darling, through thick and through thin

When your mind’s in a mess and your head’s in a spin

When your plane’s been delayed, and you’ve missed the last train.

When life is just threatening to drive you insane

When your thrilling whodunit has lost its last page

When somebody tells you, you’re looking your age

When your coffee’s too cool, and your wine is too warm

When the forecast said “Fine”, but you’re out in a storm

When your quick break hotel, turns into a slum

And your holiday photos show only your thumb

When you park for five minutes in a resident’s bay

And return to discover you’ve been towed away

When the jeans that you bought in hope or in haste

Just stick on your hips and don’t reach round your waist

When the food you most like brings you out in red rashes

When as soon as you boot up the bloody thing crashes

So my darling, my sweetheart, my dear…

When you break a rule, when you act the fool

When you’ve got the flu, when you’re in a stew

When you’re last in the queue, don’t feel blue, 

‘Cause I’m telling you, I’ll be there.

3 non-religious wedding poems

Photo © Tom Cullen Photography | See their Bridebook profile

1. Time travellers – Terah Cox

May you take on the world together

with all your hopes and dreams,

May you be each other’s anchor

in smooth or rocky seas.


May you bend to the world’s winds

and brave stalls and storms,

May you find common ground

in all its changing forms.


May you cross stubborn boundaries

and turn many a stone,

May you find haven for your souls,

may you have heart and home.


And if some nights are grey,

and some nights are long and cold,

May you be each other’s sun and moon

as your destinies unfold.


And should you lose sight of each other

and start to drift apart,

May you circle back by following the compass of your hearts.

2. Marriage Advice – Jane Wells

Let your love be stronger than your hate or anger.

Learn the wisdom of compromise,

For it is better to bend a little than to break.

Believe the best rather than the worst.

People have a way of living up or down to your opinion of them.

Remember that true friendship is the basis for any lasting relationship.

The person you choose to marry

is deserving of the courtesies and kindness you bestow on your friends.

Please hand this down to your children and your children’s children.

3. To Love Is Not To Possess – James Kavanaugh

To love is not to possess,

To own or imprison,

Nor to lose one’s self in another.

Love is to join and separate,

To walk alone and together,

To find a laughing freedom

That lonely isolation does not permit.

It is finally to be able

To be who we really are

No longer clinging in childish dependency

Nor docilely living separate lives in silence,

It is to be perfectly one’s self

And perfectly joined in permanent commitment

To another — and to one’s inner self.

Love only endures when it moves like waves,

Receding and returning gently or passionately,

Or moving lovingly like the tide

In the moon’s own predictable harmony,

Because finally, despite a child’s scars

Or an adult’s deepest wounds,

They are openly free to be

Who they really are — and always secretly were,

In the very core of their being

Where true and lasting love can alone abide.

3 modern wedding poems 

Photo © Photographer Liam Gillan | See their Bridebook profile

1. Sonnet XVII ― Pablo Neruda

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,

or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.

I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,

in secret, between the shadow and the soul.


I love you as the plant that never blooms

but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;

thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,

risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.


I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.

I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;

so I love you because I know no other way than this:


where I does not exist, nor you,

so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,

so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep. 

2. Wedding Vow Haiku – Tracy Davidson

I promise to love

and will gladly honour you

but obey? no way!

3. Variations On The Word Love – Margaret Atwood

This is a word we use to plug

holes with. It’s the right size for those warm

blanks in speech, for those red heart-

shaped vacancies on the page that look nothing

like real hearts. Add lace

and you can sell

it. We insert it also in the one empty

space on the printed form

that comes with no instructions. There are whole

magazines with not much in them

but the word love, you can

rub it all over your body and you

can cook with it too. How do we know

it isn’t what goes on at the cool

debaucheries of slugs under damp

pieces of cardboard? As for the weed-

seedlings nosing their tough snouts up

among the lettuces, they shout it.

Love! Love! sing the soldiers, raising

their glittering knives in salute.


Then there’s the two

of us. This word

is far too short for us, it has only

four letters, too sparse

to fill those deep bare

vacuums between the stars

that press on us with their deafness.

It’s not love we don’t wish

to fall into, but that fear.

This word is not enough but it will

have to do. It’s a single

vowel in this metallic

silence, a mouth that says

O again and again in wonder

and pain, a breath, a finger

grip on a cliffside. You can

hold on or let go.

3 rhyming wedding poems

Photo © M.I.N.E Photography | See their Bridebook profile

1. These I Can Promise – Mark Twain 

I cannot promise you a life of sunshine;

I cannot promise riches, wealth, or gold;

I cannot promise you an easy pathway

That leads away from change or growing old.

But I can promise all my heart’s devotion;

A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow;

A love that’s ever true and ever growing;

A hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow.

2. What’s Mickey Without Minnie? Author unknown 

What’s Mickey without Minnie,

Or Piglet without Pooh,

What’s Donald without Daisy?

That’s me without you.


When Ariel doesn’t sing,

and Pooh hates honey,

when Tigger stops bouncing,

and Goofy isn’t funny.


When Peter Pan can’t fly, 

and Simba never roars, 

when Alice no longer fits through small doors.

When Dumbo’s ears are small, and happily ever after isn’t true,


Even then, I won’t stop loving you.

3. Be My Homer – CJ Munn

Be my Homer

I wanna be your Marge.

If I’m your Norfolk Broads

Will you be my barge?

Let’s please be Tom and Barbara,

I will show you The Good Life.

Even though we’re not yet married

I would love to be your wife.

I’ve the passion Lily Munster

has for her dear Herman.


I would love you if you were ginger,

I would love you if you were German.

Like Mr and Mrs Huxtable,

We’d smooch even when we’re wrinkly.

I’ll even consider ironing your shirts,

But I hope you like them crinkly.

Like Mr and Mrs Incredible

I’m flexible and you’re tough.

But if you promise to be my true love

That will always be enough.

Like Bonny and that Clyde guy

without all the dying.

Like Gwyneth and that Coldplay man

without all the crying.

My partner in crime, the love of my life.

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook

If you’re looking for something more engaging than a simple wedding speech, love poetry is the perfect fit. A great wedding poem can take the place of a wedding speech, vows, or even reading. However, you can also use them as inspiration for your speech or vows, or quote them directly if you’d prefer. In the realm of wedding poetry, there are no limits.

In the realm of wedding poetry, there are no limits. You can find long poems or short ones, romantic or funny, religious or not — the possibilities are endless. You can choose verses that resonate with your shared sense of humour, tug at the heartstrings, or celebrate your unique journey together. Try to pick something that’s relevant to you as a couple and your love story. 

So, whatever kind of wedding you’re planning, there will be a wedding poem for you. Read our posts on crafting a funny wedding speech or wedding speech ideas to learn how to effortlessly incorporate a love poem into your vows or speeches! 

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How Long is a Wedding Ceremony?

Your wedding ceremony is the culmination of months of planning, where your friends and loved ones gather to celebrate the love between you and your partner. It’s a beautiful and romantic time when you start a new chapter of your life with your soulmate.

Did you know that the length of a wedding ceremony can vary depending on a number of factors? Everything from your religion to your personal preferences can have a huge effect on how long your wedding ceremony will be.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at how long wedding ceremonies are, including the different reasons for longer and shorter ceremonies, and the length of different types of ceremonies across the UK. 

What’s the average length of a wedding ceremony?

Photo © Confetti Sweethearts | See their Bridebook profile

Because there are so many different types of wedding ceremonies in the UK with so many different variables, it’s hard to put an exact figure on how long a wedding ceremony lasts. Some religious ceremonies can last an hour or more, while non-religious ceremonies, like registry office weddings, might only last 10 minutes.

What factors can impact the length of a wedding ceremony?

Photo © Polkadot Stationery | See their Bridebook profile

The length of a wedding ceremony is determined by many factors, from the number of traditions you want to include to your budget. Every wedding has to follow some of the same steps to ensure the marriage is legal, and unless you’re having a religious ceremony that follows a set structure, you’re free to personalise it however you like.

Below are some of the factors that can impact the length of a wedding ceremony:

  • Your religion and beliefs – Because there can be several traditions and rituals in religious wedding ceremonies that have to be included, they can sometimes be among the longest.
  • Your culture – Many cultures have traditions that are important, for example, there are many black wedding traditions that couples like to include to honour their heritage.
  • Your officiant or celebrant – Some officiants will want to engage your guests more than others, especially at a religious ceremony. Similarly, if you’ve hired a celebrant, their job is to add personalisation to your ceremony, which also means it’ll be on the longer side.
  • Your budget – If you’re working with a smaller budget, you’re more likely to have a shorter ceremony as it means fewer personalisations.
  • Your venue – Sometimes your chosen venue might have restrictions or limitations that mean you can’t include all of the personalisations you might like, or some aspects have to be shortened. This is especially true if you’re getting married outside and the weather isn’t on your side.
  • Your preferences – At the end of the day, your wedding ceremony is all about you, so include (or remove) whatever you like to make sure it’s perfect.
  • Your guests – The more guests you have, the longer your ceremony might take, especially if you have a large wedding party.
  • The type of wedding – Some ceremonies are naturally longer than others, for example, a traditional wedding ceremony is around three or four times longer than a registry office wedding.

For more information, read our ultimate wedding ceremony guide.

Why are wedding ceremonies relatively short?

Photo © Eliza May Prints | See their Bridebook profile

Your wedding ceremony will be one of the most memorable times of your life. And yet it’ll be over in what feels like a flash! So why are wedding ceremonies often so short? Here are just a few reasons:

  • They’re a legal process – Some legal processes can be drawn out and laborious… but thankfully, getting married isn’t one of them. There are surprisingly few legal steps to take, which are mainly making declaratory and contracting vows and signing the register. Religious ceremonies take a little longer as you’re not only making a promise to each other (and your loved ones), but also to God.
  • They’re emotionally charged – Weddings are super emotional, with parents, grandparents and others crying lots of happy tears. Now just imagine how draining it would be if the ceremony went on for a long time!
  • They follow traditions – Throughout history, wedding ceremonies haven’t really changed all that much, and still include many of the same traditions and structures as they have for hundreds of years. Though you probably didn’t see as many photographers around at medieval weddings, so a few things might have changed a tad.
  • They suit your guests – Sitting still for a long time can be tough, especially for younger guests. Shorter ceremonies mean there’s little risk of some guests getting fidgety. Plus, the shorter a ceremony is, the quicker you can get to celebrating with your loved ones!

How long are different types of wedding ceremonies?

Photo © Mellie Moo | See their Bridebook profile

From traditional wedding ceremonies to Hindu wedding ceremonies, no two are ever exactly alike. Some might last a few minutes, while others could go on for well over an hour. Below, we’ll take a look at a variety of different wedding ceremonies and let you know approximately how long they last.

How long is a traditional wedding ceremony?

A traditional wedding ceremony is usually between 45 and 60 minutes, but this can vary slightly depending on your personal preferences. For example, if you choose to include readings or hymns, it will push your ceremony closer to 60 minutes.

Traditional ceremonies are among the most popular types of ceremonies in the UK. They can take place in a wide variety of venues, are highly customisable and couples of many faiths can have one. They include a lot of the most recognisable parts of a UK wedding ceremony, including the processional, the declaration, the first kiss and the signing of the register.

How long is a registry office wedding ceremony?

A registry office wedding is one of the shortest ceremonies you can have, with most taking around 10 to 15 minutes. They don’t include any references to religion and quickly get to the legal process without a lot of the pageantry that comes with traditional ceremonies.

Usually, after the officiant welcomes you and your guests, you’ll go straight to the vows. If you’ve chosen to have one, this may follow a reading before the rings are exchanged and you go on to sign the register. 

How long is a Catholic wedding ceremony?

When you have a Catholic wedding, which always takes place in a church and is officiated by a priest, it often includes a communion and full mass. When it does, a ceremony will take around an hour, but if it doesn’t it’ll take around 45 minutes.

A Catholic wedding not only focuses on your commitment to each other, but also on the commitment you’re making to God, which is why it’s often longer than a traditional wedding ceremony.

How long is a Jewish wedding ceremony?

A Jewish wedding ceremony will often last around 30 to 45 minutes. The ceremony usually includes a lot of Jewish wedding ceremony traditions, such as the breaking of the glass and the circling of the fire.

How long is a Muslim wedding ceremony?

A Muslim wedding ceremony, known as a Nikah, typically lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. However, this doesn’t include the toble, which takes place before the ceremony itself. There are several traditions, such as the Nikah-Namah and Savaqah, which are included in most Muslim wedding traditions.

How long is a Hindu wedding ceremony?

A Hindu wedding ceremony, much like the overall celebrations, is one the longest around. Because there are so many traditions, a ceremony will usually take around 90 minutes. Some of the traditions include the milni, kanyadaan and jaimala exchange.

Following the ceremony, the celebrations and festivities can go on for days – sometimes for as long as five!

How long is a non-denominational wedding ceremony?

Most non-denominational weddings last between 30 and 45 minutes, but they can be longer or shorter. The great thing about a non-denominational wedding is that it’s super personalised, so can be as long or short as you want it to be.

Plan your perfect wedding with Bridebook

Now that you know how long many of the UK’s most popular wedding ceremonies last, you can start planning your own big day and make it as personal to you as you like. Sign up to Bridebook for all the handy tools, information and resources you need to plan the wedding of your dreams.

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The Ultimate Wedding Ceremony Order

Your wedding ceremony is the biggest and most important moment of your entire wedding day. It’s the culmination of months or even years of planning, and you’ll be running on excitement and adrenaline as you tie the knot with the love of your life, as your family and friends gather to watch.

But what exactly happens at a wedding ceremony? Are they all the same? How do you know what to say and when, and how can you make sure it goes ahead perfectly?

Thankfully, throughout the ceremony, there are professionals to guide you through the process. That doesn’t mean you can’t find out how your ceremony might go down even before you’ve secured a date. So, in this post, we’re going to take a deep dive into different wedding ceremony orders, including those from various cultures, beliefs and religions commonly found across the UK.

Are all wedding ceremony orders the same?

Photo © Anna Jayne Designs | See their Bridebook profile

No, not all wedding ceremonies follow the same order. Many ceremonies will contain a lot of the same elements, but they might be in a different order, be longer or shorter, or have different references to religions and traditions.

One of the only things that have to follow the same basic rules at every wedding ceremony in the UK are the declaratory words and contracting words – but even then, there may be some small differences.

Some of the things that can influence a wedding ceremony’s order of events include:

  • Cultural and religious traditions – For example, ceremonies at a place of worship will likely include references to God and have hymns, prayers and readings from religious texts.
  • The type of wedding – The type of wedding will play a huge part. For example, a traditional wedding will almost always have a longer order than a registry office wedding.
  • The celebrant – A celebrant brings a huge amount of personalisation to a wedding ceremony, telling stories to engage you and your guests. This means a ceremony with a celebrant tends to be longer than one without.
  • Your budget – If you have a smaller budget, you can opt for a shorter ceremony which means you’re likely to pay less than if you had a longer ceremony.
  • The venue – Certain venues may have limitations, or if you’re getting married outside it could influence the order – especially if it threatens to rain.
  • Personal preferences – Apart from the legal bit, you have complete control over what you include in your ceremony (especially if it’s a non-religious ceremony). So, if you’d like readings, songs and poetry, you can. Or, if you’d like a short ceremony, this is absolutely fine too.
  • The size of your wedding party – If you’re having a small and more intimate wedding, you may not want to include certain aspects of a traditional wedding, such as the processional or confetti shot.

Fore more information, read our ultimate wedding ceremony guide.

How long is a wedding ceremony?

Photo © Heronswood Stationery | See their Bridebook profile

The length of a wedding ceremony can differ massively. A traditional wedding ceremony will last around 45 minutes, while a religious ceremony will be around an hour or more. However, a registry office wedding ceremony is comparatively much shorter, and will usually last around 10 or 15 minutes.

For more information about the length of different types of ceremonies, read our post on how long a wedding ceremony takes.

What is the order at a wedding ceremony?

Photo © Harriet Alice Fox Designs | See their Bridebook profile

The order at a wedding ceremony is the sequence in which everything happens, from the moment it begins to the moment it ends and you’re legally declared a married couple. As we’ve already highlighted, the order of service at a wedding differs depending on a lot of different factors, from religious beliefs to personal preferences. Below, we’ll take a look at different wedding ceremony orders across a variety of religions and cultures found throughout the UK.

What is a traditional wedding ceremony order?

Wedding Ceremony Traditional Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates the traditional wedding ceremony order

A traditional wedding ceremony is one of the most popular ways for couples to tie the knot in the UK. A traditional ceremony will last around 45 to 60 minutes, depending on your personal preferences and what you’d like to be included, such as readings.

Here’s the order of events at a traditional wedding ceremony in the UK:

1. The processional

This is the moment when your excitement will be at its highest and your wedding ceremony begins. After your guests are seated and settled, the music you’ve chosen will play and the processional will start. The traditional order is:

  1. Bride’s mum
  2. Groom’s parents
  3. Bride’s grandparents
  4. Groom’s grandparents
  5. Groom
  6. Officiant
  7. Bridesmaids
  8. Maid of honour
  9. Best man
  10. Ring bearer or page boy
  11. Flower girl
  12. The bride and her father

Of course, this all depends on the size of your wedding and your own circumstances and preferences. This might be the traditional order, but even at a traditional wedding, you don’t need to stick to it. If you’re an LGBTQ+ couple, you may even choose to walk down the aisle together. Do whatever feels right and what makes the two of you happy on your big day.

2. The welcome

At the end of the procession, your family and friends will take their seats as you and your bridesmaids and groomsmen join you at the front (or altar if you’re having a church wedding ceremony). The officiant will then welcome everyone and thank them for being there on your special day. If you’ve hired a celebrant, they’ll introduce you using stories and humour and add an extra level of personalisation that draws everyone in.

3. A song or reading

Before the marriage ceremony commences, you may have chosen to have a song or reading. These are very common at religious ceremonies, but also something you can include in a non-religious or multi-faith ceremony. You could include your favourite hymn, or ask a loved one to do a reading that means something to you, such as a poem, song lyrics or an extract from a book or play.

4. Marriage ceremony

Next, the part you’ve been waiting for. The officiant will address you to tell you about the commitment you’re making to each other and how important the vows you’re about to exchange are. They’ll ask your guests whether anyone knows of any reason why you may not be married… and you’ll probably hold your breath, even though you know you don’t have anything to worry about!

Then it’s time for the two of you to exchange vows. Many couples choose to repeat short sentences fed to them by the officiant, but you may also want to write your own vows. There’s no right answer or choice here – it’s up to you and what you feel comfortable and happy with.

After the vows, you’ll get to say I do as you and your partner lock eyes. It’s at this stage when your loved ones will be well and truly crying with happiness.

5. Exchanging of the rings

It’s time for the two of you to exchange rings (or another symbolic exchange if you’ve chosen ring alternatives). If you have a best man, they may have been holding on to these for you, which they’ll hand to the officiant. You’ll then exchange some more words, this time about how the rings symbolise your love, as you slip them on each other’s fingers.

6. Declaration of marriage and first kiss

Next, the officiant will say the words you’ve been waiting for so long to hear: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife (or a variation of this for LGBTQ+ couples). They’ll also invite you to share your first kiss, and you’ll happily oblige as your friends and family celebrate and your photographer snaps some fantastic photos.

7. An optional song, reading or prayer

With a religious ceremony, there may be another song, reading or prayer here. This is something you may also want to include in a non-religious ceremony, and is a great way to involve another family member or friend in your ceremony.

8. The signing of the register

For your marriage to be legal, you and your new spouse will have to sign a marriage register in the company of two witnesses. This should only take around 10 minutes and music will play as your guests happily wait for you.

9. The end of the ceremony

Once you’ve signed the register, the officiant will thank your guests for attending and announce that you’d like them to join you at the breakfast or reception to celebrate.

10. The recessional

Music will play as the two of you leave the venue hand in hand, as a newly married couple. Outside, your guests will have lined up (under instruction from your photographer) so they can throw confetti over you as your photographer takes some wonderful pictures for your wedding album.

11. The photographs

Before heading on to the breakfast, your photographer will take a series of photographs with your family and friends, as well as plenty with just the two of you. These will be in and around the venue, and maybe elsewhere if you’ve asked for something specific.

12. On to the breakfast or reception

After the photographs, you and your new spouse will then make your way to the venue for your wedding breakfast or reception and an evening of celebrating with your loved ones.

What is a registry office wedding ceremony order?

Registry Office Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a registry office ceremony order

A registry office wedding is far more affordable than a traditional wedding, and is also a lot shorter – many last just 10 minutes. It’s a brilliant way to show your commitment to your partner if you don’t have a large budget or you don’t want the fuss of a big wedding.

Because the ceremony is so much shorter and can’t contain religious elements, there are far fewer elements than there are in a traditional ceremony. An example registry office wedding ceremony will follow an order similar to this:

1. Pre-ceremony meeting

Before the ceremony officially begins, you’ll meet with the registrar (either separately or together) just to check that all the details are correct. Once confirmed, the ceremony can begin.

2. The processional

Because registry office weddings are more intimate, the wedding party will be smaller than at a traditional wedding. However, you can still have bridesmaids, groomsmen, a page boy and flower girl if you like.

You can also choose the music you’d like to play, but it can’t be a hymn or religious piece of music.

3. The welcome

Once you’re both at the front and your guests are seated, the registrar welcomes everyone to the ceremony.

4. The legal declaration and contracting vows

The registrar will run through the words each of you has to repeat as part of the declaration and vows, which you can choose ahead of the ceremony.

5. The readings

If you choose to include readings, such as a poem or lyrics from a song, they’ll usually come after the vows. Like the music, they also can’t have any religious elements.

6. The exchanging of the rings

The registrar will then ask for the rings (which your best man may be holding on to) and you’ll give them to one another while saying personal vows. These can be fed to you by the registrar or you can write your own non-religious vows.

7. The declaration of marriage and first kiss

Now, the registrar will declare you married and invite you to share your first kiss as a married couple.

8. The signing of the register

The two of you, as well as your witnesses, will sign the register so your marriage is legally binding. You can also choose the music to play while your guests wait.

9. The photographs

The two of you can pose for photographs with your certificate, which may be family or friends or an official photographer if you choose to hire one.

10. The recessional

The registrar will end the ceremony and announce that you’d like your guests to join you if you’re moving on to a venue for a breakfast or reception. As you exit, you can have another piece of music of your choosing playing.

11. More photographs and the confetti shot

If you’ve hired a photographer, they’ll work with your guests to set up the perfect confetti shot. We recommend you speak to the venue ahead of time to make sure they’re happy with you using confetti (as there can sometimes be restrictions on this).

The photographer will then direct you and your guests so you can have photos taken for your wedding album.

12. On to the breakfast or reception

If you’ve chosen to have a breakfast or reception after the ceremony, you’ll make your way to the event to spend time celebrating your marriage with your loved ones.

What is a Catholic wedding ceremony order?

Catholic Wedding Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a Catholic wedding ceremony order

A Catholic wedding ceremony is a highly religious ceremony, because the Church believes that marriage is not only a promise between a couple, but also to God. As a result, all Catholic wedding ceremonies take place in a church.

The order is similar to that of a traditional wedding ceremony, but with several noticeable differences. Below is what you might see as part of a Catholic wedding ceremony order, which doesn’t allow for as many personalisations as a traditional ceremony.

1. The processional

The processional begins with the priest first walking down the aisle to the altar, followed by the wedding party which follows the same order as a traditional ceremony, which is:

  1. Bride’s mum
  2. Groom’s parents
  3. Bride’s grandparents
  4. Groom’s grandparents
  5. Groom
  6. Officiant
  7. Bridesmaids
  8. Maid of honour
  9. Best man
  10. Ring bearer or page boy
  11. Flower girl
  12. The bride and her father

2. The entrance rites

The priest will welcome guests and begin with a prayer and rites. Because at least one side of the family has to be Catholic in order for the church to allow the ceremony to take place within the church, guests are expected to take part. A Catholic wedding isn’t always celebrated with a Mass, but they often are, especially if both families are Catholic.

3. The readings

Ahead of the ceremony, some of your guests will be asked to read passages from the Bible; one from the Old Testament and another from the New Testament. One of these readings will be about marriage, and your guests will repeat the Responsorial Psalm. 

4. The gospel

Your guests will stand and the priest will read a passage from either Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, which will most likely be linked to love or marriage. 

5. The homily

The priest will give a speech or sermon known as a homily, which explains the meaning behind the gospel and how it relates to the commitment you’re about to make to each other.

6. The vows

Next, you will recite or read your vows, otherwise known as a rite of marriage. These are set vows and you can’t add any personalisations. However, instead, you may ask the priest to read the vows so you can respond with I do.

7. The ring ceremony

The priest will ask the best man (or whoever else is holding them) for the rings, which they will bless with a prayer and holy water. The priest will then ask you to recite some words as each of you place the rings on each other’s fingers.

8. The offertory

Ahead of the ceremony, you will have asked several guests to offer gifts during the ceremony, which they will do now. Meanwhile, your other guests will be given the opportunity to offer a monetary donation. The priest brings forward and blesses the bread and wine, known as the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

9. The Lord’s Prayer

The congregation will recite the Lord’s Prayer.

10. The sign of peace

The priest will encourage all guests to greet each other with a handshake as a way to symbolise neighbourly love.

11. Holy Communion

Like at Mass, guests will gather at the altar to be offered bread and wine, which signifies the body and blood of Jesus. It symbolises a new covenant that God gives to His followers.

12. The first kiss

The priest will encourage you to share your first kiss as a married couple. If the bride is wearing a veil, the groom will lift it first.

13. The nuptial blessing

The priest will bless your guests with a prayer, which will end with the line go in peace, which guests will respond to by saying thanks be to God.

14. The recessional

The wedding party will walk back down the aisle in reverse order and leave the church for the confetti shot and photographs. Then, everyone will make their way to the next venue for the wedding breakfast and reception.

What is a Jewish wedding ceremony order?

Jewish Wedding Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a Jewish wedding ceremony order

A Jewish wedding ceremony will usually take place in a synagogue, which is the name of a Jewish place of worship. The bride’s family will sit on the right-hand side, while the groom’s family sit on the left. A Jewish wedding ceremony will follow an order similar to the below:

1. The ketubah

Before the ceremony begins, the two of you will sign the marriage contract, known as the ketubah.

2. The bedeken

The bedeken is the name given to the ritual where the groom veils the bride before the ceremony, so he can see her face and know who he’s marrying.

3. The processional

The rabbi will begin a Jewish wedding ceremony by walking down the aisle followed by the rest of the wedding party in the following order:

  1. Bride’s grandparents
  2. Groom’s grandparents
  3. Groomsmen
  4. Best man
  5. The groom and both parents
  6. Bridesmaids
  7. Maid of honour
  8. Ring bearer
  9. Flower girl
  10. The bride and both parents

4. The vows

You will stand together under the chuppah, a canopy supported by four poles at the front, which symbolises the new home being created, and you’ll recite your vows.

5. The hakafot

Traditionally, the bride walks around the groom seven times, which is a gesture that symbolises protection. Many modern Jewish weddings will switch this up slightly, with the bride and groom each circling one another.

6. The exchanging of the rings

The ketubah which was signed before the ceremony is read aloud as the groom gives the bride her ring. There may also be a prayer which is traditionally in Hebrew, but in modern Jewish weddings, it may be recited in English.

7. The seven blessings

The seven blessings, also known as Sheva Brachot, are chanted by the rabbi or another guest of your choosing. This may also be in Hebrew or English. The bride then gives the groom his ring.

8. The breaking of the glass

A glass is placed on the floor beneath a cloth or napkin, and the groom stamps on it to break it. This symbolises the fragility of marriage, and how it has to be looked after so it doesn’t break. This is usually followed by a reading from Psalms.

9. Mazel tov

Guests are then invited to shout mazel tov! which is Hebrew for congratulations.

10. The recessional

The wedding party leaves the synagogue, as guests clap and cheer, in the following order:

  1. The couple
  2. Bride’s parents
  3. Groom’s parents
  4. Bride’s grandparents
  5. Groom’s grandparents
  6. Flower girl
  7. Ring bearer
  8. Best man
  9. Maid of honour
  10. Bridesmaids
  11. Groomsmen
  12. Rabbi

What is a Muslim wedding ceremony order?

Muslim Wedding Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a Muslim wedding ceremony order

A Muslim wedding ceremony, otherwise known as a Nikah, usually takes place in a mosque, a Muslim place of worship. Guests are asked to remove their shoes before entering the mosque, and men and women often sit separately during the ceremony. The mosque prayer leader, known as an Imam, will usually be the officiant.

The ceremony itself is usually fairly short, and will be completed within around 30 minutes. It will usually follow an order similar to the below:

1. The toble

Before the ceremony, the groom will speak to the bride’s parents to ask their permission to marry their daughter, which is known as the toble. Once the groom has permission, everyone will say a prayer called Surah Fatiha.

2. The mehr

The mehr is a gift, a little bit like a traditional dowry, given to the bride by the groom. The engagement ring may be considered the mehr, but it could also include other gifts or money.

3. The consent

Without seeing each other, the bride and groom need to give their consent. To do this, they must say qubool hai three times to the officiant.

4. The Nikah-Namah

The Nikah-Namah is the name of the Muslim marriage contract that the two of you will sign. Beforehand, it’s read aloud in Arabic by the officiant so everyone can hear.

5. The readings

The officiant will read verses from the Quran as part of a short sermon, at which point you will officially become married.

6. Savaqah

The final part of the ceremony is known as Savaqah, which is when gifts are given to those in need. In the case of a wedding ceremony, money is thrown at the bride.

Following the ceremony, you are joined by your guests to celebrate your marriage at the reception, which is usually at a different venue, such as a hotel. This begins with the zaffe, which is when the bride’s father walks her to the groom accompanied by music.

What is a Hindu wedding ceremony order?

Hindu Wedding Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a Hindu wedding ceremony order

Hindu wedding ceremonies are among the longest in the world, often lasting many days as you’re joined by your guests to mark the occasion. A Hindu wedding ceremony isn’t legally binding in the UK, so beforehand you need to marry at a registry office, and then have the religious ceremony and celebrations afterwards. The ceremony is usually officiated by a Brahmin priest.

Before the day of the ceremony will also be Mehndi, which is when the bride’s family organises for the couple to come together so they can paint delicate henna designs on their hands and feet. This is similar to Haldi, when older female members of the family make a paste from turmeric and paint it onto the bride and groom to symbolise cleansing.

The actual Hindu ceremony itself will last around 90 minutes, and the order will follow something similar to the below:

1. The baraat

The baraat is the name given to the groom’s arrival, which he will traditionally do while riding a white horse, but in many modern Hindu weddings, the groom may prefer to ride in a car, like a sports car or convertible.

2. The milni

The milni is a meeting between the groom and the bride’s parents and friends. He may be presented with a gift known as a shagun, which is supposed to bring him good luck.

3. The bride enters

The bride walks down the aisle being escorted by male family members. Traditionally it might be her brothers or uncles, but more brides are choosing to be accompanied by their fathers. The bride joins the groom, his parents, the bride’s mother and the priest at the front.

4. Kanyadaan

This is when the bride’s father gives away his daughter, which is a long-standing Hindu tradition. In kanyadaan, the bride’s father takes her right hand and places it in the groom’s right hand. He then asks him to treat her as his equal.

5. The jaimala exchange

The two of you exchange jaimala, which are garlands made from fresh flowers. It symbolises you accepting each other into your lives. The priest will then say a prayer in Sanskrit.

6. Havan

A sacred fire is lit to invite the deity Agni, the fire God, to rid you of darkness and bring you eternal light and knowledge. The bride gives an offering called homam, which can be rice and flowers.

7. Mangal Fera

Next, the groom leads the bride around the first three times, followed by the bride leading once. Each pass, known as a fera, represents one of life’s goals:

  1. Dharma (morality)
  2. Artha (prosperity)
  3. Kama (positive energy)
  4. Moksha (liberation)

As you complete the feras, the priest chants holy Mantras. Following this, you might race to take your seats, with tradition dictating that whoever sits first will be the head of the household. So you best make sure you wear some decent running shoes!

8. Saptapadi

To symbolise friendship, which is an important foundation for any Hindu marriage, you will take seven steps together, which may be around the holy fire. With each step you make a vow, and once all seven steps are complete you are officially married.

9. Sindhoor and Mangal Sutra

The groom puts sindhoor, an orange or red powder, in the bride’s hair.  The groom then gives the bride a gold necklace, which is a symbol of love and respect, which, traditionally, she would only remove if her husband were to die.

10. The final blessings

The ceremony comes to an end as elders recite prayers and readings, and your guests offer their congratulations. Traditionally this is married women, who whisper good wishes into the bride’s right ear.

11. Talambralu

Talambralu is the end of the ceremony and is a happiness ritual, when you both bless one another by throwing rice, turmeric and saffron, which symbolises wealth and prosperity for your life ahead.

12. Ashirwad

To thank your guests for coming, you bow your heads to them as they offer blessings and well-wishes to you. Guests will also throw rice and flowers at you in celebration.

Following the ceremony, there’s likely to be several days of celebrating and festivities, with food, drink, music and games.

What is a non-denominational wedding ceremony order?

Non-Denominational Wedding Ceremony Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates a non-denominational wedding ceremony order

A non-denominational wedding ceremony is generally a ceremony that doesn’t have a specific religious connection, and is relatively similar to a traditional wedding. It offers the couple the chance to have a personalised wedding and includes different traditions and rituals that aren’t tied to a specific religion.

Below is an example of what a non-denominational wedding ceremony order might look like:

1. The processional

The wedding party walks down the aisle, usually in the following order:

  1. The officiant (anyone who has been ordained)
  2. The groom
  3. Best man
  4. Groomsmen
  5. Bridesmaids
  6. Maid of honour
  7. Ring bearer
  8. Flower girl
  9. The bride (with one or both parents)

Alternatively, the groom may want to stand at the altar before the processional starts, having entered from the side.

2. The welcome

The officiant welcomes everyone to the ceremony and will speak about you and the significance of marriage.

3. The readings

This is when a guest of your choosing will perform a reading, which might be a poem, song lyrics or a quote from a play or book. At a non-denominational wedding, readings can be from religious texts as well. 

4. The unity candle

To symbolise unity, the pair of you lights a candle as the officiant gives a short sermon about commitment.

5. The unifying ritual

At this point in a non-denominational wedding ceremony, you will take part in a ritual that symbolises the two of you uniting as one. Because non-denominational ceremonies are so customisable, this could be religious or not. Popular unifying rituals include:

  • Releasing a lantern
  • Handfasting
  • Pouring sand
  • Circling
  • Jumping the broom
  • Planting a tree
  • Pouring tea or wine

6. The exchanging of vows

Next, you’ll exchange your vows, which you may have written yourselves (to either read or memorise) or have them fed to you by the officiant. You may also choose to say I do, one of the most exciting things to say over the whole wedding. Again, this is something you’re in control of, so do whatever makes you happy.

7. The exchanging of rings

You’ll then place wedding rings on each other’s fingers while reciting or repeating lines given to you by the officiant. If you’ve chosen not to wear rings, you may exchange another item of significance.

8. The declaration of marriage and first kiss

The officiant will declare you as married and invite you to share your first kiss in front of cheering family and friends.

9. The recessional

Finally, you walk back down the aisle, followed by the wedding party (in the opposite order to how everyone entered during the processional). Then it’s outside for the confetti shot and photographs before heading off to celebrate at your wedding breakfast and/or reception.

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Now that you know the order of many common wedding ceremonies in the UK, you can start planning your own big day. Sign up to Bridebook to discover all the tools, information and resources you need to make planning fun and simple.

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The Best Wedding Day Timeline

When planning your perfect wedding day, you might not be sure where to start. You might know what your ideal ceremony, venue, food, cake and everything else looks like, but one of the biggest questions you may have is how exactly they all fit together.

Organising a wedding is a little bit like putting a jigsaw together, only you don’t have instructions so you have to do it the best you can. One of the key parts of this is creating a wedding day timeline so everyone knows where they have to be, what time they have to be there and what’s going to happen once they’re there.

In this post, we’re going to explore what the best wedding day timeline might look like, including what order everything happens throughout the typical wedding day, how long each part usually takes and the most popular time couples choose to have the ceremony.

Do all weddings follow the same timeline?

Photo © Tom Cullen Photography | See their Bridebook profile

No, not all weddings follow the same timeline. However, every wedding you go to will generally follow a timeline that is at the very least reminiscent of every other wedding you might have been to. Whether you choose to have a traditional wedding, religious wedding, registry office wedding, destination wedding or something else entirely, there will always be some similarities – especially at the ceremony itself, which has to follow certain legal processes.

Some of the major factors that can influence a wedding day timeline include:

  • Cultural and religious traditions – For example, many Indian weddings span over several days and there are a lot of black wedding traditions that also go beyond the big day.
  • The type of wedding – A traditional wedding will often last from late morning through until late at night, while a destination wedding might only last a couple of hours.
  • The time of the ceremony – Traditionally, couples get married around lunchtime, but twilight weddings are quickly becoming more popular and start much later in the day.
  • The formality – Less formal weddings will usually have a more relaxed structure as they’re often far more intimate.
  • The size of your guest list – The larger your guest list is, the more likely you’ll need to allow extra time for arrivals, transport, seating, photos and more.
  • The time of year – Believe it or not, the season your wedding takes place in can also have an effect, especially during the winter when you might need to account for icy or snowy conditions.
  • The location of your venues – The location of your venues (if your ceremony and breakfast/reception venue aren’t at the same place), specifically if they’re far apart from each other, can potentially slow things down.
  • Personal preferences – Finally, your own personal preferences can dictate your wedding day timeline. At the end of the day, it’s your big day, so do whatever makes you happy.

What time does a wedding ceremony usually take place?

Photo © Ahuvi Photography | See their Bridebook profile

In the UK, the majority of wedding ceremonies start between 11am and 2pm. However, depending on the type of wedding you have, this can vary. For example, many religious wedding ceremonies start in the late morning, while ceremonies at registry offices tend to start in the afternoon. Of course, if you’ve chosen to have a twilight wedding, it will start much later in the day, often as it starts to get dark, which can be at different times depending on the season you’re getting married in.

For a detailed look at everything to do with wedding ceremonies, read our ultimate wedding ceremony guide.

What is the longest part of a wedding?

Photo © Rebecca May Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Generally, the longest part of your wedding day will be the evening reception, which will last around four or five hours (though this can be longer if you’ve invited a few party animals). This is usually a couple of hours longer than the next longest part of your big day, which is the wedding breakfast. The breakfast can last around two to three hours, including time for the speeches.

What is the shortest part of a wedding?

Photo © Motiejus | See their Bridebook profile

Believe it or not, despite months (or even years) of planning, the shortest part of a couple’s wedding day is often the ceremony itself. The ceremony takes approximately 45 minutes from the moment the procession starts, though it can sometimes be longer, such as with a religious ceremony where there might be hymns and readings.

A registry office wedding or civil ceremony can be as short as 10 minutes, but  longer if you want to include extras like readings, or if you’ve hired a celebrant.

How long do various parts of a wedding day take?

Photo © Acronym Photography | See their Bridebook profile

To give you an idea as to how long various parts of your wedding day will take, you can use the below times as an approximation when planning your big day.

Getting ready (including hair, makeup and getting dressed) – Approximately two hours. This may take longer if the artist you’ve hired is also doing the bridesmaids’ hair and makeup.

Pre-wedding photos (bridal party and groomsmen) – 30 to 45 minutes.

Ceremony – 45 to 60 minutes, but this can vary depending on whether it’s a religious ceremony or you have specific personal preferences. Registry office weddings can be as short and sweet as 10 minutes.

Photographs – Around one hour, but it can depend on the size of your wedding party and whether you have to travel to a specific location to take photos.

Reception drinks – Approximately an hour, which may start while you and your new spouse are having photos taken. It gives time for everyone to have a drink and unwind before the breakfast. You might want to add 10 or 15 minutes if you’re having a receiving line to welcome guests to the reception venue.

Wedding breakfast – Around two to two and a half hours, depending on the type of food you’re serving and the number of courses. This may be shorter if you have a great catering and serving team.

Speeches – This varies depending on who’s giving a speech, but there are usually at least three speeches; the father of the bride, the groom and the best man. Allow 10 minutes per speaker, so around 30 minutes in total, though this might be longer if others wish to say a few words as well.

Cutting of the cake – 5 to 10 minutes, but most of that is the time taken getting everyone together and allowing people to take photographs.

Evening reception – Once evening guests arrive, usually between 7pm and 8pm, the evening reception will go on for the rest of the night, which depends on you, your guests and the venue. The evening reception will usually last at least four hours and will often include food, such as a buffet, as well as drinks and music (and some dancing, of course).

What does a wedding timeline look like?

If you’re struggling to visualise what your wedding day timeline might look like when all of the elements come together, check out our handy quick reference infographic below. This provides a breakdown of the various parts of your wedding and their corresponding approximate times.

Wedding Day Timeline Infographic
Follow this general timeline when planning your big day

What is a typical wedding timeline?

Photo © Wendy Aldiss Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Depending on the type of wedding you have, wedding timelines can have a few key differences. Below are some examples of how you might expect a wedding day to look based on some of the most popular types of weddings couples go for.

Example traditional wedding day timeline

As we highlighted above, traditional wedding ceremonies commonly start between 11am and 2pm. The below example of a traditional wedding day timeline is what your day might look like if your ceremony were to start at midday.

7am – Your alarm goes off and it’s time for a shower (speak to your hairstylist beforehand about whether or not you should wash your hair that morning or not).

7.30am – Breakfast. Don’t skip this step because you’ve got a long day ahead of you. You might want your bridesmaids/groomsmen to join you and start the celebrations early with a crafty Buck’s Fizz or mimosa.

8am – If you’ve hired a photographer, they’ll arrive to capture everyone getting ready. Your hair and makeup artist(s) will likely arrive around the same time.

8.15am – Hair and makeup starts on the bridal party (if they’re doing it for them).

9am – The flowers and bouquets are delivered and the vendors you’ve hired will arrive at the venue to start setting everything up.

9.30am – The bride’s hair and makeup start.

10.30am – The bride gets dressed. At the same time, the groom will head to the venue to begin greeting guests.

11am – Bridal party photos and the wedding transport arrives (if you need it).

11.30am – The bride sets off for the venue as your final guests arrive.

11.45am – Your guests are asked to take their seats.

11.55am – The bride arrives at the venue and everyone takes their place. The photographer will take some last-minute photos of the bride and whoever she is walking down the aisle with.

12pm – The ceremony starts.

12.45pm – The ceremony ends and the couple leaves the venue with the photographer for photographs, also joined by friends and family.

1pm – Guests head to the breakfast and reception venue (if elsewhere). Canapés and a welcome drink may be served.

1.30pm – The couple arrives at the venue.

1.45pm – Everyone takes a seat for the wedding breakfast.

2pm – The starters and main courses are served.

3.15pm – The wait staff start pouring flutes of fizz for the speeches.

3.30pm – The speeches start, usually with the father of the bride.

4pm – Dessert is served.

4.45pm – Guests leave the dining area so it can be turned around for the evening reception. The couple mingles with guests.

6.30pm – Evening guests start to arrive.

7pm – The cutting of the cake.

7.15pm – The couple may have ‘golden hour’ photographs if the location and weather are suitable.

7.30pm – The evening reception starts with a DJ and/or live music.

7.45pm – The first dance.

8pm – The evening buffet is opened.

9pm – You and your guests enjoy celebrating your wedding.

11.45pm – The couple leaves the venue.

12pm – The evening reception finishes and your guests leave the venue.

Example registry office wedding day timeline

Registry office weddings are the most affordable type of wedding, which means they don’t usually include as many individual steps. If you’re having a registry office wedding, it might follow something similar to the following timeline:

8am to 10.30am – A leisurely morning, ensuring you have a good breakfast. If you have a small budget, this is a great time to visit a hairstylist and make-up artist, as going to them rather than them coming to you keeps costs down.

11am – Get ready with family and friends close by.

12.30pm – Set off for the registry office.

12.50pm – Arrive at the registry office and your guests take their seats. If you’ve hired a photographer they will begin taking photos.

1pm – The ceremony begins.

1.15pm – The ceremony ends.

1.30pm – A short photography session outside the registry office with the couple and friends and family.

2.15pm – A meal at a local restaurant or hotel, including the speeches.

6pm – The wedding party moves on to a different local venue, such as a pub or hotel, to host a party for wider family and friends. This will include the cutting of the cake, the first dance and a buffet. However, this all depends on your budget and preferences.

Read our guide to saving money on a registry office wedding for lots of cost-cutting information.

Example twilight wedding timeline

A twilight wedding starts much later in the day, which means there’s not as much time as with a traditional wedding. However, many of the same things are still included, just condensed, which makes it great for getting married on a budget.

8am to 2pm – A leisurely morning and lunchtime spent with family and friends. You may take the time to relax (a morning spa session with the rest of the bridal party goes down a treat) or visit your local beauty stylist to save money on hair and makeup.

3pm – You start to get ready as vendors arrive at the venue to prepare. If you’ve hired a professional stylist and photographer, they’ll also arrive around this time.

4.30pm – The groom arrives at the venue to welcome guests.

5pm – The bride gets dressed.

5.30pm – The bride leaves for the venue.

5.45pm – Guests take their seats.

5.55pm – The bride arrives at the venue and everyone gets into position.

6pm – The ceremony begins.

6.45pm – The ceremony ends.

7pm – The couple and their guests take photographs to take advantage of the setting sun.

8pm – Depending on what you’ve decided to do, the wedding breakfast or evening reception and buffet will begin. This will also include the speeches, cutting of the cake and first dance.

11.45pm – The couple leaves the venue.

12pm – The reception finishes and your guests leave the venue.

Plan your perfect wedding with Bridebook

Now that you know some rough timelines that wedding days often follow, you can start planning your own big day exactly as you like it. Sign up to Bridebook to get access to all the tools, information and resources you need so you can plan your perfect wedding.

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The Ultimate Wedding Ceremony Guide

Your wedding day will be filled with love, excitement and magic. Months or even years of planning will finally become reality as your family and friends gather to spend time with you as you and your partner come together as one. The entire day will be a whirlwind of emotions, but at no point will your emotions be quite as high as they are during your wedding ceremony – the moment when you and your partner exchange vows and tell the world about your commitment to one another.

With such an important moment not just on your wedding day, but potentially your entire life, you likely have a ton of questions bouncing around in your mind. What’s the traditional order? How do you give your loved ones a role in your wedding? How do you find the perfect venue, words to say, decorations, celebrant and more?

Yes, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to your wedding ceremony, but that doesn’t mean it has to be scary or overwhelming. All it takes is a little bit of research to make sure everything is checked off.

That’s where we come in. In this guide, we’re going to explore everything you need to know about a wedding ceremony, from the planning right up to the moment you’re stood at the altar and beyond. Then, to help with planning your very own wedding, sign up to Bridebook for all the resources and tools you could need to make it as simple as possible.

What’s the significance of a wedding ceremony?

Photo © Tom Groves Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The wedding ceremony is the heart and soul of your wedding day. It’s the big moment you’ve been waiting for since the day you got engaged and promised to spend your life loving and caring for your partner. The wedding ceremony is the culmination of a long and chaotic wedding planning journey and is the moment the two of you start your marriage both from a spiritual and legal point of view.

It’s often what many couples consider to be the most nerve-wracking part of a wedding. It’s the one part you want to go perfectly, as you stand in front of your family and friends and exchange vows with the love of your life. Thankfully, with a little preparation and by choosing the right professionals and vendors, your wedding ceremony can be exactly like it is inside your head.

What’s the traditional wedding ceremony order?

Photo © Rebecca May Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The morning of your wedding will be fast-paced and whizz past before you even realise it’s time to make your way to the venue. The excitement will build and you might feel jittery, but it’ll soon be time to start your wedding ceremony.

As you get ready and make your way to the venue, your guests will have slowly been arriving. Depending on what you’ve chosen, they might enjoy some welcome drinks and a few canapés while getting swept up in the excitement. Then, once it’s time, they’ll be shown to their seats by the ushers and the ceremony can start.

And it should look a little something like this:

1. The processional

The traditional order for walking into the venue and either taking their seats or standing at the altar is:

  1. Bride’s mum
  2. Groom’s parents
  3. Bride’s grandparents
  4. Groom’s grandparents
  5. Groom
  6. Officiant
  7. Bridesmaids
  8. Maid of honour
  9. Best man
  10. Ring bearer or page boy
  11. Flower girl
  12. The bride and her father

You’re likely to have music playing at the venue to welcome guests as they find their seats. This, of course, will change as the wedding is about to begin and the bride walks down the aisle. Depending on your preferences, the music might be prerecorded or played live by a musician. The music then fades out as the two of you meet.

With modern and same-sex weddings, new traditions are forming that are variations of the traditional processional in the UK. Both partners may choose to walk down the aisle together, or neither may want to do it like this. The best thing about your wedding is that it’s yours, so you’re free to arrive however you feel comfortable.

2. The welcome

Once the two of you are stood at the front, the officiant (or celebrant if you choose to have one) will welcome everyone to your big day. You may ask them to give a specific greeting, and they may use some humour if this is something you’re happy to include. If your wedding ceremony is religious, the welcome may have a set structure. This will introduce your guests to the day and help you feel at ease.

3. A song or reading

If you’re having a religious ceremony, following the welcome there would traditionally be a hymn. Even if you’re not religious, this is still something you can include, but it isn’t common. Instead, you might ask a friend or loved one to do a reading, which might be a poem, an extract from a story or play, or even lyrics from a song that’s personal to you and represents your journey as a couple.

4. The marriage ceremony

The officiant will remind the couple of their obligations to one another with the charge. This is when they explain what it means to be married and what the couple must do to ensure they’re upheld. This includes their responsibilities and the meaning of the vows they’re about to exchange.

Next, the officiant will ask a question that’s been the catalyst for many dramatic moments in rom-coms: Does anyone know of any reason in law why the couple should not be married? This, of course, is usually met with silence, much to the relief of the couple.

You and your partner will then exchange vows, which the officiant will run through with you slowly (so you don’t have to remember an entire Shakespearean soliloquy). If you’ve chosen to write your own vows, you will have given these to the officiant beforehand to make sure they comply with the relevant rules. Just remember there are specific words you have to say to make sure your marriage is legal.

It’s during this stage when the two of you will say another famous wedding ceremony staple, the I dos. Thankfully, this is one of the most exciting parts, as well as being one of the easiest to remember!

5. The exchanging of the rings

If the two of you have chosen to wear wedding rings, this is when you’ll exchange them. If you don’t want to exchange rings, you will have spoken to your officiant beforehand to discuss an alternative (for some inspiration, read our post on ring alternatives).

If you are exchanging rings, it’s usually the best man’s job to hold on to these, or they could be brought to you by a young ring bearer if someone in your family or friend circle would suit the role. When the officiant asks for them, the best man will hand them over. The two of you, under the direction of the officiant, will then place the rings on each other’s ring fingers while reciting a phrase also guided by the officiant.

6. The declaration of marriage and first kiss

Phew, the scary part is over! Now, the officiant will say the words that proclaim the two of you are bound by marriage, saying something such as: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife (or a variation of this for LGBTQ+ couples).

Then, the officiant will encourage the two of you to kiss and you’ll have your first embrace as a happily married couple as all your friends and family applaud and cheer. There might also be one or two tears, too.

7. An additional song, reading or prayer

If you’re having a religious ceremony, this is when there’s an opportunity for a reading from scripture, a hymn or a prayer. Even in non-religious ceremonies, you may ask another loved one to perform another reading.

8. The signing of the register

The officiant will then invite you and your new spouse to sign the marriage license, which will also need to be signed by two witnesses whom you will have asked ahead of the big day (make sure you don’t spring this surprise on anyone that morning).

This usually takes around ten minutes and music will play to entertain your guests as they wait for you to finish.

9. The end of your service

After the two of you and your witnesses are done signing the register, the officiant will thank everyone for attending and invite them, on your behalf, to celebrate at your chosen venue where the breakfast and reception will take place.

10. The recessional

The two of you will now leave the venue accompanied by music as you make your way out. As you step outside, your guests will be waiting to shower you with confetti as your photographer snaps some fantastic photographs.

11. The photographs

You’ll then be joined by loved ones as your wedding photographer guides you all through the official photography process. There will also be many photos taken of just the two of you in and around the venue.

12. On to the breakfast and/or reception

Depending on whether your breakfast and reception are happening elsewhere, you may hop into your wedding transport to be whisked off to your next venue. If your ceremony and reception are taking place in the same venue, you’ll then either move on to another room or step out while the venue staff make changes to get ready for your breakfast. Then, all you have to do is enjoy yourself!

Wedding ceremony traditional order cheat sheet

If all of the above was a lot to take in, don’t panic! We’ve created a handy quick reference sheet sheet to illustrate the traditional wedding ceremony order, which you can save or event print out to return to whenever you need. 

Wedding Ceremony Traditional Order Cheat Sheet
This infographic illustrates the traditional wedding ceremony order

Do all weddings follow the same order?

Photo © Chris Giles Photography | See their Bridebook profile

While the traditional ceremony order is often followed for weddings in the UK, this can differ depending on the type of ceremony you have, your religious beliefs, the size of your wedding or simply your own preferences. For example, a Jewish wedding ceremony can be different from a Hindu ceremony or a non-denominational wedding ceremony. Every wedding, regardless of culture or background, will follow a recognisable structure to ensure the marriage is legal. But, the order might vary to some degree.

How do you plan the perfect wedding ceremony?

Photo © Stuart Wood | See their Bridebook profile

When planning your wedding, you’ll spend a lot of time and effort thinking about the venue, food, entertainment, favours and your cake, but it’s just as important to dedicate time to planning the ceremony itself, too.

So, here’s everything you should think about to make sure you plan your perfect wedding ceremony.

Understanding the budget for your wedding ceremony

Your wedding budget will likely include everything you need to have the wedding of your dreams. When putting your budget together, you should think beyond the breakfast and reception – which are the biggest expenses you’ll face – and ensure you also have enough to dedicate towards the ceremony itself. After all, it’s the main event!

You can use our wedding budget tool to work out exactly what you need so you can have the perfect venue, decorations, music, celebrant and more that will come together to become the wedding you’ve always dreamed about. Prioritise the must-haves and separate them from the nice-to-haves. With the average UK wedding costing £19,184, it’s important to be realistic when understanding your budget.

Choose the perfect venue for your wedding ceremony

When the time comes to choose your wedding venue, you’ll have a lot to think about. What type of venue suits your budget? Do you want a venue where you can have the ceremony, breakfast and reception all in one location? Do you want to get married in a church or place of worship?

When choosing the venue for your ceremony, there are plenty of options out there, so consider the following to ensure you have everything you need from your ceremony venue.

  • Make sure you discuss what you want from your venue with your partner. The ceremony may just be an hour of your overall day, but it’s something that you’ll remember for the rest of your lives, so you want it to be something worth remembering.
  • Don’t be tempted to go over budget, even if it’s a stunning venue. If you overspend on one thing, you’ll have to compromise on something else.
  • Think about the space and whether it will comfortably fit all the guests you’d like to invite.
  • Pay close attention to the lighting. This includes whether it allows a lot of natural light in, and if not, is there room for additional lighting?
  • Try to visit your favourite venues more than once to make sure you get that feeling, so you know you’ve found the one.

For more help finding the right spot to say I do, read our top 10 tips for choosing your wedding venue. You can also browse our wide selection of venues to find the perfect place for you to host your ceremony.

Choose your decorations

Decorating your ceremony venue is more than just about the flowers. You might have a welcome sign, a seating plan, bunting, chair sashes, lighting, pew ends, aisle decor and more.

Make sure the decor you choose fits the overall theme of your wedding, but also ties into the natural aesthetic and beauty of your venue. If you’ve chosen a venue with a lot of natural beauty, such as a country house or place of worship, you might not need to enhance it by much. But if you’re getting married in a hotel or golf club, a little extra decor might just help bring your theme out a little bit more.

Choose your officiants and celebrants

If you’re having a religious ceremony, then it’s possible that your wedding will be officiated by a senior member of your local place of worship. If not, and you’re having a non-religious or multi-faith ceremony, then you may wish to choose your officiants and celebrants, as well as the registrar who will ensure your marriage is legal.

A celebrant is a great way to bring character and charm to your ceremony. You’ll meet with a celebrant a couple of times before the big day so they can create a highly personalised ceremony order and the words the two of you will share. We’d recommend speaking to a few celebrants to find one that fits with your exact vision.

Browse our range of wedding celebrants to find fantastic professionals close to you.

Choose everyone’s roles for the wedding

This is possibly something you’ve been thinking about forever, but now’s the time to set in stone how you’d like your friends and family to be involved in your wedding ceremony. This includes choosing a best man and maid of honour if you’re having one, as well as bridesmaids, ushers, page boy, ring bearer and flower girl.

Traditionally, the father of the bride gives his daughter away after walking her down the aisle, but in many modern weddings, couples might flip this, so that both parents walk the bride down the aisle, just the bride’s mum, or you and your partner might choose to walk down the aisle together.

Whoever you ask to play a role in your wedding, just make sure you’re understanding and accommodating, and show your appreciation to everyone involved.

Choose the perfect seating plan

Traditionally, the seating plan at the wedding ceremony is relatively straightforward: the groom’s family and friends sit on one side of the aisle and the bride’s family and friends sit on the other. However, this all depends on whether the two of you have a relatively equal number of guests each. If not, the seating plan at the ceremony can feel a little lopsided.

Much like the seating plan at the breakfast, you can seat your guests wherever you like, with maybe the exception of parents, grandparents, kids and other close relatives. Or, you can let them choose. Whatever works for you.

Choose your wedding vows

When it comes to your vows, you have two options: either use traditional vows (which might be determined by your faith if you have a religious wedding) or write your own. Writing your own might sound scary, but it’s something many couples opt for with modern weddings. It helps personalise your wedding and tell your partner – in front of your family and friends – exactly how you feel about them.

Discuss with your partner whether you’re brave enough to write your own vows, or if you’d prefer to go with something a little more traditional. It’s a super emotional thing to do, and some people can struggle to express how they feel using words.

For a little inspiration, read our post on how to write personalised wedding vows.

Hire your photographer and/or videographer

For many couples, hiring a photographer (and even a videographer) is a major non-negotiable. It’s the best way to capture your wedding so you can look back on it forever.

When you hire a photographer for your wedding, you can choose to hire them just for the ceremony, which also includes the family shots straight afterwards, or a package that includes the ceremony, the breakfast and the evening reception (and maybe even an engagement photoshoot as well). They’ll even capture the exciting build-up to the wedding as you get ready with your loved ones.

For help finding the right photographer, read our article on how to choose the perfect wedding photographer. Then, browse our selection of photographers to find fantastic professionals close to you.

Decide what wedding ceremony traditions you might like to uphold

When it comes to weddings, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of traditions. Some of them go back hundreds of years but are still included in weddings to this day.

For example, many brides like to include something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue as part of their wedding outfit. It’s also common for couples not to see each other on the morning of the wedding until their eyes meet as the wedding ceremony begins.

Think about what kind of wedding traditions you’d like to include in your wedding ceremony. For more information, read our posts on our 10 favourite wedding traditions and black wedding traditions to honour your heritage.

Decide your wedding ceremony music

When it comes to the music you have at your wedding ceremony, you actually have a wider choice available to you (depending on your budget) than you might realise. There’s a huge choice of music to suit a range of tastes, preferences, budgets, traditions and styles. When it comes to your music, think about the following:

  • Do you want live music or pre-recorded?
  • What kind of music do you want to play as your guests take their seats?
  • What mood do you want to set?
  • Do you want to be traditional or have something a little more modern?
  • What music do you want during the procession?
  • What music do you want as you walk down the aisle?
  • What music do you want to play as your sign the register?
  • What music would you like to walk out of the ceremony to?

See what we mean? Music plays a key role throughout your wedding day, from the moment you arrive at the ceremony to the moment you leave the reception at the end of the night. Take your time and think about the music you want at your ceremony, including the mood it sets and the meaning behind it.

Decide if you want any readings

Whether you have a religious ceremony or not, you may choose to have readings at your wedding. Readings are a great way to include loved ones in your ceremony who might otherwise not have a role, and help add a touch of personalisation and style. A reading can be anything, from a poem to your favourite song lyrics. They can also be a verse or two from a religious text. Whoever does them and whatever they read, just make sure they’re in keeping with the tone, theme and style of your wedding. For example, a funny reading might not work if you’re going for a more traditional vibe.

Have a plan B (especially if your wedding ceremony is taking place outside)

Since the law in the UK changed in 2022 to allow for weddings to take place outside, couples have seized the opportunity to get married in a wider variety of venues and locations. From gardens and parks to castles and manors, there are now a lot more places you and your love can exchange vows.

The only downside is, the weather in the UK doesn’t always behave itself. Yes, your wedding might be booked during July when there’s every chance we’re in the midst of a heatwave, but it’s never guaranteed. In the event the heavens open or there are 75mph winds, make sure you discuss a backup plan with your chosen venue just in case.

Decide if you want a rehearsal

Few would argue that the ceremony is the single biggest and most important aspect of your wedding day. If something doesn’t quite go to plan at the breakfast or reception, there’s so much going on that it doesn’t really matter if there’s a minor hiccup or two. However, at the ceremony, when all eyes are on you, you probably want everything to be perfect.

That’s why many couples choose to have a rehearsal. In the US, wedding rehearsals are fairly common, but in the UK, unless you’re having a religious ceremony, they’re far less so. But, if you have the budget available, a rehearsal is never a bad thing to have to ensure everyone knows exactly what they’re doing on the big day.

What do you need to remember for the morning of the wedding?

Photo © Wendy Aldiss Photography | See their Bridebook profile

During your last few hours of single life, there will likely be a million and one thoughts whirling around your mind. Everything from worrying about your outfit fitting just right to whether or not the flowers will turn up on time will bounce around your head. Even tiny, insignificant things will feel huge as the excitement and nerves build. That’s why it can be easy to forget key things during the build-up to the ceremony. With that in mind, here are just a few things you should remember on the morning of the wedding:

  • Remember to pack some wedding day essentials you might need throughout the ceremony, such as lip balm, tissues (definitely tissues), deodorant and your phone. You can keep these in your pocket, a clutch or leave them with someone you trust so you don’t have to worry about carting things around all day.
  • Make sure you eat a decent breakfast. Your wedding day is a long one, and after getting ready, the ceremony, the photos and welcoming everyone to the breakfast, it’ll be two or three o’clock before you even know it – and your stomach will be growling. A good breakfast will keep you fuelled so you don’t need to keep thinking about what time you get to sit down for your first meal as a married couple.
  • As well as getting ready for your big day, make sure you stick to some of your usual routines. Mainly, your skincare routine, because disrupting the status quo might upset your skin during a time when you might already be a little stressed. Don’t try something new at the last minute just in case your skin doesn’t like it.
  • From the moment you step out of your home or hotel room before the ceremony, you’ll probably be wearing a dress, suit or other type of outfit that might be a little tight in places or dig in here or there. So, until that time comes, wear the comfiest, snuggliest thing you can get your hands on.
  • Don’t leave anything to the last minute and give yourself plenty of time to get ready. Your guests and members of the wedding party will probably have a ton of questions for you about this and that, and allowing for enough time to get ready will prevent unnecessary stress.
  • Try to establish a calm atmosphere in and around where you’re getting ready, so keep chilled-out people close by and listen to some of your favourite music.
  • Your wedding ceremony will go by so fast that before you know it you’ll be sat eating the starter at your breakfast. Try to take everything in and enjoy every single moment.

What happens when the time comes to walk down the aisle?

Photo © John Fox Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

As the moment arrives for your wedding ceremony to start, there’ll be so much excitement from your guests as they take their seats on either side of the aisle. There’ll also be a few nerves, mainly from yourself, but they’ll soon go when you see your partner and all feels right with the world. But what happens when the time comes to walk down the aisle and become a married couple?

Let’s say your ceremony begins at 12pm. One of the happy couple, usually the groom, will be at the venue to welcome guests who will have been filtering in for the last hour or so, and who will start to take their seats around 15 – 20 minutes before the ceremony starts. Your planner or someone at the venue will keep a lookout for the arrival of the bride to alert the rest of the team and guests that the ceremony is imminent.

Once everyone at the wedding is seated and the bridal party is ready in a room outside the ceremony room, everyone lines up. When it’s time for the processional to start, the music will change to the song you’ll have chosen ahead of time.

Depending on who is in the bridal party, the order will go a little like this:

  • Officiant
  • Bridesmaids
  • Maid of honour and best man
  • Ring bearer or page boy
  • Flower girl
  • The bride and her father or parents

As you meet your partner at the front, your loved ones watching on, the officiant will guide you and your guests through the ceremony. At a same-sex ceremony, it’s entirely up to you whether you follow a similar order to this, walk down the aisle together, or do something else entirely. It’s your wedding, so you’re free to do it however you like!

What are the traditional wedding ceremony words?

Photo © Damien Vickers Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The vows you’ll have at your wedding will be determined both by your personal preferences and whether or not you’re having a religious ceremony. You may choose to write your own vows, but many couples still opt to use traditional vows.

Remember, a certain portion of your vows have to follow the legal process to ensure your marriage is binding, so while you’re free to personalise them, you do still need to follow the rules. The legal declaration and contracting words will usually be along these lines:

Declaratory words

“I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, [YOUR FULL NAME], may not be joined in matrimony to [YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME].”

Contracting words

“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, [YOUR FULL NAME], do take thee, (YOUR PARTNER’S FULL NAME) to be my lawful wedded [WIFE/HUSBAND/SPOUSE/PARTNER IN MARRIAGE]. I promise to care for you, to give you my love and friendship, and to respect you and cherish you throughout the rest of our lives together.”

How to get the perfect wedding ceremony shots for your wedding album

Photo © Andy Sidders Photography | See their Bridebook profile

If you’ve hired a professional wedding photographer, they’ll spend a lot of time before, during and after your ceremony making sure you have wonderful photographs that you can hold on to forever. During the run-up to and during the ceremony, your photographer should take a lot of candid, natural photographs, meaning you’re free to get ready and enjoy your ceremony. That means it’s one less thing to worry about, so don’t look out for your photographer, and if you see them try to resist striking a pose unless they ask.

There may be a few mini photo sessions, such as the bride with her parents before the ceremony, but the main photo shoot will follow the ceremony, when the two of you will take plenty of pictures, as well as those involving your family and friends. One of the big ones is the traditional confetti shot, which involves you walking between two rows of guests as they shower you with colourful confetti. A skilled photographer will know exactly what to do to make sure everyone’s in the right position to get the best possible shots.

It may not be in your nature to pose for photographs but try to embrace the moment and enjoy it. To help calm the nerves that may come with your wedding photos, consider a wedding photographer package that includes an engagement photoshoot, which can make you feel more comfortable in front of the camera.

What happens after the ceremony?

Photo © Tom Jeavons | See their Bridebook profile

After the ceremony is over and you’ve signed the register, the two of you are declared as legally married. Phew! You can now enjoy the rest of your wedding day, starting with the obligatory photoshoot if you’ve hired a professional photographer.

Following the photos, what happens next depends on what you’ve chosen for the remainder of your big day. Traditionally, if your ceremony was around lunchtime, you and your guests will move on to the breakfast (which may or may not be at the same venue as the ceremony), which includes a meal and toasts. Then, during the afternoon and into the early evening, the venue may get ready for the evening reception, where there might be more food, drinks and dancing.

For more information, read our post featuring the best wedding day timeline.

What are some alternative wedding ceremony ideas?

Photo © Wedding Photography & Film | See their Bridebook profile

Traditional wedding ceremonies can be beautiful, whether intimate or grand. However, if you’re not particularly fond of the idea of following tradition, you can choose to do something completely different. That way, your wedding ceremony can be in keeping with what you have in mind for the rest of your big day and fit perfectly with your personalities. So, here are five alternate wedding ceremony ideas you might want to think about.

  1. Twilight wedding ceremony: A twilight wedding is a wedding that takes place during the latter part of the day, so you can take advantage of the magic and beauty that comes once it starts to get dark. With a twilight wedding there are tons of opportunities to get creative with lighting.
  2. Destination ceremony: Just think about how blissful it would be to get married on a white sandy beach, surrounded by acres of woodland or on a rooftop overlooking New York City. With a destination wedding, the world is literally your oyster.
  3. Themed ceremony: With some carefully sourced and made props and decorations, you can put together an immersive, themed ceremony that’s personalised and unique. Steampunk, vintage, Hollywood premiere, botanical… there are so many themed ceremony ideas to choose from.
  4. Adventurous ceremony: If you love the great outdoors, why not swap your suits and dresses for hiking gear, a wet suit or snow shoes and have a wedding ceremony somewhere adventurous?
  5. Surprise ceremony: Give your guests a surprise they’ll never forget by inviting them to what they think is just an ordinary party. Except, suddenly the doors open and they’re invited to take a seat to watch you get married. Imagine how excited everyone would be!

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Black Wedding Traditions to Honour Your Heritage

Weddings are full to the brim with traditions and customs that couples may choose to include in their special day to celebrate their love and commitment to each other. In the UK, traditions include the couple not seeing each other the morning of the wedding, the bride wearing white and the couple cutting the wedding cake together.

But, many black communities have introduced new traditions to UK weddings, which many love to include in their wedding as a mark of respect and honour and to honour their heritage. Including traditions is a wonderful way to add depth and meaning to a wedding while keeping parts of a family’s culture alive.

In this post, and to celebrate Black History Month, we’re going to explore black wedding traditions and what you can do to honour your heritage at your wedding, including some from the Caribbean and several African countries, such as Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda.

Should you honour traditions at your wedding?

Photo © Motiejus | See their Bridebook profile

Weddings are all about celebrating the love between you and your spouse-to-be as you start this wonderful new chapter in your lives. As part of this, using traditions can be a touching and thoughtful way not only to mark your family’s history, but also to instil your personality and culture into your big day.

If you and your partner are from different backgrounds, honouring traditions is also a great way to bring two cultures together and pay tribute to your families.

That being said, whatever you choose to do for your wedding is entirely up to you – it’s your day, after all. You may choose to ignore traditions, or you may wish to include as many traditions related to your heritage as you can. And let’s be honest, our families love a good tradition, so it would definitely be appreciated.

How can you honour your heritage at your wedding?

Photo © Marni V Photography | See their Bridebook profile

There are many ways you can honour your heritage at your wedding, which can be as big or small as your style, preferences and budget allow. Just some of the ways you can honour your heritage can be done through the:

  • Ceremony
  • Rituals
  • Vows
  • Venue
  • Attire
  • Food and drink
  • Wedding favours
  • Music

You might decide to go all-out and have a wedding heavily influenced by traditions and culture. Or, you might choose to honour your heritage in a few smaller ways.

60 black wedding traditions and how you can honour them

Photo © Lensi Photography | See their Bridebook profile

It might be important to you that your heritage influences your wedding day, but what traditions are there and which should you choose? Below are 60 black wedding traditions from around the world that make for wonderful ways to mark your family’s history and culture.

12 Caribbean wedding traditions

Photo © Hedsor House | See their Bridebook profile
  1. Place a dime in the bride’s shoe to bring a life filled with wealth and prosperity.
  2. The bride is given away by both her mother and father.
  3. The Sunday after the ceremony and reception, the wedding guests are invited to the bride’s home after church, which is known as Tun T’anks Sunday.
  4. To symbolise purity and modesty, and in some cases hide from unpleasant spirits, the bride wears a veil until the end of the ceremony.
  5. Instead of throwing the bouquet over her head, the bride throws it straight at one of her dearest family members or friends. Some believe that if no one catches it and the bouquet lands on the floor, it’ll lead to infidelity.
  6. Wedding ceremonies are often held in a marquee in the back garden (though in the UK, not many of us have gardens that are nearly big enough).
  7. To honour family members they’ve lost and ensure they can take part in the celebrations, white rum is poured outside before the ceremony.
  8. If they hope to start a family, a slice of wedding cake is kept under the pillow, which is thought to help with fertility.
  9. Brides ask their bridesmaids to also dress in white, which is thought to confuse any evil spirits who might try to meddle with the big day.
  10. Instead of tin cans, shoes are tied to the back of the wedding car at the end of the night, which symbolises that the father of the bride is no longer financially responsible for her.
  11. Traditional Caribbean wedding cake is known as ‘black rum cake’, which takes six months to make as the fruit is soaked in rum.
  12. Traditional Caribbean wedding food and drink include:
    • Curried goat
    • Rice and peas
    • Jerk chicken
    • Jerk pork
    • Fried plantain
    • Cornmeal
    • Pastries
    • Potatoes
    • Fruit
    • Desserts
    • Champagne
    • Rum

12 Ghanaian wedding traditions

Photo © JOT Photography | See their Bridebook profile
  1. Before the wedding there is a knocking ceremony, when the groom’s family approaches the bride’s family to tell them their son intends to marry their daughter.
  2. The bride’s brothers are offered money as a gesture of appreciation for protecting her, known as Akonta Sekan.
  3. The groom offers a drink, known as Tiri Nsa, to the bride’s father, which is often wine or schnapps, which acts as a dowry.
  4. The groom offers the bride’s family gifts known as ‘Aye-do-dee’, which can include meat, tobacco, schnapps and yams.
  5. Wedding attire is made from kente cloth (handwoven cotton and silk) which is brightly coloured with gold and jewels. This helps the couple feel like royalty for the day.
  6. Colours play an important role and represent different things:
    • Pink represents calm
    • Gold represents wealth
    • Maroon wards off spirits
    • Blue represents peace
  7. Traditionally, the wedding ceremony will take place at the bride’s home.
  8. Music from ‘Adowa’ groups will usually be played before the ceremony.
  9. As the guests take their seats before the ceremony, the bride’s family are usually seated first so they can welcome the groom’s family, who offer gifts.
  10. The bride gives consent three times to show that she is truly happy to become her fiance’s wife.
  11. During the first dance, guests are invited to throw money at the couple at the end of the song to help them start their new life together.
  12. Traditional Ghanaian wedding food and drinks include:
    • Jollof rice
    • Grilled fish
    • Stew
    • Roasted goat
    • Fried plantains
    • Plantain cakes
    • Bofrot (spiced doughnuts)

10 Nigerian wedding traditions

Photo © Josephine Elvis | See their Bridebook profile
  1. One partner writes a letter to their intended fiance’s family asking for permission to marry their child, which is often read aloud.
  2. Traditionally, guest lists aren’t put together, as everyone from the community is welcome to attend.
  3. Before the wedding, the bride’s family gives the groom’s family a dowry list, which they must adhere to if they want the wedding to go ahead.
  4. Kola nuts that have been blessed are broken apart and are used as a way to welcome the guests – the more parts the nut breaks into, the more luck the couple will have.
  5. One colour is chosen for the bride and another for the groom, and each family is asked to wear clothing of that colour depending on whether they know the bride or groom.
  6. Weddings are traditionally officiated by an Alaga, who heckles the groom and his groomsmen as a form of wedding entertainment.
  7. Brides wear a headpiece known as a Gele and grooms wear a Fila, with both usually being custom-made.
  8. The groom and sometimes the groomsmen will lie face down on the floor at the feet of the bride’s family to show that he will respect his future wife.
  9. The cake is usually cut during the ceremony itself, rather than at the evening reception.
  10. Traditional Nigerian wedding food and drinks include:
    • Jollof rice
    • Fried rice
    • Pepper soup
    • Pounded yams
    • Small chops
    • Chicken curry
    • Porridge
    • Ofada sauce
    • Moin moin

10 Ugandan wedding traditions

Photo © Photography by Remi Benson | See their Bridebook profile
  1. A dowry is offered by the groom to the bride’s family, which can be a large and expensive gesture, or something smaller and more of a token gift.
  2. There are often two ceremonies, the first being an introduction known as Kwanjula, and the second similar to Western wedding ceremonies.
  3. Brides traditionally wear a long silk or cotton dress, known as a gomesi, which is tied around the waist. This may be one of many dresses the bride chooses to wear throughout the course of the day.
  4. Traditionally, weddings are organised by older members of the family.
  5. Weddings are big and loud celebrations – so much so, that even strangers are invited to attend.
  6. Grooms wear a tunic or kanzu, which is often white or cream and floor-length, along with a round, flat cap called a kofia.
  7. Guests will frequently wear suuka, which women wear around their waist or shoulders, while men wear a kanzu and jacket.
  8. At the reception, guests often enter while dancing, at which point the couple will offer them a token gift.
  9. Traditionally, the Okunabbya omugole ritual must be completed by the groom’s mother, which involves the couple being washed in herb-infused water beneath a tree.
  10. Traditional Ugandan wedding food and drink include:
    • Matooke
    • Millet flour
    • Rice
    • Vegetables
    • Beef
    • Chicken
    • Fish
    • Fruit
    • Chapati

10 Kenyan wedding traditions

Photo © Nasha Gee Photography | See their Bridebook profile
  1. The bride wears a kanga or kitenge dress, which is a colourful dress with a head wrap. They’ll also wear lots of fabulous jewellery.
  2. The groom wears a kanzu, a floor-length white tunic, or a suit, with a kofia – a flat, round cap.
  3. The two families greet each other outside the venue to introduce themselves to one another before entering together.
  4. A sand-pouring ritual symbolises the two families coming together.
  5. The couple jump over a broom which is placed on the floor to symbolise sweeping away any bad luck.
  6. The bride and groom feed each other wine or honey, which represents the sweetness the two have in marriage. They may also wash each other’s feet as a display of humility.
  7. Benga or Taarab music is often played at the ceremony.
  8. Guests are usually invited to sing alongside the band, with anyone welcome to take part.
  9. On top of wedding favours, the couple traditionally give guests additional gifts, such as jewellery.
  10. Traditionally Kenyan wedding food and drink include:
    • Ugali
    • Nyama choma
    • Matoke
    • Pilau
    • Chapati
    • Goat
    • Vegetables
    • Fermented milk
    • Tea

8 Zimbabwean wedding traditions

Photo © Ore Omoniyi Weddings | See their Bridebook profile
  1. The bride’s family ask for a dowry known as Lobola, which is traditionally in the form of livestock, but today may be a monetary amount.
  2. Both families agree on a mediator who will take part in pre-wedding negotiations, who is known as the Munyai.
  3. Music is played using a Mbira, a traditional Zimbabwean instrument that is thought to summon helpful spirits.
  4. The home is painted to symbolise that the bride will make a good wife and mother. The bride should paint the gates, walls and interior of the home.
  5. The bride wears Idzila around her neck, arms and legs, which are rings made of brass and copper, to represent her faithfulness.
  6. Hoops made from grass called Isigolwani are worn around the neck.
  7. Traditionally, the bride wears saris or lehengas, while men wear sherwanis or kurta pyjamas.
  8. Traditional Zimbabwean wedding food and drink include:
    • Sadza
    • Chicken
    • Beef
    • Vegetables
    • Fruit
    • Salad
    • Beer
    • Wine

8 South African wedding traditions

Photo © Leesha Williams Photo + Film | See their Bridebook profile
  1. The Kupe is a traditional wedding dance, where guests stand and dance within a circle.
  2. Brides may wear a white, full-length dress with a veil or colourful Shweshwe. Grooms may wear a suit or a boubou.
  3. The Imbeleko ritual involves making an offering to ancestors in the form of exchanging cows.
  4. The men from the bride’s and groom’s families meet in each others’ homes to talk and drink, which is known as Dherela Amadoda. This is similar to the Umabo Ceremony, which is a traditional Zulu blessing.
  5. The bride is washed by her mother and other close female relatives in warm water which symbolises washing away bad luck.
  6. A couple of days before the wedding, the two families come together to share prayer and food.
  7. Zulu dancing and Marabi music are traditionally included in the celebrations.
  8. Traditional South African wedding food and drink include:
    • Sosaties
    • Umphokoqo 
    • Potjiekos
    • Bobotie
    • Fruit cakes
    • Rakgadi
    • Umqombothi

Real Wedding: Charmaine & Chris

Photo © Lok Creative

Charmaine and Chris tied the knot on 3 July 2021 at Mitcham Methodist Church and celebrated their love with a beautiful traditional Ghanaian wedding. They followed many of the traditions explained above, most notably:

  • The traditional knocking ceremony
  • Exchange of gifts from the groom’s family to the bride
  • The groom dancing in with his friends and family
  • The bride dancing in with her friends and sisters hiding her face until she got to the front
  • The bride being asked three times by her father if this was the man she wanted to marry
  • The exchange of rings

Real Wedding: Christina & Leslie

Photo © SMAP Photography 

Christina and Leslie tied the knot on 29 July 2023 at Sacred Heart Church in Wimbledon. Christina is Charmaine’s sister, and just like Charmaine, chose to honour her heritage with a traditional Ghanaian wedding, incorporating all the same traditions into her own big day. 

Plan your dream wedding with Bridebook

If you’re planning your wedding and looking to honour some of your heritage, there are plenty of ways you can do it, whether big or small. Here at Bridebook, we have all the tools and tips you could need to plan a wedding that’s truly unique and meaningful to you.

Who Does Speeches at a Wedding?

Have you ever wondered who does the toast at a wedding? Who’s allowed to stand up and share their anecdotes, laughter, and special memories? Who has the honour of raising a glass and toasting to the future of the newlyweds? Well, you’re in the right place, because we’re unraveling the beautiful mystery of wedding speeches.

Wedding speeches can be as customisable as your big day. Of course, there are traditional orders and makers of speeches. But that doesn’t mean you need to stick to those! In this post, we explore who makes different wedding toasts, who can make them in their absence, and some tips on what to include in a wedding toast or speech. 

What is a wedding speech?

Photo © Swiftly Creative | See their Bridebook profile

A wedding speech is a tribute or toast made during a wedding reception. Wedding speeches are usually made by the wedding party. For example, the father of the bride, the groom, and the best man. But they can be made by anyone close to the happy couple.

Usually, you’ll be asked to make a wedding speech — you shouldn’t just stand up and make one! Being invited to give a speech at a wedding is an honor, and it marks the significance of your relationship with the couple. It’s a chance to express your love, share memorable stories, and offer your well-wishes for their future together. 

Who does a speech at a wedding?

Who Does Speeches at a Wedding: Cheat Sheet
Check out this cheat sheet to see who does a speech at a wedding and in what order

Many people make speeches at weddings. Some are traditional, like the father of the bride, and some are planned but unconventional, like the maid of honour. In this section, we explore who should make different toasts and give you an idea of what to include.

Who does the welcome speech at the wedding?

Photo © Tracy Morter Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A wedding’s welcome speech is a short address made before any of the other wedding speeches. It usually welcomes the guests to the reception, lets guests know what the order of speeches will be, and how long they can expect the speeches to take. It might also acknowledge the guests’ efforts in coming to the wedding, a thank you for attending the celebration, or a few thoughts on love and commitment. 

The welcome speech can be made by:

  • The bride or groom
  • The father of the bride
  • The father of the groom
  • A significant family member

Who does the first speech at a wedding?

Photo © Seattle to London Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The first speech at a wedding is usually the father of the bride speech. This speech is usually a mix of pride and nostalgia, and is traditionally made by the father of the bride. But it can also be made by a father-like figure in the bride’s life. More on this later. 

The first speech at a wedding is usually designed to welcome everyone to the reception, and sets the tone for the other speeches. It should include an introduction to who you are, some words about love, and a thank you to all the people who made this day possible. For example, the venue staff, caterers, wedding party, and more.

Who does the father of the bride toast?

Photo © SaywellHQ | See their Bridebook profile

The father of the bride speech is usually performed by the father of the bride. However, depending on the family dynamic or circumstances, the father of the bride speech can also be made by:

  • The bride’s uncle
  • The bride’s step-father
  • The bride’s sibling
  • A father figure to the bride (for example, a godfather) 

There may be many reasons why the father of the bride isn’t able to make a speech on the big day. All that matters is that whoever steps in to deliver the speech does so with love, sincerity, and a deep connection to the bride. 

Who does the groom toast?

Photo © Andy Withey Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The groom’s speech is traditionally made by the groom. However, if the groom is feeling shy or there’s any reason why the groom can’t make the toast, the groom’s toast can also be made by:

  • The bride
  • The father of the groom
  • The mother of the groom
  • A trusted family member

The groom’s toast is supposed to be an address on behalf of the happy couple. But if this isn’t possible, the person making the groom’s toast should focus on thanking everyone for their contributions, talking about how special the day has been, and expressing their well-wishes for the future. 

Who does the best man toast?

Photo © Specular Visuals | See their Bridebook profile

The best man’s speech is usually made by the best man. However, if this isn’t possible, or if the groom doesn’t have a best man, the third speech in the order of speeches can be made by:

  • The maid of honour
  • The bride 
  • The groomsmen 
  • The groom’s sibling

The best man’s toast is intended to be a funny and light-hearted speech, full of jokes and anecdotes about the groom and stories of adventures over the years. However, it can also be a toast to friendship, to the couple’s love story, or an expression of your well-wishes for their future together. 

Who does the maid of honour toast?

Photo © S. G Mark Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The maid of honour speech is usually made by the bride’s maid of honour on the big day. But it’s becoming more and more common for brides not to pick a maid of honour. As a result, this speech can be made by:

  • One of the bridesmaids
  • The bride
  • The bride’s sibling
  • The bride’s mother

The maid of honour speech is a lovely but untraditional wedding speech that usually includes anecdotes about wedding planning, special memories of the bride, and support for the couple’s future. It’s a chance to express gratitude for being a part of the bride’s journey and to share in the joy of her special day.

The bottom line on wedding toasts

Photo © Craig Connell Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding toasts are more than just a tradition; they’re moments of genuine emotion, humour, and connection that add depth and warmth to a wedding celebration. Wedding toasts are made by a range of people during the reception. However, the order of speeches and who makes the toasts isn’t set in stone — in fact, they can be as customisable as your wedding day.

All that really matters is that the speeches are filled with love, support, and guidance on the happy couple’s big day. Whether you’re sticking to tradition or shaking things up, you’ll need some handy guidance on what to include in a wedding speech and some handy wedding speech ideas. If you’re stuck on where to start, we have a whole host of wedding speech examples to inspire you.

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Happy Planning!

Wedding Speech Ideas

Making a speech at a wedding is a big deal. 

It cements you as a key figure in a person’s life. After all, they’ll always remember the people who made the effort to speak at their wedding. As a result, you want to honour the couple by doing them justice, as well as delight and entertain everyone in the room.

Think of this as your chance to add an extra bit of sparkle to this extraordinary day. So, take a deep breath, stand up straight, and get ready to make this moment a cherished memory for the newlyweds. 

In this post, we explore the best wedding speech ideas for each crucial person in the wedding party. That includes the traditional father of the bride, groom, and best man. We also take a peek at non-traditional wedding speeches like the bride’s speech, bridesmaid’s speech, maid of honour’s speech, and sister of the bride’s speech. 

What is a wedding speech?

Photo © SaywellHQ | See their Bridebook profile

A wedding speech is a speech, toast, or dedication made during a wedding reception. They’re usually made after the wedding breakfast but before the dessert. This not only breaks up the meal nicely but also prevents the guests from getting too hungry!

Wedding speeches can be short, funny, touching, or tear-jerking and usually include anecdotes about the happy couple, some guidance on marriage, quotes about love, and a lot of thank-yous. They’re generally between 5 and 7 minutes long. However, they can be as long as necessary to get your point across.

No matter the length, every wedding speech should start with an introduction and end with a toast to the health and happiness of the newlyweds. 

What should I include in speeches for weddings?

Photo © Flowtography Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

Here are some key elements to include in your wedding speech:

  • Introduce yourself. Though most people at the wedding will already know you, introducing yourself at the start of a speech is a great way to kick off the proceedings. It can help you feel more confident and set the tone of your speech.
  • How you met the happy couple. You can then move on to explaining how long you’ve known the newlyweds and how you met them. Are you a sister, brother, an old school friend, or partner in crime?
  • Loving advice. Even if you’re single, feel free to share your thoughts and advice about love. If you don’t feel confident doing this, consider using some quotes about love, shortening a wedding reading, or even using your favourite song lyrics!
  • Light teasing. Light teasing is to be expected during a wedding speech. It adds a touch of humour and warmth to the celebration, making everyone feel even closer to the bride and groom. However, it’s important to remember that the key word here is ‘light.’ The goal is to bring smiles, not embarrassment, to the faces of the newlyweds. If you’re not sure whether a joke will land properly, consider running it past the couple first. Alternatively, leave it out and pick another story! 
  • A toast. Every good speech should end with a hearty toast. Raise your glass high, wish the lovebirds well, and drink to their shared future. 

Wedding Speech Ideas

Photo © Damien Vickers Photography | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re unsure what to include in your wedding speech, we’ve got your back. Check out our guide on wedding toast suggestions to see how your role in the celebrations will impact what you should include. 

Father of the bride speech ideas

The father of the bride’s speech is a special moment between a father and his child. It’s usually the first speech in order of speeches and should include:

  • A light-hearted warning to their new partner. This type of gentle teasing should be reserved for fathers and children who share a similar sense of humour. If that’s you, you could consider warning your child’s new partner about how untidy they are, how messy their hair is in the morning, or any other unique quirks they possess. As long as the ribbing stays good-natured and light-hearted, you’re good to go. 
  • Your pearls of wisdom. As the father of the bride, you’ll no doubt have some salient advice for your child and their new partner on their wedding day. Share what you’ve learned about love, life, and commitment on your journeys around the sun. If you’re at a loss, a poem about love never goes amiss. 
  • Tell them how proud you are. Finally, tell the bride how proud you are of them. Tell them how you always knew they were someone special, how much you love them, and how genuinely lucky their new partner is. Trust us — there won’t be a dry eye in the room!

Groom speech ideas

The groom’s speech traditionally goes second in the order of speeches. The groom’s speech should be an ode to your new partner and a big thank you to everyone who’s helped plan (and finance) your big day. Be sure to include:

  • A big thank you to everyone. Planning a wedding is no easy task. There’s so much to think about and so much to pay for! Every person sitting with you on your wedding day has played a part in your love story, so thank them for that. Thank your parents for all their support, thank your parent’s parents for welcoming you into their family, thank your friends, your parent’s friends, the guests, and finally, the staff of the venue. After all, without their hard work, this day wouldn’t be possible!
  • Tell your partner how much they mean to you. You should then turn your attention to your new partner. Tell them how beautiful they look, that you’re the luckiest person alive, and thank them for their support. Don’t be afraid to lay it on thick — everyone will love it!
  • Mention those who couldn’t make it. There are always people who can’t attend a wedding. Be that because they have other plans or because they’ve passed away, it’s a nice gesture to acknowledge the love and support of those who can’t be there on your big day.  

Best man speech ideas

Next up is the best man’s speech. 

Best man speeches are intended to be upbeat, funny, and memorable. Your role as the best man isn’t just to stand beside the groom on their big day, but also to share in the celebration by delivering a speech that reflects the joy of the occasion. As a result, your speech should include:

  • Stag-do shenanigans. This is the perfect time to share how drunk the groom was on his stag-do. Maybe share how you had them dress up as a smurf, the games you played, and the morning-after fry-up. Just remember — his family, friends, and work colleagues will all be there. So, if you’re not sure about a joke, give it a miss!
  • The time the groom told you about their new partner. You were likely one of the first people to hear about the groom’s new relationship. Meet-cutes or stories about when they told you their new partner was ‘the one’ always go down well. Share exactly what they told you when they decided they were going to propose, and watch the smiles light up around the room. 
  • The adventures you’ve shared. Share some of your favourite memories from your adventures with the groom. You’ve no doubt shared a whole host of unforgettable experiences, so share those with your invited guests. Again —- keep it clean, keep it appropriate. 

Bride speech ideas

The bride’s speech is an untraditional but beautiful wedding speech. There’s no better feeling than taking a few minutes on your big day to share your love for your new partner and how grateful you are for everyone’s love and support throughout the process. 

Because the bride’s speech is untraditional, there are no expectations! However, we recommend you include:

  • A toast to yourself! Wedding planning is hard. But, you’ve made it to the other side, and now you get to enjoy your big day! Raise a toast to yourself for all your hard work, planning efforts, and dedication. Your commitment to creating a beautiful and memorable wedding day is truly commendable, and it deserves to be celebrated. Cheers to you; you did it!
  • Thank the hidden supporters. There are a lot of hidden supporters who go into wedding prep. For example, your hairdresser, your make-up artist, your florist, your wedding planner, and many more. Thank their efforts in making you look and feel so beautiful and all the support and guidance they’ve given you along the way. 
  • A personal story from wedding planning. There are lots of ‘behind the scenes’ moments of wedding planning that will never get the recognition they deserve. But, this is your chance! Time to share what your ‘plan B’ was in case of rain, the outfit you almost chose, or any unexpected mishaps that turned into cherished memories. 

Maid of honour speech ideas

As the maid of honour, your speech should be heartfelt, personal, and reflective of your relationship with the bride. Consider including:

  • The couple’s love story. You’re in the fortunate position of having been able to witness the happy couple’s love story. You’ve probably been there since the very beginning, knew every detail about the proposal before it even happened, and went to every bridal fitting. Share this with the guests! They’ll want to know every detail about how the bride knew their partner was the one. Tell them about the first-date jitters, the third-date butterflies, or when they told you they’d met the one. 
  • Meaningful lyrics. Share the bride’s favourite meaningful song lyrics as part of your speech. Not only will this act as a fun inside joke between the two of you, but it will beautifully capture the essence of the couple’s relationship.
  • The proposal. The proposal story is always a crowd-pleaser. You probably had the inside scoop on what was happening, so share the part you played when the question was popped. Now that the big day has arrived, you can spill the beans on the sneaky communications, how the ring size was discovered, and how they told you the news. 

Bridesmaid speech ideas

Another non-traditional wedding speech, a bridesmaid’s speech could include the following:

  • Compliments for the bride. If you’re not sure what to include, complimenting the bride will always go down well. Compliment their choice of outfit, tell them how radiant they were walking down the aisle, or even talk about how fun the hen-do was. There are a ton of options for wedding day compliments, all of which will add warmth and love to your speech. 
  • Support and well-wishes. If you’re at the wedding, you’ve probably already been a big support and source of guidance throughout the couple’s relationship. However, your candid advice, guidance, and dreams for their future on their big day will be well-received and can bulk out the body of your speech.
  • The getting-ready process. Getting ready for a wedding is one of the best parts of the day. Share all the funny stories of overflowing prosecco, eyelashes that wouldn’t stick, and the special moment you first saw the bride in their outfit. 

Sister of the bride speech ideas

The sister of the bride’s speech could also be a maid of honour speech. However, it doesn’t have to be. 

Instead, focus on the sister of the bride’s speech as being a loving and nostalgic toast from the bride’s oldest friend. You could include:

  • Stories from their childhood. You’re in the unique position of having been present during the bride’s childhood. As a result, you’ll have plenty of embarrassing stories and happy memories to share on your sister’s big day. For example, you could tell the guests about their My Little Pony obsession, how much they loved custard, or even a heartwarming memory from their first day at school. Whatever stories you decide to share, make sure they’re full of love and peppered with nostalgia. 
  • Sibling rivalry or teasing. A hint of sibling rivalry is to be expected in a sister of the bride speech. Share how you’re the oldest, were always the tallest, and yet they beat you down this aisle! 
  • Heartfelt admiration. Alternatively, if you’re the younger sister, flip the narrative and explain how you’ve always looked up to your big sister, and you hope to be as happy as she is one day. 

The bottom line on wedding speeches

Photo © F.D.Young Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding speeches are a beautiful and much-anticipated part of the big day. Being asked to make a speech or wedding toast is a big honour, and you should take it as your opportunity to sing the praises of the happy couple. After all, they’ve trusted you with part of the biggest day of their lives!

The bottom line on wedding speeches is that they should be fun, engaging, and heartfelt. Your words should reflect the love, joy, and uniqueness of the couple, as well as the special relationship you share. It’s your chance to contribute to their big day, make the audience laugh or shed a tear, and leave a lasting impression on this wonderful occasion.

So, whether you’re a traditional speech maker like the best man, or non-traditional like the sister of the bride, remember to stand up straight, smile, and always end with a toast. If you’re not sure where to start, we have a whole host of wedding speech examples to inspire you. Plus, you can find everything you need to know about wedding speech length, wedding speech order, and speech delivery tips through our handy blog posts. 

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Happy Planning!

How to Write a Funny Wedding Speech

If writing a wedding speech wasn’t stressful enough, now you’ve been asked to make it funny!

Writing a genuinely entertaining wedding speech can be tough. If you get it right, it will leave guests in fits of giggles and ensure your speech is a memorable highlight of the big day. But if you get it wrong, you might be left with crickets chirping and awkward glances all around.

Though writing a funny wedding speech can feel like a daunting task, we’re here to reassure you that all it takes is the right structure, a few well-timed jokes, and a lot of love to write a funny wedding speech!

So, whether you’re the father of the bride, groom, best man, maid of honour, or a non-traditional speech-maker, we’re here to guide you in crafting a funny wedding speech that strikes the perfect balance between humour and sentiment. Read on to learn the structure and some top tips.

What is a funny wedding speech?

Photo © Benjamin Toms Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A funny wedding speech is a speech given during a wedding reception with the intention of making the guests laugh. To make your wedding speech funny, you can include jokes, anecdotes about the newlyweds, funny quotes or poems, or even use light-hearted teasing. Remember, any teasing should always be in good faith and with the express permission of the couple. 

The best thing about funny wedding speeches is that they’re generally short – it can be difficult to write a long wedding speech with good comedic timing. Plus, a short wedding speech tends to hold the audience’s attention better and leave a lasting impression. Try to keep a funny wedding speech between 3-5 minutes long and focus on the quality of stories over the quantity of stories. 

For more information, check out our post on how long a wedding speech should be.

How should you structure a funny wedding speech? 

Photo © SaywellHQ | See their Bridebook profile


The first step of any good wedding speech should always be an introduction. Standing up and letting everyone know who you are and your role in the wedding will help you feel more confident and open up the speech in a professional way. 

You might also consider explaining your relationship to the couple while slipping in a joke or two. For example:

“Hey, everyone. My name is Sophie, the bride’s much, much younger sister”.

“Hi guys, thanks for joining us here today. I’m Jack, the best man and worst influence here today!”

Remember, any jokes should always be tasteful and appropriate for the guests. If you’re unsure, run the jokes you’re considering telling past the couple first to get their approval. This way, you can change your speech accordingly before the big day, and no one will be offended!

Tasteful jokes and one-liners

You can then move on to including some funny jokes and one-liners into your speech. These can be related to love, marriage, or even your relationship to the couple. Humour should be light-hearted, which means no making fun of anything personal or crossing any boundaries.

Pay close attention to your comedic timing, as well as allow time in between the jokes for people to laugh. Otherwise, they might miss the next joke, which could derail your speech!

Funny anecdotes 

You should then move on to sharing a funny story about the newlyweds. You’re in the unique position of being a pivotal person in their life. As a result, you’ll have a ton of funny stories or entertaining anecdotes to draw upon. This is your chance to highlight the couple’s true personality and show them the moments that have defined your relationship. 

Sentimental memories

Once the laughs have come to a natural end, it’s time to close the speech with some special and sentimental memories that you’ve shared with the couple. For example, the first time you met your bestie’s new partner, a story about how the couple met and the role you played, or even a heartwarming story from their wedding planning. 

Whatever you choose to share, it should be a loving and sentimental moment that naturally follows the laughter and highlights how special this day is.


No good speech is complete without a toast. The final step of your speech-making should be to raise your glass of fizz high, make one final wish or blessing to the couple, and ask the guests to join you in a toast. 

Top tips for writing a funny wedding speech

If you’re not sure, then don’t say it

Knowing your audience is a crucial part of writing a funny wedding speech. Consider what types of jokes are appropriate for your guests. For example, are there a lot of elderly family members attending, or is it a service bound by religion? If so, you may want to omit the more risqué or edgy humour

Remember, if you’re not sure whether a joke will land as intended, it’s better not to say it. 

Practice makes perfect

Practicing your speech ahead of the big day will help you feel more confident and prepared. Try practicing in front of a mirror, with a trusted friend, or even by recording yourself to watch back. Though this may feel uncomfortable, it’s a great way to work on comedic timing and understand how your speech will come across to audiences. 

Consider your role in the wedding

The role you play in the wedding will change the nature of your speech. For example:

  • Funny maid of honour speeches usually include stories about wedding planning, hen-do shenanigans, and stories about the bride.
  • Funny bridesmaid speeches will also include hen-do tales and stories about the bride. However, they will probably place less emphasis on wedding planning as bridesmaids aren’t usually involved in that.
  • Funny best man speeches might include light-hearted teasing, stag-do stories, or any anecdotes from how you met the groom.
  • Funny father of the bride speeches are a great opportunity to let the groom know exactly what he’s in for! For example, how untidy the bride is, how moody she is in the morning, or any other quirks

Have a backup plan

If things start going wrong or the jokes aren’t landing the way you expected, it’s a good idea to have a backup plan. This could mean writing a second short, non-funny speech to fall back on in case your first speech goes pear-shaped. 

The bottom line on funny wedding speeches

Writing a funny wedding speech is no simple task. You need to consider comedic timing, the appropriateness of jokes, the length of the speech, and your relationship to the bride or groom. But when done right, funny wedding speeches are a fantastic way to add joy and laughter to the celebration while celebrating the couple’s love. If well-executed, they can become a special and memorable part of the big day. That’s why being well-prepared is essential. 

However, writing a funny wedding speech isn’t just about making people laugh. It’s also about highlighting the special relationship you share with the couple, having fun, and reminding the guests about the little quirks that make everyone love the newlyweds so much. 

If you’re struggling with where to start, we have a ton of examples of fun and interesting wedding speeches, including the traditional groom’s speech or best man’s speech, plus guidance on writing a short speech if you’re looking to keep it brief. There’s no time like the present, so get started on writing your funny wedding speech today!

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Happy Planning!

How to Start and End a Wedding Speech

Wedding speeches are surely the highlight of the wedding reception. They have the power to make a room roar with laughter or bring a tear to every eye. 

However, crafting the perfect beginning and ending to your wedding speech can be tricky. The opening is your first impression, and you want it to be memorable for all the right reasons. On the flip side, nailing the conclusion to a speech means guests will remember it for years to come. Nervous about getting it right? Don’t be. We’ve got your back. 

In this post, we discuss the ins and outs of how to start and end a wedding speech. We talk about what you could use to kick off your wedding day toasts and how to end a wedding speech in a genuine and memorable way. Ready to start? Let’s dive in. 

What is a wedding speech?

Photo © Mike Plunkett Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A wedding speech, also known as a wedding toast, is a heartfelt dedication to the newlyweds on their big day. Wedding speeches usually follow a specific speech order, and are traditionally made by the father of the bride, the groom, and the best man. However, as it’s your big day, you can ask anyone you’d like to make a speech and have them in any order you prefer!

The wedding speeches usually last around half an hour during the wedding reception. This happens after the main course has been eaten but before dessert is served. Guests usually have a glass of prosecco, champagne, or a non-alcoholic fizzy drink to toast the happy couple. 

How to start a wedding toast or speech?

Photo © Benjamin Toms Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The opening of your wedding speech or toast will engage your audience, set the tone for what’s to come, and create an emotional connection between you and the audience. But it can also be the hardest part to write as there’s a lot of pressure to get it right. 

But don’t let that overwhelm you! Remember that your opening should reflect your genuine feelings for the couple and your joy to participate in their special day. Speak from the heart, and you won’t go far wrong. If you’re still feeling unsure about how to open your wedding speech, check out our guidance on great wedding speech openings. 

Introduce yourself

Introducing yourself to the guests is the standard and accepted way to start a speech. It lets everyone know who you are, your relationship to the couple, and sets the stage for the rest of your speech. 

It may feel silly to introduce yourself, especially if a lot of people there know who you are. However, it’s a great way to start a speech and will help you feel more confident, so even if the groom is your brother and you’ve known the bride forever, let everyone know who you are and your role in the big day by introducing yourself. 

Start with a quote or compliment

If you’re feeling stuck about where to go next, a quote about love, a compliment to the beautiful bride, or a comment on the gorgeous venue are all solid options. A well-chosen quote can add depth and wisdom to your speech, while a sincere compliment will bring a smile to the bride’s face or show your appreciation for all the work that went into planning the wedding. Either way, these opening elements will set a positive tone for your speech and make the audience more receptive to your words. 

Use a funny story or anecdote

If you’re feeling confident, a funny story or anecdote about your relationship to the bride or groom is a great way to open your speech. It not only adds a touch of humour and light-heartedness to the atmosphere, but also instantly connects you with the audience through shared laughter.

But remember that humor can be a double-edged sword, so be sure to keep it light, respectful, and in good taste. The goal is to make the audience smile, not cringe. If your joke is a little risqué, consider running it past the bride or groom first to ensure they’re okay with it. 

Say thank you to everyone present

If all else fails, say thank you to everyone present. Thank you to the couple for inviting you to their special day, thank you to the venue staff who have worked so hard to make it all possible, and thank you to everyone else for coming. Everyone likes it when their contributions and efforts are acknowledged, so thanking the  wedding party and staff and guests is a fool-proof speech opener. 

How to end a wedding speech or toast

Photo © Jon Warr Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Often, the only part of a speech the guests remember is the beginning and end. You’ve nailed the opening, and now it’s time to wrap up on a positive note. Try using the below tips to help you craft a memorable conclusion to your wedding toast.

Recap your key messages

A great way to round up your wedding speech is to recap the message from the body of your speech. This reinforces the central point you wanted to convey and leaves a lasting impression. 

For example, if your speech was all about how perfect the happy couple is for each other, consider rounding off with, “We can all see how happy [couples’ names] make each other, and if I find a love that’s half as perfect as theirs, I’ll be a lucky, lucky person.”

This reiteration brings your speech full circle and highlights the love and happiness that radiates from the newlyweds. This will leave a heartfelt and enduring message to share with everyone.

Share your advice and thoughts

You could also round off your speech by giving your thoughts on love and marriage and any advice you may have for the newlyweds. If you aren’t in a position to offer any advice, a quote about love, a wedding reading, or a line from a song are also great ways to end your speech. 

This approach not only imparts wisdom and reflection, but also serves as a thoughtful and fitting conclusion to your wedding speech. 

End on a positive note

As with any part of a wedding speech, end on a positive note. This could be a final blessing, one last thank you, or even a warm smile. You’ve done the hard part; all that’s left is to seal the speech with a final dose of love and warmth. 

Cheers to the couple

The best part of any speech— it’s time to raise your glasses of fizz to the sky and toast the happy couple. Invite the rest of your guests to join you in a toast to the happy couple’s good fortune and good health. Cheers!

The bottom line on wedding toasts

Photo © SaywellHQ | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding speeches can be tricky to get right, and the beginning and end of a speech are arguably the hardest parts to nail. But with careful planning, heartfelt sentiments, and hearty cheers at the end, you can create a wedding speech that not only engages your audience, but also leaves a lasting impact on the newlyweds and their special day.

Remember, you can never go far wrong with a friendly introduction, plenty of thank-yous, a quick quote about love, and ending with a big smile and a toast. These simple elements will go a long way in creating a wedding speech that truly shines.

If you’re still sitting there wondering how to start your own wedding speech, or how to end it, we’ve got plenty of fabulous wedding speech examples right here on Bridebook. We have brilliant examples of father of the bride, groom, best man and maid of honour speeches that will knock your socks off!

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Happy Planning!

How to Write a Short Wedding Speech

Making a speech at a wedding reception is your opportunity to tell all the guests how happy you are for the newlyweds. It’s your time to thank the guests, share your thoughts about love, and celebrate this fabulous union.

But imagine you’re halfway through writing the wedding speech, and you’re told to “keep it short.” “Lots of people are making speeches,” they say. Or even, “We’d rather get to the puddings!” Now, suddenly, you need to condense your witty, tear-jerking 7-minute speech into a short 3 minutes! How do you cut down a wedding speech where everything feels important?

Crafting a short wedding speech that packs a punch can be challenging. However, with some handy examples, expert guidance, and a lot of love, you’ll quickly find yourself writing a speech for a wedding that’s both short and memorable. Read on to learn the benefits of a short wedding speech, some examples of short wedding speeches, and the key elements you absolutely need to include. 

Should a speech at a wedding be short?

Photo © SaywellHQ | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding speeches are generally between 5-7 minutes long. However, they can be as long or as short as necessary. If there are a lot of speeches to make or the couple have specifically requested that the speeches be kept short, you should aim to wrap up your speech up in 2-4 minutes. 

Though this might sound challenging, remember that the impact of your speech isn’t related to its length— it’s better to speak from the heart for 3 minutes than it is to waffle on for 15! Keep the spotlight on the newlyweds, stay upbeat, and always finish with a celebratory toast to the couple on their big day.

For more information on wedding speech lengths, check out our post on how long a wedding speech should be.

What are the benefits of short wedding speeches?

Photo © F.D.Young Photography | See their Bridebook profile

There are plenty of benefits to keeping a speech for a wedding short and sweet. These include:

  • Minimises stress. Lengthy speeches can be nerve-wracking, especially in front of a large audience. Keeping the speeches short minimises the time you have to stand up and say your piece. Plus, shorter speeches are easier to memorise and easier to present. 
  • Keeps guests engaged. Short speeches are more likely to capture guests’ attention and ensure a good flow to the order of speeches. Guests may get bored listening to three 10-minute speeches. However, six 5-minute speeches will feel more dynamic and keep guests engaged. 
  • Encourages thoughtful content. Asking the wedding party to keep their speeches short encourages them to think about what they’re including in their speech and be selective in their storytelling. 
  • Leaves more time for other speakers. The main benefit of short wedding speeches is that they leave plenty of time for other speakers. Generally, the father of the bride, groom, and best man make speeches during the reception. However, keeping these speeches short means that groomsmen, bridesmaids, the maid of honour, and the bride can also make speeches at the reception. 

Key elements of short wedding speeches 

Short Wedding Speech Structure
Use this template to keep your speech simple and concise

The easiest way to keep a wedding speech short is to focus on a few key elements. We recommend you stick to the following:

Introduce yourself

A warm and engaging introduction is a great way to open a wedding speech. Let the guests know your name, your relationship to the newlyweds, and how honoured you feel to be making a speech on their big day. 

Thank everyone for coming

In a typical wedding speech, you would take time to thank the people who contributed to organising the big day. For example, the couple’s family, the wedding party, the guests, and even the venue staff. However, in a time crunch, focus on saying one big thank you to everyone and acknowledging their collective efforts in making this day possible.

Address the happy couple

You should then speak directly to the happy couple. You could share how you first met the newlyweds, a funny story about wedding planning, or a touching moment that made you realise the depth of their love for each other. These stories are always a crowd-pleaser, and as a friend of the newlyweds, you’re in a unique position to share these special moments. Plus, this section will set the stage for the next portion of your speech. 

Share a hope or wish for the future

Sharing a hope or wish for the couple’s future is a touching way to share your love and support on their big day. You could wish them a lifetime of love and happiness, share a quote about love, a short poem or song lyric, or even say you hope they enjoy the honeymoon! Any positive and loving sentiment that resonates with the couple will be a perfect way to wrap up your speech.


And finally, a toast! Invite the other guests to raise their glass of bubbles to a lifetime of love and happiness. Greet the couple by their names, raise your glass high, and then take a sip to conclude a short but sweet wedding speech.  

Short wedding speech examples

Photo © Flowtography Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re looking for a little inspiration to guide you on your way, check out the short wedding speech examples below, which you can adapt use as templates to guide your writing. Feel free to personalise them with your own unique stories and anecdotes, and adjust the pronouns for an LGBTQ+ wedding. 

Groom’s Speech

“Hello, everyone, I’m [your name], the luckiest groom on the planet. Thank you all for being here, sharing in our joy today. I remember when [partner’s name] and I met, it was like fate had a plan. From that day forward, my life became brighter. May our love continue to grow, and may our adventures never end. Here’s to [partner’s name], my forever love and other half. And here’s to a lifetime of laughter, love and endless happiness. Cheers!”

Bride’s Speech

“Hi, everyone, I’m [your name], and I’m the bride who can’t stop smiling. Thank you all for being here and making this day so fabulous. I’ll never forget the moment [partner’s name] walked into my life. He’s brought endless love and laughter. May our love story continue to be this beautiful adventure. Here’s to us and a lifetime of happiness. To [partner’s name], my love and my best friend, and to a future filled with fun, love and endless joy. Cheers!”

Father of the Bride Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m [your name], and today I have the honour of being the father of the bride. Thank you all for coming and sharing in this special day. Seeing [bride’s name] and [groom’s name] together, I know their love is stronger than ever. May your journey together be filled with love, laughter and countless beautiful moments. To [bride’s name] and [groom’s name], may your love continue to grow, and your days be filled with happiness. Cheers!”

Best Man Speech

“Hey, everyone, I’m [your name], the best man and the guy who’s seen it all. Thank you all for being here to celebrate with [groom’s name] and [bride’s name]. I’ve seen [groom’s name] and [bride’s name] go from ‘I do’ to ‘We will.’ It’s been a wild ride! May your love be as enduring as [groom’s name]’s jokes and as beautiful as [bride’s name]’s smile. To [groom’s name] and [bride’s name], here’s to a lifetime of love, adventure and unforgettable memories. Cheers!”

Maid of Honour Speech

“Hello, everyone, I’m [your name], the maid of honour and [bride’s name]’s partner in crime. Thank you for joining us today to celebrate [bride’s name] and [groom’s name]’s love. I’ve watched [bride’s name] and [groom’s name] turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. May your love story be filled with as much joy as today and as many adventures as you can dream. To [bride’s name] and [groom’s name], may your love shine brighter with each passing day. Cheers!”

Mother of the Bride Speech

“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m [your name], [bride’s name]’s proud mother. Thank you for being here to celebrate this special day with us. Seeing [bride’s name] and [groom’s name] together fills my heart with joy. Their love is a treasure. May the journey [bride’s name] and [groom’s name] embark upon be filled with love, laughter and countless cherished moments. To [bride’s name] and [groom’s name], may your love story be a source of inspiration for us all. Cheers!”

The bottom line on short speeches at a wedding

Photo © Benjamin Toms Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Short wedding speeches balance sharing a sincere or witty message during the wedding reception and effective time management. Though it can be tricky to condense everything you want to say into a short 3-5 minutes, this challenge can produce speeches that are poignant, memorable, and filled with genuine emotion (and likely a dash of humour and wit as well!).

Instead of focusing on everything you’d like to say, we encourage you to stick to the basics — introduce yourself, broadly thank everyone for their contributions, tell the newlyweds how happy you are for them, and wrap up with well-wishes and a toast. 

A wedding speech doesn’t have to be long to be great, and it’s better to keep your speech brief and memorable than to risk losing the guests’ attention. This is true whether you’re going for a sweet and sentimental touch, or want something funny and entertaining.

But if you’re still struggling with where to start, we’ve got plenty of brilliant wedding speech examples to inspire you, from the traditional groom’s speech to the slightly less conventional mother of the bride speech.  You’ll be writing a short wedding speech that packs a punch in no time!

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How to Write a Funny Wedding Speech for a Sister’s Wedding

There’s no bond like the one you share with your sister. She’s been there for you at every step of your journey. She watched all your fashion faux pas, helped you mend your broken heart, and knows exactly how to deal with your quirky habits. She’d naturally want you to take centre stage on her big day by making a heartwarming speech.

But planning a funny wedding speech for your sister is no simple task. How do you strike the right balance between nostalgic memories and funny stories while still keeping your audience engaged? But don’t stress — we’ve got you! In this post, we explore how to write a funny wedding speech for your sister, including 5 top tips for nailing the delivery! 

What is a speech for a sister’s wedding?

Photo © Queen Bea Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A wedding speech for a sister’s wedding is a speech made during your sister’s wedding reception. It can be a funny maid of honour speech, a brother to sister wedding speech, an entertaining sister-of-the-bride speech, or even a best man’s speech! 

As the sister of the bride or groom, you’re in the special position of having known the bride or groom your entire life. This means you’ll have a ton of unique stories, memories, and humorous anecdotes to share with the guests. Although non-traditional, crafting a light-hearted wedding speech for your sister will be a happy and memorable part of the wedding reception, so it’s important you get it right.

The speech should last anywhere between 5-7 minutes and be a balance of well-meaning humour, nostalgia, and well-wishes for the health and happiness of the newlyweds. 

How to write a funny speech for a sister’s wedding

Photo © Stuart Wood | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re looking to write a funny sister of the bride or maid of honour speech, or a speech for a brother’s wedding from a sister, we’ve got you covered. Check out the below structure for some inspiration and guidance. 

Greet your audience

Open your speech by greeting the guests. Introduce yourself to friends, family, and the newlyweds. As the sister of the bride or groom, most people there will probably already know who you are. But a solid introduction is a great way to open the speech, add a sense of occasion, and immediately capture everyone’s attention.

Set the tone

It’s important to set the tone early with a wedding speech. Once you’ve made your introductions, open up with a joke, a short reading, quotes about love, or a light-hearted anecdote about your sister. Getting your jokes in early will not only warm up the audience but also make you feel more confident as you continue the rest of your speech. 

Funny stories and anecdotes

You should then share some fun stories and anecdotes about your sister. These can be hilarious, heartwarming, and even a little embarrassing if you feel it’s appropriate! Just be careful not to embarrass her too much. This is a wedding, not a comedy show. Be sure to keep all stories and jokes in good humour, and if you’re not sure, it’s always best to run the story by the couple before sharing it with the audience. 

Playful teasing

Incorporate good-natured teasing that brings smiles to people’s faces without crossing any boundaries. Focus on endearing quirks, harmless foibles, or memorable mishaps you have shared. For example, warning your sister’s new partner about their messy ways, terrible cooking, or how long they take to get ready are all standard and acceptable jests to share in front of guests. 

Relatable experiences

Most people in the audience will be able to relate to the experience of growing up with a sister (or sibling). They’ll remember the late-night conversations, midnight feasts, or navigating the challenges of big family Christmases! These shared memories and experiences will inspire laughter, understanding, and a sense of nostalgia that will connect everyone in the room. 

Well-wishes for the happy couple

Start wrapping up your speech by sharing how happy you are for the newlyweds, your wishes for their future, and how proud you are of your sister for taking this next step. Thank her new partner for all the love and support they’ve shown your sister over the years, and welcome them wholeheartedly into your family.

Wrap up with a toast

The final part of your speech should be a toast to the bride and groom. Wrap up by asking the guests to raise their glasses, share your final wishes for the new couple, and toast to their new shared name. Cheers!

Top tips for a funny sister’s wedding speech

Photo © Blue Lily Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

Take a step back

Once you’ve written your speech, take a moment to step back and review it with fresh eyes. You should set your speech aside for at least a day, if not longer. This way, you can come back to it with a fresh perspective and a clear mind. When you revisit your speech after a little break, you’ll be better able to spot any areas that might need refining, whether it’s the flow, wording, or even the overall tone.

Practice makes perfect

Practice, practice, practice your speech to make sure you feel confident and well-prepared. You can practice in front of the mirror, or even record yourself and watch it back. The benefit of doing this is that you’ll be able to see what the guests will see on the day and critique your delivery

Don’t overdo it

While sharing funny stories and happy memories during a wedding speech is important, be careful not to overdo it. Think of anecdotes and jokes as the spice in a delicious dish you’re cooking. You should flavour the speech with these tales, but not overwhelm it with any one spice. Make sense?

Take it for a test drive

Consider testing out your speech on a trusted friend or family member. This way, they’ll be able to give you constructive criticism in the moment to help you improve your speech. Plus, practicing in front of a person will give a flavour of what it’s like to present your speech to a live audience. This will help you feel more confident and prepared when the actual time comes.

Live feedback can be incredibly valuable, whether it’s a suggestion to tweak the pacing, a reminder to project your voice, or a gentle nudge to pause for laughter. Practicing in front of someone who can provide honest, constructive criticism lets you iron out any rough edges and refine your delivery.

Be mindful of body language

Be mindful of body language as you practice and deliver your speech. Non-verbal cues can enhance your message and help connect you with your audience. So, stand up straight, make eye contact with your audience, take prompts from your cue card (but don’t keep your eyes glued to them), and make facial expressions as you speak. These small changes to your delivery can help colour your speech and make it feel more animated. 

Ready to nail your funny sister’s wedding speech?

Photo © M.I.N.E Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Writing a funny wedding speech for your sister’s wedding can be tricky. It’s all about finding the balance between funny stories, special memories, and just a hint of teasing! However, with the right guidance and plenty of love, you can craft a funny wedding speech that will make your sister’s special day all the more memorable. 

If you’re feeling nervous, following a structure like the one above can help you start writing your speech. Often, getting started is the hardest part, so once you’ve got your structure down, you can focus on filling it with stories of your childhood, personal memories, and jokes about how messy your sister can be!

So, stand up straight, with shoulders back, and smile! This speech will undoubtedly be a memorable and entertaining part of your sister’s big day. We know you’ll make her proud. If you’re still feeling nervous, let Bridebook be your guide – we’ve got all the tips and tricks you need to craft the very best wedding speech. 

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How Long Should a Wedding Speech Be?

The wedding speeches are a traditional and much-anticipated part of any wedding reception. First comes the father of the bride, then the groom, then the best man, then… it all starts to get a little hazy. 

The thing is, there are a number of wedding speeches that need to be made on the big day. Guests can get bored and restless if they last too long. But if they’re not long enough, the speech-makers might feel like they haven’t done the bride or groom justice. So, how to strike the right balance while still captivating the guests?

Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers! Check out our comprehensive guide on how long each wedding speech should last, as well as some handy guidance on what each speech should include.  

What is a wedding speech?

Photo © Photography Ninja | See their Bridebook profile

A wedding speech is a speech made by members of the wedding party during the wedding reception. There’s a traditional order of speeches that most people usually follow. However, it’s your big day, so you can absolutely shake it up if you want. 

Traditionally, wedding speeches are made after the main course but before the dessert during the wedding breakfast. This way, your guests will have been amply fed and watered and can take a short break before enjoying some sweet goodies. But you can of course have them after dessert if you’d prefer. 

Though you can make the speeches before food is served, this isn’t generally recommended. Your guests may be hungry after sitting through the ceremony!

How long should a general wedding speech be?

Photo © Andy Sidders Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Generally, wedding speeches should last between 5 and 7 minutes to make sure there’s plenty of time for everyone to make a speech. The ‘wedding speech’ portion of the reception as a a whole should last no more than 40 minutes (to prevent people from getting bored). However, it usually lasts between 20 and 30 minutes. 

You can shuffle around wedding speech lengths to ensure everyone has a fair chance to say their piece. For example, if you only intend to have two or three speeches, you can afford for these speeches to be a little longer. However, if you want to have many wedding party members making a speech, you should consider cutting down the length to make sure the speeches don’t run over. 

Pro tip: To keep things fair, divide the total time you’re hoping to spend on speeches by the number of people you’ve asked to make speeches. For example, if you’re hoping to spend 30 minutes on speeches, and there are five speeches to make, this would bring each speech up to a maximum of 5.5 minutes with a 30-second break in between. 

Wedding Speech Lengths: Quick Reference Guide

If you’re in a rush, check out the below quick reference guide to see how long your wedding speech should ideally be. Otherwise, read on for the full breakdown, and be sure to save this infographic for future use. 

Wedding Speech Lengths: Quick Reference Guide
Use this quick reference guide to work out your ideal speech length

How long should a father of the bride speech be?

Photo © James Merrick Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The father of the bride’s speech is traditionally the longest speech in the order of speeches. It’s usually the first speech made during the wedding reception and is a beloved and much-anticipated part of the bride’s big day. 

The father of the bride’s speech should last between 7 and 9 minutes (and ideally no more than 12, to prevent the order of speeches from becoming too lengthy.) These speeches generally include:

  • A thank you to everyone involved in putting together the big day (don’t forget the staff working at the reception)
  • An ode to your little girl and what makes her so special
  • Your words of wisdom on love and marriage 
  • You could round off with some quotes about love or a beautiful wedding reading

How long should a groom’s speech be?

Photo © Damien Vickers Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The groom’s speech can be a little longer than the best man’s speech. It should last between 6 and 8 minutes, but no longer than 10 for the guests’ sake. 

It’s usually second in the order of speeches and should be positioned as a thank-you note to all the people who have supported your relationship and wedding planning. As a basic structure, we recommend the following general structure:

  • Introduce yourself and your new bride (a guaranteed cheer!)
  • Thank the groomsmen, best man, bridesmaids, and maid of honour for their continued love and support throughout your wedding planning
  • Thank your parents and new parents-in-law
  • A recap of your wedding vows
  • Toast to your new spouse and your future together

How long should a best man speech be?

Photo © Take Two Wedding Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The ideal length for a best man speech is around 5 minutes. However, it can be a little longer or a little shorter, depending on your personal preferences and the overall speech order.

The best man’s speech is usually the third in the order of speeches. It should include things such as:

  • A warm introduction to the reception
  • Compliments about the bride 
  • A playful roast of the groom
  • Well-wishes from the best man and groomsmen 
  • The Bride and Groom’s love story
  • A toast to their future

How long should a maid of honour speech be?

Photo © Memories & Milestones Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Although untraditional, the maid of honour speech can be a beautiful part of the wedding reception. It should be on the shorter side, like the best man’s speech, and last between 4 and 6 minutes. 

The beauty of a maid of honour speech is that there are no expectations, so it can take any structure you’d like! However, it’s a good idea to include:

  • The adventures you’ve shared with the bride
  • Anecdotes about wedding planning 
  • How the couple’s love story unfolded
  • Heartfelt advice on relationships
  • A toast to the happy couple

How long should a bridesmaid’s speech be?

Photo © Forever Studio | See their Bridebook profile

As with the maid of honour speech, a bridesmaid’s speech is untraditional, so there are no expectations on how long the speech should be or what it should include. We recommend keeping the speech to around 5 minutes long (less if you’d like multiple bridesmaids to make a speech). 

Having a bridesmaid’s speech after the maid of honour speech may be nice way to keep things flowing. We suggest that you consider the following structure:

  • Happy memories you share with the bride
  • Your thoughts on love and marriage
  • How beautiful the other bridesmaids look
  • Your well-wishes for the happy couple

How long should a mother of the groom speech be?

Photo © Vladimir Spirov | See their Bridebook profile

The mother of the groom speech is another untraditional wedding speech, but it’s a wonderful opportunity for a mother to express her love, support, and well-wishes for her son and his new partner. This speech should last between 3 and 5 minutes and, if you’re otherwise sticking to tradition, it will most likely be one of the last speeches made at the reception (though this isn’t a hard and fast rule).

A mother of the groom speech has no set structure. But we recommend including:

  • A welcome to the family for the new bride
  • Your happiness that the groom has found someone so special
  • Fond memories of the groom’s childhood 
  • Heartfelt advice
  • A final, celebratory toast

The bottom line on speech length 

Speeches are an important and traditional part of the wedding reception. They’re the perfect opportunity for the wedding party and other loved ones to share their thoughts and feelings with the newlyweds. 

As we’ve explored above, when it comes to speech length, the key is to stick to to between 5 and 7 minutes to ensure everyone has a fair chance to say their thank-yous and give their advice. This will also keep this part of the wedding fresh and interesting for your guests and help hold their attention. 

We’ve got plenty of great tips, tricks, and wedding speech structures to help you get started if you’re unsure about what to include. And, to see how long your wedding speech should be in practice, check out our wedding speech examples

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How to Write a Wedding Speech for a Best Friend

They’re your best friend; you’ve been through thick and thin, through hell and high water, and now they’re standing on the precipice of the rest of their life. You’ll obviously be by their side on the big day, but now they’ve asked you to make a speech! Feeling nervous? Don’t worry – it’s natural!

A best friend’s speech is quite traditional if it takes the form of a best man speech or maid of honour speech for best friend or sister. But you don’t have to be the best man or maid of honour to make this speech. All that matters is making the speech as unique and special as the bond you share. 

In this post, we look at how to write a killer best friend’s wedding speech that’s funny and engaging, but also heartfelt and loving overall. We cover what you should include in your best friend’s wedding speech, a best friend’s speech structure, and the most important things to consider when writing your speech. 

What is the best friend’s speech at a wedding?

Photo © SaywellHQ | See their Bridebook profile

A best friend’s speech is a speech made by the best friend of the bride or groom during the wedding reception. It may be a funny maid of honour speech, a sincere best man’s speech, or even a sentimental tribute from a close friend who’s stood by the newlyweds throughout their relationship. Either way, the ‘best friend getting married’ speech is a beautiful and memorable part of any wedding reception. 

A traditional wedding speech is usually between 5-7 minutes long and includes your favourite memories of the bride or groom, your honest advice, and maybe even a few light-hearted jabs at the bride or groom. A best friend’s speech can fit anywhere into the order of wedding speeches. The maid of honour speech can similarly fit flexibly into the order of speeches as it’s untraditional. By contrast, a best man’s speech traditionally comes after the groom’s speech (though there’s no pressure to stick to this structure if you don’t want to).

What should you include in a best friend’s speech?

Photo © Flowtography Weddings | See their Bridebook profile
  • Heartfelt advice. A best friend’s wedding speech is the perfect time to reflect on your own experiences and extend some tender advice to the newlyweds. You don’t need to be an expert in relationships or marriage to give them a few pointers on their new life together; you just need a heart full of love and advice on communication, compromise, and how the couple can grow together. 
  • Fun anecdotes about the bride or groom. The best friend’s speech is the perfect opportunity to give an insight into the bride or groom’s personality, quirks, and special skills. Whether it’s an anecdote about how you met or a funny story about the adventures you’ve shared over the years, these fun tales will add a personal touch to your speech and ensure the audience hangs on your every word. 
  • Your hopes for their future. Expressing your hopes and dreams for the couple’s future is a heartwarming and memorable part of any best friend’s speech. You can talk about how much you’ve enjoyed watching their love story unfold, how you envision their time together, and wish them a lifetime of love, joy, and adventures. 
  • A playful and celebratory toast. As you wrap up your speech, raise a toast to the happy couple. Don’t be afraid to make it fun, playful, and even cheeky! Incorporate a touch of humour by adding a memorable inside joke that resonates with the couple to the end of your toast.

Best friend’s speech structure 


The first step of your speech should be introducing yourself to those who don’t know you. You should then explain your relationship to the bride or groom and express your gratitude for being asked to be part of their special day. 

Acknowledge your best friend

You should then specifically acknowledge your best friend. Tell them how much they mean to you and how grateful you are to have them by your side. You can then move on to let the guests know what makes your bestie so unique and how proud you are of them for taking the next step in life. 

Share a funny story

You should then move on to sharing a funny story or light-hearted anecdote about your friend over the years. Remember that their direct family, work colleagues, and neighbours may be in the audience, so make sure it’s a story that your best friend would be happy for them to hear! If you’re unsure, consider running it past them first. 

Loving advice

You can then offer your advice to the newlyweds as they begin their new journey together. Draw from your own experiences and share meaningful advice on love, commitment, and friendship. Reflect on the lessons you’ve learned in your friendships, relationships, and life in general. If you’re unsure what advice you could offer, you can always switch this out for some love quotes, a tender poem, or some examples of wedding vows.


You should then end your speech with a toast to the happy couple. Raise your glass high, invite the guests you join you in a toast, and greet the couple by their names. End with a big smile and take a seat. That’s it!  

Best friend’s speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Best Friend Speech Template
Use this best friend speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering a killer best friend’s speech 

Photo © Swiftly Creative | See their Bridebook profile

Wedding speech order

It’s important to find out where the bride and groom would like you to fit into the overall wedding speech order. The best man’s speech typically happens after the groom’s speech, but it doesn’t have to! On the other hand, the maid of honour’s speech can fit however you’d like into the overall wedding speech order. Clarify with the bride and groom when they feel your speech should come.

Nail the delivery

Shoulders back, chin up, and speak directly to the audience. Presenting your best friend at the wedding can be nerve-wracking, but you need to remember that the audience all know and love the bride and groom, and ultimately you’re here to praise them! If you’re still nervous, check out our post on nailing your wedding speech delivery skills to help you feel more confident. 

Take inspiration

If you’re unsure how to begin your speech or what to include, don’t be afraid to take inspiration from wedding readings or love quotes. Often, the most challenging part of writing your speech is the beginning, and these short stories and poems can give you a jumping-off point for your own speech. 

Don’t panic

It can be scary to stand up in front of a big crowd and make your speech. The most important thing is not to panic. Make sure you practice beforehand, familiarise yourself with the overall speech order, and take a deep breath before you stand up to make your speech. Remember, even the most seasoned speakers experience jitters; it’s all part of the excitement that comes with being part of the big day.

Best friend’s speech examples

Photo © Blue Lily Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our samples of great best friend speech examples. This includes best man speech examples  and maid of honour speech examples.

The bottom line on the best friend’s speech 

Photo © Mark J. Hillyer Photography (True North Studio) | See their Bridebook profile

Being asked to make a best friend’s wedding speech is an honour. It’s a true testament to you and your bestie’s bond, and as you stand before the happy couple, remember that you’re not just giving a speech – you’re a key part of the biggest celebration of their life! 

Your words will become a part of their journey that they’ll remember forever, and your only goal should be to do them justice on their big day. Balance light-hearted stories and jokes with kind and caring words about the special bond you share. 

So, embrace the nerves, channel your love, and speak from the heart to deliver a brilliant best friend’s wedding speech. For more expert advice and top tips on all things wedding-related, sign up to Bridebook today. 

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Top 10 Bride Speech Examples

Your big day is approaching – the happiest day of your life! You’ve organised the wedding favours, your bridesmaids are suited and booted, and you’ve got your something old, new, borrowed, and blue. All the “i”s are dotted, and all the “t”s are crossed. Just one thing remains – are you going to make a speech?

While untraditional when compared to a father of the bride’s speech or the groom’s speech, the bride’s speech can be a real tear-jerker. It’s a moment of pure happiness when the bride gets to share her thoughts, gratitude, and love with everyone gathered to witness your special day.

In this post, we explore what the bride should include in their wedding speech, the structure of a great speech, and some top tips to help you nail your delivery. Listen up, future brides! This one’s for you. 

What is the bride’s speech?

Photo © Hawaiian Shirt Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The bride’s speech is a heartfelt and personal speech made by the bride during their wedding reception. It’s the perfect opportunity to thank your bridal party, parents, and guests for their support leading up to the wedding and throughout your life. 

The bride’s speech is non-traditional, but future brides should seriously consider incorporating a bride’s speech into the wedding speech order. It’s a chance to not only express gratitude but also to share your own journey, hopes, and dreams with those who have gathered to celebrate your special day.

What should you include in the bride’s speech?

Photo © Memories & Milestones Photography | See their Bridebook profile

When writing your bride’s speech, you might want to consider including the following key elements:

  • Acknowledge your partner. This is the perfect opportunity to address your new spouse. Let them know how happy you are to have them by your side, reflect on your journey together, and express excitement for the future ahead of you. 
  • The stresses of wedding planning. Although planning a wedding can be stressful, it’s all over now! Share a few funny anecdotes or stumbling blocks when wedding planning, or even tell the guests about any plans that went totally haywire! It all worked out in the end, so no harm done. 
  • A recap of your vows. Although you’ve just delivered them, consider giving a recap on your vows to remind your new spouse about your promises and dedications. Share your dreams for your shared future and remind them how loved they will be every day.
  • Thank your guests. Express your deep gratitude to all your friends, family, and loved ones for joining you on your special day. These people have watched your love story from the very start, and this day marks an important milestone in your journey. Their presence here is a testament to the love and support that surrounds you both as you step into this new chapter of your lives.

Bride’s speech structure

Photo © Blue Lily Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

The great thing about the bride’s speech is that it isn’t bound by tradition. There are no expectations or traditional framework, which means you can put your own special spin on the speech and create a heartfelt moment that reflects who you are as a person and as a couple. 

However, following a loose structure can help you feel more confident. Try using the below speech structure to help you get started:


The first step of a speech is to greet all your guests with a warm welcome. Thank them all for attending your special day, for listening attentively to all the speeches, and for waiting so patiently for the wedding breakfast! 

Share your gratitude 

Take a moment to thank everyone who played a role in your journey – your family, friends, and of course your partner and the suppliers who made your big day possible. Share why each person is important to you and how they’ve contributed to your love story as well as the wedding itself.

Stories about wedding planning

Wedding planning is challenging – there’s no doubt about it. However, now that’s firmly in the rearview mirror, it’s the perfect time to share any funny stories or anecdotes you encountered while planning the big day. Share any hiccups with a pinch of irony and a big smile and thank your bridal party for their support through every twist and turn.

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour

This is the perfect segue into thanking your bridesmaids and maid of honour for their unwavering support during this process. Thank them for being your pillars of strength, for keeping you smiling, and sharing a laugh with you throughout the process. 

Acknowledge your work 

Don’t forget to acknowledge all the hard work you’ve done, too! Planning a wedding is a huge achievement, and you should be proud of yourself for all the hard work you’ve put in. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back, and take pride in the beautiful day you’ve created. 


Finally, it’s time for a toast! Ask your guests to raise their glasses to you and your new spouse. Here’s to health, love, and happiness. Cheers!

Bride’s speech template

To help you navigate the complete breakdown of your speech, it can be helpful to have a visual guide to refer to. Check out our handy infographic below:

Bride Speech Template
Use this bride speech template to guide your writing

Top tips for delivering the best bride’s speech  

Photo © Jennifer West Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Delivery style

Speak clearly, slowly, and confidently. Don’t rush through the speech due to nerves or skip over parts you’ve rehearsed. Instead, take a deep breath, look around the room as you speak, and give the audience time to absorb your words. 

Body language

Pay attention to your body language and gestures while delivering your speech. Stand up straight with your shoulders back, maintain eye contact, smile, and use hand gestures as you talk to emphasise your points and make you appear more confident.

Practice makes perfect

Rehearse your speech multiple times. Practice with trusted friends, in front of the mirror, or even record yourself to watch back if necessary. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback to help you improve. 

Speech order

The best thing about a bride’s speech is that there’s no traditional wedding speech order to follow. Consider holding it after the father of the bride’s speech and groom’s speech, but before the mother of the bride’s speech

Everyone there knows you and loves you

As difficult as it may be to relax, remember – everyone there knows you and loves you. You’re in front of the best audience you possibly could be, so take a deep breath, savour the moment, and let your words flow naturally as you tell all your guests how much you’re enjoying your big day. You’ve got this!

Top 10 bride speech examples

Photo © The Snapper | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of great bridal speech ideas! And remember that these are just examples. You can use them as templates for your own speech, but it’s important to speak from the heart, and add your own personal touch and unique family anecdotes.

Speech Example 1: Our Shared Journey 

Introduction: “Hello everyone! I’m [your name], and I can’t express how grateful [partner’s name] and I are to have you all here celebrating this incredible day with us.”

Share your gratitude: “Before we dive into the fun stories, I want to thank each and every one of you. Our families, friends, and loved ones – you’ve been our pillars of strength, and your presence today means the world to us.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Now, let’s talk about wedding planning. They say it’s a rollercoaster, but I’m pretty sure rollercoasters don’t come with seating charts! I’ll never forget the day I spent hours debating between rose gold and blush napkins, only for [partner’s name] to tell me they looked the same. But hey, at least I’m now a napkin colour expert!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “I’m blessed to have the most incredible bridesmaids and my rockstar maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name]. From helping me pick out dresses to calming me down during those last-minute jitters, you’ve made this journey unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “And speaking of journeys, planning this wedding has been a ride. I never thought I’d be a wedding-planner-in-training, but here I am, a proud graduate! And [partner’s name], thank you for being my partner through every decision, debate, and DIY disaster.”

Toast: “So, here’s to us – to the journey we’ve taken, the love we’ve built, and the adventure that lies ahead. May our laughter be never-ending, our love ever-growing, and our napkin colour choices always clear. Cheers!”

Speech Example 2: Love Beyond Borders

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m overjoyed to see all your smiling faces here as we celebrate the love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being a part of our story, for witnessing our journey, and for surrounding us with your warmth and love.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning brought us laughter, tears, and even a few hilarious mishaps. Who knew that choosing between wedding cake flavors could be so challenging? But, in the end, it’s been a beautiful adventure we wouldn’t trade for the world.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My wonderful bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my backbone throughout this journey. From dress fittings to dance rehearsals, you’ve made every moment unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning a wedding is like building a puzzle – every piece has its place. And [partner’s name], you’ve been my partner in every decision and late-night DIY project. You’re the reason why our wedding is not just a day, but a reflection of our love.”

Toast: “To the pieces that make up our beautiful puzzle – our families, friends, and all the memories we’ve created. Here’s to us, to love that knows no borders, and to the chapters we’re about to write together. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Adventure of Us

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and it fills my heart with joy to see you all gathered here to celebrate the love story of [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for supporting us, and for being a part of this incredible journey. Your presence makes our day even more special.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning, they say, is a glimpse into married life – compromise, laughter, and a few unexpected surprises. Like the time we couldn’t agree on the playlist and had a dance-off to decide. [Partner’s name] won that one, but I’ve got the moves for our next adventure!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my amazing maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my cheerleaders throughout this journey. From helping me pick the perfect dress to reminding me to breathe when things got hectic, you’ve been my unwavering support.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was like creating a masterpiece – every detail contributing to a bigger picture. And [partner’s name], you’ve been my partner through it all, and in building a life full of adventures.”

Toast: “Here’s to us, to the beautiful masterpiece we’ve created, and to the adventures that lie ahead. May our journey be filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Cheers!”

Speech Example 4: The Magic of Love

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m thrilled to stand before you on this magical day celebrating the love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you all for joining us, for being a part of our lives, and for your endless love and support. Your presence warms our hearts.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like weaving a tapestry – a beautiful blend of colours, emotions, and a touch of chaos. Like the time [partner’s name] and I tried to create the perfect seating chart, which was like solving an elaborate puzzle with missing pieces. But in the end, our tapestry is beautifully woven.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my guiding stars during this journey. Their laughter, advice, and late-night chats made every step of the way unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was a labour of love, and it’s a reflection of the love [partner’s name] and I share. We’ve worked side by side, blending our dreams into a reality that’s even more beautiful than we imagined.”

Toast: “So here’s to us, to the magical journey we’ve embarked upon, and to the love that shines brighter than any star. May our days be filled with laughter, our nights with sweet dreams, and our hearts forever entwined. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: Love Through the Seasons

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and it’s an honour to stand before you as we celebrate the love story between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for supporting us through the seasons of life, and for being a part of this special day that marks the start of a new chapter.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning has been like navigating through the changing seasons – moments of excitement, challenges, and the promise of something beautiful to come. Like the time [partner’s name] and I debated whether to have an outdoor or indoor ceremony, only to choose both and experience the magic of both worlds.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my amazing maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my rocks throughout this journey. They’ve weathered every planning storm with me, ensuring that every step was filled with laughter and joy.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was a labour of love, a reflection of the journey [partner’s name] and I have taken together. We’ve nurtured this dream side by side, building a foundation that’s as strong as our love.”

Toast: “So here’s to us, to the changing seasons of life and the love that remains constant. May our journey be filled with warmth, laughter, and the promise of beautiful days ahead. Cheers!”

Speech Example 6: Grand Adventure

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m so excited to stand before you today to celebrate the love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you all for being here, for adding your love and warmth to this day, and for being part of our grand adventure.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like embarking on a grand adventure – full of excitement, surprises, and a few detours along the way. Like the time [partner’s name] and I accidentally ordered twice as many flowers as we needed and ended up with a garden in our living room. But at least it smelled amazing!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my wonderful maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my partners in this adventure. They’ve navigated through dress fittings, cake tastings, and the occasional panic attack with me, making every moment unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was hard work, for sure, but there was also so much joy along the way. Every decision, every detail, is a testament to our love and partnership.”

Toast: “To us, to the adventure we’re embarking upon, and to the love that’s stronger than any challenge. May our days be filled with laughter, our nights with dreams, and our hearts united as one. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: Love’s Tapestry

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and it’s a privilege to stand here among you, celebrating the love story between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for adding your joy and love to this celebration, and for making this day even more special.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning has been a journey of weaving together moments of joy, laughter, and a few surprises. Like the time [partner’s name] and I spent hours debating the perfect shade of blue for the decorations, only to realise there are more shades than stars in the sky.”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been the threads that have woven this tapestry of love. They’ve stood by me through every decision, every challenge, making the journey unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding has been a labour of love, a reflection of the journey [partner’s name] and I have taken together. Together, we’ve created a masterpiece that’s a testament to our love and commitment.”

Toast: “To us, to the beautiful tapestry of love we’ve created, and to the journey that’s just beginning. May our days be filled with laughter, our hearts with love, and our lives forever intertwined. Cheers!”

Speech Example 8: Love’s Symphony

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m thrilled to stand before you, sharing the incredible journey of love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for lending your smiles and cheers to this day, and for being part of our symphony of love.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like composing a symphony – each note representing a moment of joy, a challenge overcome, and a memory to cherish. Like the time [partner’s name] and I tried to pick the perfect song for our first dance, only to realise that we had more favorite songs than dance moves!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my wonderful maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been the harmonies in this symphony of love. They’ve sung along with me through every decision, every laugh, and every heartfelt moment.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was a labour of love, a reflection of the journey [partner’s name] and I have taken together. Each detail, each choice, tells the story of our love.”

Toast: “To us, to the symphony of love we’ve created, and to the melody of our lives intertwining. May our days be filled with music, our hearts with joy, and our love forever harmonious. Cheers!”

Speech Example 9: Love’s Canvas

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m honour to stand before you, sharing the canvas of love that [partner’s name] and I have painted together.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for being here, for contributing your love and presence to this beautiful day, and for being a part of our masterpiece.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like painting a canvas – each brushstroke representing a moment of joy, a challenge, and a touch of humour. Like the time [partner’s name] and I debated between a cake with fondant or buttercream, even though we really cared more about the taste than the look!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my incredible maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my paintbrushes in this masterpiece of love. They’ve added colour, vibrancy, and laughter to every step of the journey.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding was as exciting as it was rewarding. We’ve painted every detail with the hues of our love and commitment.”

Toast: “To us, to the canvas of love we’ve created, and to the beauty that lies in our future. May our days be filled with colour, our hearts with joy, and our love forever vibrant. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: Love’s Adventure Awaits

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’m excited to share the incredible adventure of love between [partner’s name] and me.”

Share your gratitude: “Thank you for gracing us with your presence, for being a part of our story, and for adding your love and joy to this special day.”

Stories about wedding planning: “Wedding planning is like embarking on an adventure – filled with twists, turns, and the promise of a beautiful destination. Like the time [partner’s name] and I tried to choose between a traditional wedding cake or a dessert bar, only to decide that dessert is dessert, and we love it all!”

Thank your bridesmaids and maid of honour: “My bridesmaids and my amazing maid of honour, [maid of honour’s name], have been my fellow adventurers in this journey. They’ve climbed every planning mountain, crossed every decision river, and made every step unforgettable.”

Acknowledge your work: “Planning this wedding has been an adventure worth undertaking. We’ve navigated through every decision, every detail, and every dream side by side.”

Toast: “To us, to the adventure of love that awaits, and to the joy that comes from sharing life’s journey. May our days be filled with laughter, our hearts with love, and our love story an inspiration to all. Cheers!”

The bottom line on the bride’s speech 

Photo © Flowtography Weddings | See their Bridebook profile

Although unconventional, the bride’s speech can be a beautiful and tear-jerking part of your wedding day. They offer a wonderful opportunity for brides to share their thoughts, emotions, and gratitude with their loved ones.

The bride’s speech isn’t a traditional part of the order of speeches at a wedding. As a result, there are no expectations as to what you should include or the structure of your speech. It’s your time to shine and show your unique personality and beautiful love story. Whether you opt for a speech packed with jokes, sentimental stories, or a mix of both, the key is to speak from the heart and let everyone know how you feel about your new spouse.

So, take a deep breath, hold your partner’s hand, and step into the spotlight. Stand up straight, speak slowly and clearly, and practice, practice, practice, before your big day. Whether you focus on heartfelt thank-yous or personal stories, this speech will be a wonderful and memorable part of your big day. It’s a gift that will resonate long after the last toast, so make sure you give it the care and attention you’ve given every other part of your big day. 

But, if you’re still feeling nervous, Bridebook can be your guide in writing a cracking bride’s speech. Ditch the stresses and embrace the excitement of crafting a speech that truly reflects your love story. You’ve got this!

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Happy Planning!

Top 10 Maid of Honour Speech Examples

Are you gearing up to help your bestie walk down the aisle? Or maybe you’re a sister bestowed with the great honour of being the bride’s right-hand man? Well, first off, congratulations! Being chosen as the maid of honour to the bride is no small feat. It’s a role filled with joy, emotion, and, yes, a touch of nerves too. But fear not, because we’ve got your back!

Writing a wedding speech that resonates with both the bride and the audience can be tricky. It’s about finding the right balance of funny anecdotes, genuine love, and a sprinkle of nostalgic shared memories to write the best maid of honour speech. 

In this post, we explore what you should include in your wedding speech, some top tips to consider when writing a great speech, and our top 10 maid of honour speech examples. Let’s dive in!

What is a maid of honour speech?

Photo © Memories & Milestones Photography | See their Bridebook profile

A maid of honour speech is a beautiful and heartfelt speech made by the maid of honour during a wedding reception. Traditionally, the maid of honour doesn’t make a speech during the wedding reception, just as there isn’t usually a bridesmaid speech. That means you have some flexibility as to where you fit into the overall wedding speech order

A maid of honour speech should last between 5-7 minutes and should focus on the relationship between you and the bride, how wonderful she is, and the lovely year running up to the wedding. 

What should you include in a maid of honour speech?

Photo © Simon Dewey Photography | See their Bridebook profile

When writing your maid of honour speech, you might want to consider including the following key elements:

  • Lots of love. The bride might be your sister, she might be your neighbour, but she’s definitely your best friend. This is the perfect opportunity to let everyone know exactly what makes her so special. You can tell everyone how funny she is, what a caring person she can be, and all about how you’ve supported each other through life. Let couple know how proud you are of the relationship they’ve built and how honoured you are to be there with them on their special day. 
  • Wedding planning foibles. It’s likely that you helped the bride with a good portion of the wedding planning. As such, you probably have lots of stories about the trials and tribulations of wedding planning. Share some funny maid of honour speech stories, like how stressed she was about finding the right shape of confetti, or how many samples you tried when trying to design the wedding cupcakes! Make sure any stories you tell are appropriate for her family and acquaintances to hear, and avoid referring to her as a ‘Bridezilla.’ Trust us; it’s not as funny as you think. 
  • Their love story. Being the bride’s bestie, you probably remember the day the bride met her new spouse. Consider sharing some happy stories from the early days of their relationship, when the bride told you they were the one, or when her partner told you they were going to propose. These stories are always a winner with the audience and bring a heartwarming touch to your speech.
  • Your unwavering support. Above anything else, let everyone know how much you love and support the bride’s new marriage and how you’ll continue to be there for her, just as you were before the wedding.

Maid of honour speech structure

Maid of Honour Speech Template
Use this maid of honour speech template to guide your writing

The good thing about the maid of honour speech is that it’s untraditional. This means there are no expectations, and you can include whatever you’d like!

However, this open-ended approach can be a little daunting. Try using the below structure to outline your maid of honour speech and help you feel more confident. 


The first step of any great speech is to introduce yourself to the audience. Let them know who you are, how long you’ve known the bride, and how you met. Express your gratitude for being part of their special day and acknowledge how happy you are to be the maid of honour. 

Stories about the bride

You can then move on to some funny stories about your relationship with the bride. Share some light-hearted anecdotes, funny quotes, or special memories that you’ve shared with the bride over the years. This will not only capture the attention of the audience but will set the tone for your speech. 

The couple’s love story

You can then move on to some happy memories about how the bride and groom met. You can share their initial impressions of each other, a funny story from their first date, and how their relationship blossomed over the years. Be sure to include any funny or heartwarming anecdotes from the early days of their relationship or when the bride first told you her partner was the one!

The proposal

Telling everyone about the proposal is sure to be a winner. It’s the perfect chance to spill the beans about the ingenious proposal plans or when they finally got down on one knee. Share the part you played by picking out the ring, helping with the surprise, or sneakily standing in the background to take pictures. 

Heartfelt advice

Follow up with some heartfelt advice about love and commitment. Feel free to use some popular quotes about love, poetry, readings, or try writing a few vows of your own if you feel it’s appropriate. For example, “I will support you in married life just as I have through single life,” or “I promise to be the coolest auntie to your kids and tell them all about how wild their mum used to be!” 

Toast to the couple

The final step should be a toast to the happy couple. Raise your glass and invite your audience to do the same, and toast to the health, love, and happiness of the new couple. Be sure to introduce them by their new shared name and take a sip from the glass. Cheers!

Top tips for delivering the best maid of honour speech

Photo © Mark Elliott Photography | See their Bridebook profile

Be mindful of the audience

Remember, there will be lots of family and old friends in the audience, so it’s important to be mindful of the types of stories you tell. Err on the side of mildly embarrassing, and make sure any anecdotes are family-appropriate!

There are no expectations!

The best thing about a maid of honour speech is that there are no expectations; There’s no rigid script to follow. Instead, it’s your chance to let your personality shine, and your unique relationship with the bride take centre stage. This freedom means you can craft a speech that’s as genuine and heartwarming as your relationship with your bestie, so make it count.

Practice, practice, practice

Practice will perfect your timing, hone your speech delivery, and increase your confidence when making your speech. Stand before a mirror, share your speech with a close friend, or even record yourself to capture your progress. Embrace each rehearsal as an opportunity to smooth out any rough edges and enhance your storytelling. You’ll be glad you did when the big day rolls around.

Top 10 maid of honour speech examples

Photo © Philtography | See their Bridebook profile

If you’re looking for some inspiration, check out our top 10 examples of the best maid of honour speech ideas! Use them as templates for your own speech and personalise them with your own unique examples and anecdotes.

A lot of maid of honour speech examples will refer to a bride and groom, but you can simply change the references to your daughter’s partner and the appropriate pronouns if you’re attending an LGBTQ+ wedding.

Speech Example 1: The Lifelong Friend

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m [your name], and I’ve had the absolute privilege of being [bride’s name]’s partner-in-crime since primary school. Today, I have the honour of standing by her side as her maid of honour.”

Stories about the bride: “From building pillow forts to surviving our teenage years, [bride’s name] has been my partner in every adventure. I remember the time we tried to bake a cake from scratch and ended up with a kitchen covered in flour – and yes, our masterpiece was inedible!”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been nothing short of magical. From their first awkward hello to the moment they realised they were meant for each other, their journey has been a testament to true love.”

The proposal: “And then there was the proposal – let me tell you, I’ve never seen [bride’s name] so shocked in her life! [Partner’s name] had orchestrated this amazing surprise, complete with twinkling fairy lights and her favourite song playing in the background.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you both embark on this beautiful journey, remember that love is not just about the grand gestures, but also about the little things – like making each other laugh when life gets tough or sharing late-night ice cream runs.”

Toast to the couple: “So, here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a love story that deserves all the happiness in the world. May your days be filled with laughter, your hearts forever intertwined, and your adventures together never-ending. Cheers!”

Speech Example 2: The Dynamic Duo

Introduction: “Hey there, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve had the incredible privilege of being [bride’s name]’s best friend since college. Today, as her maid of honour, I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate this beautiful journey with her.”

Stories about the bride: “From surviving all-night study sessions with gallons of coffee to our impromptu road trips that ended in hilarious mishaps, [bride’s name] has made every moment unforgettable.”

The couple’s love story: “When [bride’s name] introduced me to [partner’s name], I knew there was something special. Their love story has been a whirlwind of laughter, adventures, and stolen glances that have melted my heart.”

The proposal: “And let’s talk about the proposal, shall we? [Partner’s name] pulled out all the stops, arranging a scavenger hunt that led [bride’s name] to their favourite park, where he popped the question under a sky full of twinkling stars.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you journey together, remember that true love means supporting each other’s dreams and creating a partnership built on respect and understanding.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the ultimate dynamic duo. May your love continue to be as strong as your friendship, and may your days be filled with endless joy and shared laughter. Cheers!”

Speech Example 3: The Adventure Buddies

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve had the joy of being [bride’s name]’s sister and partner-in-crime in countless escapades. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m beyond excited to stand by her side.”

Stories about the bride: “From spontaneous road trips to conquering our fears together, [bride’s name] has been my adventure buddy. I’ll never forget the time we hiked up a mountain, only to realise we were on the wrong trail!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been an incredible journey. Their love is like a grand adventure, filled with twists, turns, and the promise of new horizons.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal – [partner’s name] transformed a quiet night into a dreamy scene from a romance movie, complete with fairy lights and a heartfelt speech that brought tears to [bride’s name]’s eyes.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you navigate the exciting path of marriage, remember that love is an ever-evolving journey. Embrace each new chapter with open hearts and a sense of wonder.”

Toast to the couple: “Here’s to [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], two souls embarking on life’s greatest adventure together. May your love be as thrilling as your explorations, and may your days be filled with joy, laughter, and boundless love. Cheers!”

Speech Example 4: The Childhood Confidante

Introduction: “Hi, everyone! I’m [your name], and I’ve been lucky enough to share every stage of life with [bride’s name] since we were children. As her sister and maid of honour, I’m absolutely honored to be part of this beautiful day.”

Stories about the bride: “From playing dress-up in the attic to having heart-to-heart conversations under the stars, [bride’s name] has been my confidante and best friend since day one.”

The couple’s love story: “Witnessing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like watching a favourite movie unfold – full of romance, laughter, and unforgettable moments.”

The proposal: “And then, of course, there was the proposal – a charming surprise at their favourite restaurant, complete with singing waiters and a hidden videographer.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you step into this new chapter, remember that love is built on a foundation of friendship, trust, and shared dreams. Keep your hearts open and your communication strong.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a match made in heaven. May your love story continue to be as beautiful and captivating as the journey that brought you together. Cheers!”

Speech Example 5: The Soul Sisters

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], and if you see a whirlwind of laughter, adventures, and endless support, chances are you’re in the presence of [bride’s name] and me. Today, as her maid of honour, I am over the moon to share in this beautiful moment.”

Stories about the bride: “From singing in the rain to staying up all night solving life’s mysteries, [bride’s name] and I have created a treasure trove of memories. One of my favourites? Our impromptu dance-offs in the living room!”

The couple’s love story: “The way [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fell in love is something out of a fairy tale. Their story is a testament to fate and the magical connection that brought them together.”

The proposal: “Speaking of magic, the proposal was straight from the heart. [Partner’s name] transformed their back garden into a wonderland, and when he dropped to one knee, even the stars seemed to shine brighter.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you embark on this journey of love, remember that it’s the everyday moments that truly matter. Celebrate each other’s victories, be each other’s shoulder to lean on, and never underestimate the power of a spontaneous dance party!”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], a love story that radiates joy and magic. May your days be filled with endless giggles, late-night conversations, and a love that continues to sparkle. Cheers!”

Speech Example 6: The Laughter Architects

Introduction: “Hey there, lovely people! I’m [your name], the one responsible for countless giggles and side-splitting laughter shared with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m beyond thrilled to raise a glass to the love story we’re celebrating.”

Stories about the bride: “From our ‘secret’ language to the unforgettable pranks we’ve pulled, [bride’s name] and I have a laughter-filled journey that keeps getting better. One time, we dressed up as ninjas and accidentally scared the mailman!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a masterful comedy unfold – with witty banter, funny quirks, and a heartwarming connection that’s pure gold.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal – a hilarious yet heart-melting scene that had us all in stitches. [Partner’s name] got down on one knee, and [bride’s name] was so shocked that she briefly lost her ability to speak!”

Heartfelt advice: “As you navigate the wonderful world of marriage, remember that laughter truly is the best medicine. Keep finding joy in the little things, and never let go of the hilarious moments that make your love story uniquely yours.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the architects of laughter and love. May your days be filled with continuous chuckles, inside jokes, and a bond that only grows stronger with time. Cheers!”

Speech Example 7: The Creative Companions

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], the lucky one who’s shared a canvas of creativity and countless memorable moments with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I couldn’t be more excited to raise a toast to her love story.”

Stories about the bride: “From painting masterpieces that Picasso would envy to attempting a DIY home improvement project that didn’t quite go as planned, [bride’s name] and I have crafted a world of creativity.”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a beautiful masterpiece unfold – with vivid colours of laughter, strokes of affection, and an undeniable chemistry.”

The proposal: “Speaking of creativity, [partner’s name] proposed in a way that perfectly captured their story. He reenacted their first date, complete with the same restaurant and the same song that played during that magical evening.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you step into the realm of marriage, remember that love is a canvas where both of you hold the brushes. Paint it with kindness, patience, and the vibrant colours of trust and understanding.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the creators of a love story that’s both imaginative and heartwarming. May your journey be filled with artistic adventures, endless inspiration, and a love that continues to paint your lives with beauty. Cheers!”

Speech Example 8: The Travel Enthusiasts

Introduction: “Hey, everyone! I’m [your name], the crazy friend who has navigated the wild world of adventures with [bride’s name]. Today, as her maid of honour, I’m over the moon to celebrate this incredible journey.”

Stories about the bride: “From getting lost in foreign cities to bonding over bizarre local cuisine, [bride’s name] and I have embarked on some unforgettable journeys. I still can’t believe we accidentally ordered snails!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love is like watching a captivating travel documentary – each chapter filled with exciting destinations, new experiences, and a growing sense of unity.”

The proposal: “Speaking of travels, [partner’s name] took [bride’s name] on a surprise trip to their favourite city, where he proposed atop a breathtaking viewpoint. It was a moment as memorable as the stamps on their passports.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you journey through the uncharted waters of marriage, remember that love is an adventure filled with twists and turns. Embrace the unexpected, cherish the beauty of every sunrise, and hold each other’s hand through every storm.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the explorers of love and life. May your days be filled with exhilarating discoveries, shared laughter, and a bond that’s as unbreakable as the compass that guides your hearts. Cheers!”

Speech Example 9: The Dance Partners

Introduction: “Hello, everyone! I’m [your name], the one who’s twirled through life’s ups and downs with [bride’s name]. Today, as her proud maid of honour, I’m absolutely thrilled to share a few words about this extraordinary journey.”

Stories about the bride: “From mastering the latest dance crazes to our legendary karaoke duets, [bride’s name] and I have had our fair share of dance parties that could rival any club. Let’s just say, we’ve got moves!”

The couple’s love story: “Watching [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love has been like witnessing a beautiful dance unfold – each step graceful, each move synchronised, and the chemistry between them undeniable.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal, a moment choreographed with love. [Partner’s name] swept [bride’s name] off her feet and, just like a perfectly timed dip on the dance floor, he asked the most important question.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you waltz into the realm of marriage, remember that love, like dance, requires trust, communication, and a willingness to follow each other’s lead. May your journey be filled with harmonious steps and synchronised hearts.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the dance partners who’ve found their perfect rhythm. May your days be filled with joyful twirls, passionate dips, and a love that dances on forever. Cheers!”

Speech Example 10: The Daring Duo 

Introduction: “Hey there, everyone! I’m [your name], the bestie who’s shared countless adventures and endless laughter with [bride’s name]. Today, as her beaming maid of honour, I’m beyond ecstatic to raise a toast to her love story.”

Stories about the bride: “From planning epic pranks to taking spontaneous road trips, [bride’s name] and I have a history of being partners in crime. One time, we decided to bake a cake at 3 AM – and let’s just say, it was a happy disaster!”

The couple’s love story: “Seeing [bride’s name] and [partner’s name] fall in love is like witnessing a heartwarming heist – a perfect blend of planning, excitement, and the sweet reward of finding their soulmate.”

The proposal: “And then came the proposal, a surprise that could rival our most daring escapades. [Partner’s name] orchestrated a scavenger hunt that led [bride’s name] to the place where their journey began – and to a future she couldn’t resist.”

Heartfelt advice: “As you embark on this grand adventure called marriage, remember that love, like a perfect caper, requires teamwork, trust, and the ability to overcome any obstacle together.”

Toast to the couple: “To [bride’s name] and [partner’s name], the partners in crime who have stolen each other’s hearts. May your days be filled with thrilling escapades, shared secrets, and a love that’s as unbreakable as the bond between co-conspirators. Cheers!”

The bottom line on maid of honour speeches

Photo © Damien Vickers Photography | See their Bridebook profile

The maid of honour speech is a beautiful and memorable part of your bestie’s big day. While crafting a great maid of honour speech can be tricky, with careful planning, a few funny stories, and plenty of love, you’ll write a beautiful and heartfelt speech. 

Be sure to share plenty of stories about the bride and groom, describe the proposal, and toast to the happy couple. Make sure you consider the audience when sharing any funny stories, let your personality shine through, and get plenty of practice in the run-up to the big day!

If you’re still feeling nervous, we’re here to help you. Sign up to Bridebook today, and let’s dive into the secrets of creating a speech that’s not only funny and beautiful but also straight from the heart. You’ve got this!

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Happy Planning!