Does featuring on B2B wedding directories defeat the point of having your own wedding website?

When it comes to marketing your wedding business it can be difficult to know where to start. 

With so many free and paid-for options on countless numbers of online platforms and an abundance of opinions on which approaches are right or wrong circulating the web, marketing can seem like a minefield; where one wrong step could catapult your wedding business into lead-less space for all of eternity.


One of the most common questions we’re asked by space-fearing wedding businesses is whether featuring on wedding planning platforms or online directories is counter-intuitive where a business’s website is concerned.

Let’s address this question now.

Dispelling myths surrounding third party wedding websites

Myth 1 – “Third party wedding directory websites will just be fielding my traffic. I want direct traffic to my website.”

I’m not sure if you’ve heard but getting to the top of Google search results isn’t easy; which means that if you *really *believe you can knock wedding directories and planning platforms off of the number one spot, you’d better have a shed load of resources to throw at content, development and SEO; not to mention some super advanced Google-esq knowledge and a lot of time to be able to wait for this seismic shift to take place.


Realistically, you’re unlikely to be in a position to compete with wedding supplier directories who probably have bigger teams, better financing and access to expert SEO and technical knowledge.

However, that definitely doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t still be trying to gain visibility at the top of search results. The first position on Google search results on desktop has a 34.36% clickthrough rate and the first position on Google search results on mobile has a 31.35% clickthrough rate. (Source: Hubspot)

That’s a phenomenal proportion of traffic that wedding suppliers like you should be capitalising on that actually support the ranking of your website. A tip, consider using WordPress hosting for your website to maximise your SEO advantage. 

Be present where wedding bookings are taking place. 

Engaged couples are using wedding directories and wedding planning platforms to search for local wedding suppliers like you. If you’re not listed alongside fellow suppliers, you could be missing out on a serious amount of bookings.


Visibility and ‘being present where your audience is browsing’ is how wedding suppliers generate sales online.

It’s not a case of competing for traffic with wedding planning platforms or directories – it’s about realising that you cannot change consumer behaviours; only adapt to them.

Did you know that 1 in 5 couples are now planning their wedding with Bridebook? If engaged couples are clicking on websites at the top of Google and you have a chance to feature your wedding brand there, do so.

Myth 2 – “Wedding directories cost money and don’t add much value”

This is largely untrue. In fact, many wedding directories and wedding planning platforms (like Bridebook Business) are completely free to sign up for and use, and have already proved invaluable to thousands of UK wedding suppliers.

Bridebook Business allows you to manage your very own personal account and chat with thousands of couples via free, direct email enquiries. Set up a free portfolio showcasing awards, reviews and your finest work to attract engaged couples who are searching for suppliers just like you.


What we find is that the value you gain from these platforms is directly proportionate to the effort you put in. It’s up to you to determine how significant these platforms are for you and how much resource to dedicate to them.

Myth 3 – “Featuring my wedding business on third party websites seems impersonal and I worry it will become too much to manage alongside my company website”

The level of control you have over your brand presence on wedding directories or planning platforms will be pivotal in ensuring that you can deliver a personalised experience and streamline any company updates between your company website and the third party website in question.

Let’s take Bridebook as an example. Setting up a Bridebook account is not time consuming or labour intensive, and can be as detailed or as basic as you’d like.

Tip: the more information you add to your Bridebook profile, the higher you appear in search so it’s definitely worth going with more detail if you can!


By featuring photographs of your work and letting couples in to admire a glimpse of the wedding services you provide, you’re actually providing a very personal sneak peek into some of the fabulous things you have achieved in your time as a wedding pro.

It follows the same principle as your company website.

Plus, visitors are able to contact you directly which means there’s no need for you to log in to Bridebook to see if you’ve received enquiries – they’ll all be sent straight to your inbox.

In terms of maintaining your Bridebook portfolio, we advise that you check contact details are always up to date and that you refresh your account with new photographs, pricing and testimonials as and when you receive them – just as you would with your website.

Updates can take just a few minutes and it’s simply a matter of you training yourself to update both your website and your profile at the same time – making the process less labour intensive and less of a hassle.

All technical updates and site maintenance is of course taken care of by Bridebook (the time consuming part of managing any website) which means you’ve actually very little to do considering the potential return you could achieve by featuring so much higher up in the search engine results pages.

Registering on wedding planning platforms and directories simply makes sense

As with most forms of marketing, you’re best trying it out (if your analysis suggests it makes sense for your wedding company) and finding out for yourself what works best for you and your business.

We’ve never known of a wedding supplier who has considered having a Bridebook Business account to be a mistake because it simply makes sense to ensure your business is listed on a site where 40,000 engaged couples go to plan their weddings.

Ultimately, how you choose to market your business is up to you but we strongly recommend you try out different approaches across different online platforms to see what fits.

Who knows – we could be a match made in marketing heaven.

Give Bridebook for Business a try today and join 14,000 other UK suppliers who’re making sure their business is where the bookings are.

Your bedtime routine could be wrecking your wedding business


We’re often discussing ways in which wedding suppliers can remain on top of their game throughout peak wedding season and we think we’re pretty good at providing tips on how to look after number one throughout the working day to ensure you’re performing at your very best.

But what happens after dark and the impact this has on our productivity and success as wedding professionals seems to have been somewhat neglected in the content stakes, so we’re here to change that. 


Waking up to the realisation that sleep matters

Did you know that your bedtime routine could be one of the most important factors in ensuring you’re operating at peak performance as we approach engagement season and prepare to start taking bookings for 2018 weddings?

Most of us won’t even have realised that our evening routines are affecting our daily productivity.

We’ll blame ‘typical’ daily stresses and mundane tasks for our inability to concentrate, and for making us feel lethargic and unmotivated instead of taking a closer look at the choices we made the night before.


Having to read just one more chapter of that captivating novel, watch one more episode of that trending box set or answering just a few extra emails as your evening slips away could be costing you more than you realise.

Did you know that more than one third of the UK population regularly gets less than six hours of sleep a night (source: The Independent) and studies suggest that getting less than seven hours could lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and mental distress.

Daytime fatigue and emotional stress are the most commonly reported symptoms of sleep deprivation and in turn, a bad night sleep is the most likely cause of the former.

Stress and lack of sleep go hand in hand, and unless you address the two, you’ll eventually exhaust yourself – not great for wedding pro’s coming into a busy season of bookings.


So here are 4 things that could be affecting your bedtime routine and ways to shake up bad habits to boost your productivity levels at work.


1. You’re not eating right

Whilst not sleeping enough causes us to make poor food choices, similarly a poor diet high in carbohydrates and saturated fats can lower our sleep quality.


Eating late at night can also affect sleep rhythm so try to get into a routine of eating dinner at least two hours before bedtime to give your body time to digest what you’ve eaten. This really will improve your chances of getting a good night sleep.

Tip: on Monday after a busy weekend of weddings, why not cook up a large batch of your favourite healthy dinner so you’ve got nutritious meals ready to eat at a sensible hour throughout the rest of the week? This will help you stick to a more regular dinner time and ensure you’re eating well rather than choosing convenience over health.


2. You’ve not scheduled in sleep

Working in an industry as hectic as the wedding industry demands organisation, and we’ll bet you can’t live without your diaries and work calendars.

How else would you remember everything?

It may sound a little over the top but setting a regular time in your calendar to go to bed and setting a regular wake up alarm will really help make sure that you stick to a routine and get a better night sleep.


Fixed hours won’t take long to adjust to and you’ll notice the benefits quickly as your body adjusts to a new and improved routine.

It’s also a good idea to schedule in a time to ‘unplug’ – ideally around 2 hours before you go to bed to allow you to unwind and give your mind a better chance of switching off.


3. Separate work and home

Whether you work from home a lot or just occasionally, it’s important not to turn your entire home into a workplace.

Set aside a designated work area and make sure that whenever you’re making calls, planning for the next day or brainstorming wedding ideas, these tasks happen in your work zone only – no matter how tempting it is to wander around with your phone in your hand.

When you leave the office for the day you should be able to enter a personal, work free zone.


4. Prep your morning tasks the night before

Taking just a few minutes in the evening before you go to bed to lay out tomorrow’s outfit, prep your lunch and pack your bag can help your morning run smoother which in turn, will help keep stress levels to a minimum.


This also gives you more me time in the morning to prepare yourself for the day ahead. Read the news over a cup of coffee, exercise or practice yoga and you’ll find your mind is clearer and better engaged by the time work starts.


Will you change your ways? At least sleep on it…

Your mood matters, productivity is key to the success of your wedding business and your health should always come first.

By changing just one small thing at a time you could find better balance and really reap the benefits of an improved bedtime routine.

Before you know it, these changes will become second nature and you’ll wonder why it’s taken so long to realise the benefits of a good night’s rest.

Get your head down and take a step up in the wedding industry.

How to use your reviews


Reviews aren’t easy to earn so once you’ve banked them you should be making the most of them and leveraging them in different formats across different mediums.


Getting the most out of client reviews is simply a case of knowing how to use them; that is, where to feature them and how best to let the voices of happy couples you’ve impressed speak for themselves.


You can spend as little or as long as you like sharing reviews far and wide but here are eight things you should definitely be doing as soon as your good feedback comes in.


8 ways to use your reviews

1. Your website. The most obvious and arguably most important place to feature reviews and testimonials is on your wedding website. But think outside of the box and rather than just featuring your reviews on a testimonial page which could easily be missed by web visitors why not add good feedback to your homepage, blog, photo library and other website pages too.


2. On your Bridebook profile. Did you know that 1 in 5 UK based engaged couples are currently planning their wedding with Bridebook? Leaving reviews on third party wedding websites like Bridebook Business which are already benefiting from high rankings in search engine results is imperative, as it helps your wedding business stand out against all the other competing businesses. If a bride or groom searches for local wedding florist and your business appears alongside five others, the one with the great reviews and five star ratings will inevitably be the wedding business that receives the enquiry. Make that YOUR wedding business!


3. In your marketing materials. Every review you receive should be leveraged across all marketing collateral and on all mediums. Whether online or offline, make sure your reviews are included on all communications. Reviews and recommendations are real deal clinchers and their impact in boosting bookings is something all wedding suppliers should take seriously. Find out more about why reviews are so important in 2017 and beyond.


4. On proposals, package details and invoices. Wherever cost and wedding service details can be found, support your specialism with testimonials! Reviews will help you justify your costs and provide further depth to details of the wedding services you offer.


5. On social media. Share good feedback with your followers and indirectly through your client’s audience by encouraging likes, shares and mutual post promotions. By showing the world how happy you make the couples you work with you’re boosting brand awareness and promoting your wedding business using the words and opinions of others. Very clever.


6. In testimonial videos. Smart entrepreneurs are realising the true power of video and are embracing opportunities to make quick video clips of happy newlyweds sharing their joy and appreciation of your wedding services. You can share these videos on all the same platforms and pages that you’d share written review content on. And don’t forget to include a video transcript of the couple’s comments underneath the video on your website to benefit from SEO juice.


7. At wedding shows. Whether you’re exhibiting at a wedding event or attending as a guest to network, be sure to bring postcards, signage and business cards featuring some of your most powerful reviews alongside your contact details.


8. In email communications.The power of email in communicating with prospective and existing clients is not to be ignored so why not add your favourite review to your email signature along with your website address and a link to your Bridebook profile. Including all three of these things increases the likelihood that reviews will be read on at least one of the platforms and it means that interested couples can quickly see how you’ve impressed on previous weddings you’ve worked on.


Reviews are an essential way to showcase your expertise because there’s no better way to promote your wedding services than indirectly through the voices and opinions of happy couples.


But don’t forget that earning reviews is only part of the process and you must make sure that you use these powerful marketing tools to support your client attraction strategy and a subsequent increase in bookings.


Let happy clients or fellow suppliers tell the world just how special you are. Just remember to include the good feedback where it counts.

How wedding suppliers get into the world of wedding industry awards

Tips on how to approach submissions, win more awards and build credibility in the wedding industry.


Being able to showcase a plethora of wedding industry awards in your office and on your website is not only good for business, it’s good for your morale too.

You work hard to do the best you can for the wedding planning couples you work with and you should enjoy the success that follows the year-round effort you and your team have put in.

Whether you’re motivated by money and financially driven or are solely in the wedding business for the love of it, winning awards and earning recognition from your peers is a fantastic way to end one wedding season on a high and prepare to see in the next chapter with a zealous determination to keep on improving.


However, whether you’re new to the world of wedding industry awards or not it can be difficult to know exactly where to start in terms of shortlisting, applying and producing win-worthy entries.

How to approach (and win) wedding awards

Before you consider sending out blanket applications and entries read our tips on how to approach submissions and win more awards to help you build credibility in the wedding industry.

1. Before you choose which awards to apply for consider your business goals. Yes, it looks great to have lots of awards to show off but successful award submissions take time and effort so always shortlist the most suitable awards for you and your business. Ask yourself how the award will contribute towards you meeting your end goals and then actively pursue the most relevant ones.

2. Take time to read the award guidelines. Each awarding body will differ slightly in their requirements so never assume that you know it all. Overlooking entry requirements and not paying attention to detail could cost you your entry and mean you missing out on winning an award for a trivial mistake. Your time is too precious for that.

3. Plan out your award application before you begin writing. Create an outline of what you need to include and think strategically. Our top tips for crafting your award entry are:

– Include both quantitative and qualitative examples when preparing information for your submission.


– Incorporating facts and figures that detail your business’ success will help you stand out.


– Make sure that you bring your business story to life with real life examples of the weddings you’ve worked on.


– Give solid reasons as to why you deserve to win the award above anyone else.


– Support your award content with good quality images, making sure you seek approval from photographers and couples before you submit anything that’s theirs.


1. Don’t send your application in immediately. Go away for an hour, a day or a week and then return to it with a fresh pair of eyes and proofread it carefully. Do the words on the page still have the same impact you thought they did when you wrote it originally? Ask a friend to review and proofread your entry too. A second pair of eyes is essential in making sure your story has impact and that you’re grammatically sound.

2. If you win the award don’t forget to spread the news! It sounds obvious but ‘ride the hype’ around the event and be sure to share news of your win on social media with the appropriate tags. Don’t forget to add your award to all marketing materials – both online and offline.


Couples have so much choice when it comes to selecting wedding suppliers these days that you need to be doing all you can to stand out against the competition.

The ability to showcase current and impressive awards on your website and in all communications will undoubtedly impress clients and earn you the respect of other wedding industry professionals.

Get out there and end 2017 on a high with a big win! Or take our tips into 2018 with you and make next year one to remember.

Couple’s Survey 2017


For National Couples Day,, the free wedding planning app and website, has surveyed 7,000 couples to find out what being a modern couple really entails. Revealing some fascinating insights demonstrating a move even further away from archaic male and female ‘roles’, the results show how the gender divide is diminishing in an apparent way right from the very beginning of a relationship through to the wedding day and beyond. Couples answered questions about their ‘emotional roles’ in relation to dating, proposals and their wedding day, and their attitude to money, socialising and day to day chores.

This study was across both same sex and straight couples, however when male/female comparisons have been made only heterosexual relationships have been considered.




It is no longer always down to the man to make the first move:

  • 62% of couples said that the man made the first move
  • 29% of couples said that the woman made the first move
  • 9% of couples said that neither made the first move.



Once in a relationship, men are sharing their feelings first:

  • 63% of couples said that the man said ‘I Love You’ first
  • 61% of couples claimed they both say ‘I Love You’ more than twice/day
  • 21% of couples claimed they both say ‘I Love You’ more than five times/day
  • 58% of couples claimed they both say ‘I Love You’ to each other within three months of being together
  • 37% of couples say the man and woman are equally romantic.



Women are not afraid of initiating taking the ‘next step’, and couples are splitting the costs of living:

  • 63% said the man brought up becoming “official” first
  • 43% said they initiated sharing keys at the same time (31% woman first, 27% man first)
  • 53% of couples said the woman met the man’s family first
  • 56% of couples believe they own half of each other’s monthly income
  • 73% of couples split their house purchase cost equally
  • 70% of couples split rental costs equally
  • 67% of couples share a bank account.



Popping the question is not always left to the man, and both men and women find it hard to hide their emotions:

  • The man proposed in 87% of couples
  • The women proposed in 4% of couples
  • 9% said neither the man/woman proposed, it was a mutual decision
  • 88% of women admitted to crying at the proposal
  • 19% of men admitted to crying at the proposal



Planning a wedding is no longer left to the bride, and men are becoming increasingly emotionally involved:

  • 62% of wedding planning decisions were made by the man and woman together
  • 77% of those surveyed who attended a wedding show went with their partner
  • 95% of women said that they cried on their wedding day
  • 65% of men said that they cried on their wedding day
  • 84% of couples said they would do marriage counselling if the need arose.



  • 64% of couples say the daily house chores are shared equally
  • 42% of couples say the man is messier around the house (30% the woman, 28% equal)
  • 32% of men claim to do more of the cooking. 48% of women claim to do more of
  • the cooking. 20% said they cook equally
  • 88% of couples maintain a social life separate from their partner.


Hamish Shephard, founder of, says:

The Couple’s Survey 2017 offers valuable insights into how couples perceive one another’s role in a relationship. The key learning is that couples are finding their own balance and their own unique way of making the relationship work best for them, from the outest.

It is fascinating to see that men and women, who once experienced social pressure to carry out certain roles in the relationship and the home, are now more open to sharing responsibilities and to showing emotions. Life is viewed as an equal playing field and a less rigid line between the parts played is making way for the ‘modern man’ and ‘modern woman’, which should be celebrated. Archaic stereotypes are factually no longer true.”



Notes To Editor: is the UK’s leading wedding planning app and website with over 40,000 couples currently planning their wedding on the platform.

Launched in 2016,‘s state-of-the-art wedding planning toolkit with personalised Checklist, Budgeter and Guestlist manager, enables couples to plan their entire wedding from any device, anytime, anywhere, all in one place…for free.  With over 70,000 venues and suppliers in its directory, increases the digital presence of industry professionals and connects them directly with local couples.  Bridebook has also partnered with leading brands such as Mary Berry, Bobbi Brown and Jimmy Choo to provide genuine expert advice and inspiration to its couples. was founded by Hamish Shephard, an industry professional and recently married groom who used to plan his own May 2016 wedding. Visit online and on the iTunes App Store.


Wedding Venues in Liverpool and Beyond

Famous for its ties with The Beatles and RMS Titanic, Liverpool is a thriving Northern city, full of personality and soul. Are you looking for the perfect venue in or around Liverpool? Look no further! has hunted down 25 of the best venues from in and around the city that are totally unique! Take a look at these magnificent places, or have a gander yourself by using our Wedding Venue Search tool and selecting your city.

1.Sefton Park Palm House Sefton Park Palm House

This dazzling venue is often among the top wedding venues in the UK – and we can see why! Its glorious glass structure is filled with unique palms that will set off your photos like no other. Sefton Park Palm House is also right in the heart of Liverpool!

2. The Beatles Story The Beatles Story

Are you and your partner avid Beatles fans? This is the place for you! The Beatles Story is an iconic attraction that can be made into the backdrop for your wedding day – imagine saying your vows in the super realistic replica of the Cavern Club!

3. West Tower West Tower

In the rolling Lancashire countryside and less than an hour away from Liverpool, West Tower sits on eight acres of stunning land. Traditional on the outside and contemporary on the inside, this impressive country house is the perfect venue to suit all tastes.

4. Knowsley Hall Knowsley Hall

Dating back to the 15th Century, this glamorous country house and it’s beautiful gardens in the walled estate can be exclusively yours for your unique wedding day. With a rich heritage and easy access to Liverpool, Knowsley Hall is an ideal choice for a stunning backdrop.

5. Alma De Cuba Alma De Cuba

Right in the city centre lies the undiscovered gem of Alma De Cuba. The building is a former church that has a lengthy history dating back to 1788. Now a stylish restaurant and bar, you can hire these spectacular surroundings with bespoke service for your big day!

6. Crosby Hall Educational Trust Centre Crosby Hall Educational Trust Centre

This 16th Century barn is set on 120 acres of country estate and is just 8 miles down the road from Liverpool. Original stone walls and exposed beams provide plenty of character, and spectacular rural views are on offer for you and your guests to enjoy at Crosby Hall.

7. 30 James Street – Home Of The Titanic 30 James Street - Home of the Titanic

Are you a huge Titanic fan, or really interested in it’s history? 30 James Street is the home of the Titanic, and you can now have your wedding in this iconic building. Offering picturesque views across the docklands and the Pier Head, this stunning venue has a classy, opulent feel with a nautical twist.

8. Inglewood

Wedding venues in Liverpool - Inglewood Manor

Inglewood lies within 38 acres of immaculate grounds and spectacular views across Cheshire. This grade II listed Edwardian manor boasts beautiful architecture, and not only can it accommodate outside summer weddings, but also ceremonies in front of the roaring fire during the height of winter.

9. SIREN Liverpool

Wedding venues in Liverpool - SIREN Liverpool

SIREN Liverpool is a unique and versatile space in the city centre that can act as a blank canvas for you to create your perfect wedding theme. Make your dreams come true with this ultimately spacious venue.

10. Soughton Hall Hotel Soughton Hall Hotel

Soughton Hall Hotel welcomes you with a breathtaking walled entrance and grand driveway. This spectacular venue gives off vibes of flawless luxury, and sits about 20 miles from Liverpool just inside the Welsh border. Can you imagine your romantic day here?

11. The Epstein Theatre The Epstein Theatre

The infamous stage and auditorium at the exquisite Epstein Theatre could be your wedding venue! Built in 1913 and named in honour of the Beatles manager, the stunning decor will provide the perfect backdrop as you find your inner star and say your vows on stage!

12. Croxteth Hall

Wedding venues in Liverpool - Croxteth Hall

Croxteth Hall is a historic Edwardian stately home just 20 minutes from the centre of Liverpool and it boasts an elegant oak-panelled dining room among other stunning settings in which to tie the knot. As the former home of the Earl of Sefton, you can feel on top of the world with this delightful country estate building as your venue.

13. Kathleen and May

Wedding venues in Liverpool - Kathleen and May

The top deck of the beautiful Kathleen and May Schooner commands a striking view of the famous Liverpool Waterfront. Built in 1900 and restored in 2000, this unique venue is a stunning place to hold your wedding reception in the heart of Liverpool’s Albert Dock.

14. Leasowe Castle Hotel Leasowe Castle Hotel

Always fancied being a King and Queen for your special day? Leasowe Castle Hotel is where you can feel like it! This fairytale venue boasts impressive sea views and is a truly luxurious setting just 20 minutes away from Liverpool.

15. Clawdd Offa Farm Clawdd Offa Farm

Need some land for your own DIY wedding? Clawdd Offa Farm offers large areas of beautiful farmland with picturesque rural views across the Welsh border to hold your wedding day celebrations. You can hire the farm from Friday afternoon through to Sunday, so there’s no need to rush!

16. Liverpool Football Club Liverpool Football Club

If you and your partner die hard Liverpool F.C. fans, then this is the venue for you! Anfield Stadium at Liverpool Football Club is equipped with an events team, first class catering and a beautiful set up for the celebration of your dreams.

17. Isla Gladstone Conservatory Isla Gladstone Conservatory

Isla Gladstone Conservatory will stun your guests as you enter the dramatic surroundings of this converted Victorian glasshouse. The sun-flooded interior nestled in between rose gardens will bring plenty of enchantment to your big day!

18. Rum Warehouse at the Titanic Hotel Rum Warehouse at the Titanic Hotel

Adjoined to the Titanic Hotel, the Rum Warehouse is a spacious building with a relaxed atmosphere, perfect for wining and dining with your loved ones. The restored 1950’s warehouse provides an ideal romantic setting for the larger wedding party up to 500 guests!

19. Thorton Manor Thorton Manor

Less than 10 miles from the city, the 19th Century Thorton Manor is set within an impressive 120 acres. It provides grand rooms with elegant decor, a secret garden and a lakeside marquee for the ultimate rural manor house experience. Wowzers!

20. The Chester Fields The Chester Fields

The Chester Fields allows you to dine alfresco with your nearest and dearest while enjoying spectacular views! This unique restaurant offers delicious menus and superb service to meet all of your requirements as you begin married life!

21. Victoria Gallery & Museum Victoria Gallery & Museum

The stunning Grade II listed red brick building of Victoria Gallery & Museum sits in a peaceful location within the city of Liverpool. Expect vaulted ceilings, tasteful landscape and Victorian splendour in this gorgeous one-of-a-kind venue.

22. Charnock Farm Restaurant Charnock Farm Restaurant

Situated in a rural area less than an hour from the city, Charnock Farm Restaurant breathes fresh air into wedding venues across the North. An exposed brick fireplace mixed with classy and contemporary decor makes this venue stand out from the crowd!

23. Liverpool Philharmonic Hall Liverpool Philharmonic Hall

Liverpool Philharmonic Hall sees world-class acts pass through it’s doors regularly, so how about having your wedding there? Whether you’re wanting a huge celebration in the main hall or a simple set up in the bar, this venue can do it!

24. Abbeywood Estate Abbeywood Estate

In the Cheshire countryside, Abbeywood Estate is a 45-acre family home that is dedicated to making your wedding day unique. The glorious gardens and stunning decor make it a truly romantic venue where your married life can start with a bang.

25. Nunsmere Hall Hotel Nunsmere Hall Hotel

This magical wedding venue is located on it’s own private island in the heart of the Delamere Forest. Nunsmere Hall Hotel allows you to enjoy a luxurious and sophisticated wedding with a charming Italian sunken garden and panoramic views across the lake.

Still not found your dream venue? Or do you live outside of Liverpool and you’d like to extend your search? Do not fear! Use’s Wedding Venue Search and type in your preferred location, where you are sure to find the perfect venue for you.

The limits at Bridebook are endless – did you know we can also help you with your entire wedding planning process?! Fill in your guest list, budget and use our wedding checklist to make sure you remember everything on your special day.

Happy planning!

RSA House: London’s West-End Wedding Hidden Gem

Looking for your dream city wedding venue and can’t decide whether you’re after a contemporary or traditional setting? RSA House may just be the place for you, as this historic hidden gem combines Georgian splendour and rustic romance for your special day. 

London Wedding Venue - RSA House


Imagine escaping from the hustle and bustle of London as you step into the tranquil surroundings of the breathtaking RSA House. On possibly the most special day of your life, the next few moments will be the most memorable as you walk through the doors and down the aisle in a grand Georgian room. 


RSA House offers a variety of stunningly decorated rooms in which to host your wedding ceremony (and reception if you choose), but the spectacularly lavish Benjamin Franklin Room is a firm favourite. With its mixture of original architecture, a contemporary ambiance and a towering chandelier inspired by the man himself, it’s an unforgettable place to say ‘i do’ and take your first steps as a married couple. 

London Wedding Venue RSA House RSA House

Then head up the 300-year-old staircase (and pause for a snap) to your wedding breakfast, where a world of artistic wonder awaits you and your guests.  The iconic Great Hall is brought alive with its dramatic artwork. The magnificent series of paintings “Progress of Human Knowledge and Culture” by James Barry, offers plenty of historical background and will become an incredible backdrop for your big day!


Now, to the wedding reception. The Vaults, with their exposed 18th Century brickwork and rustic ambiance, are a surprising contrast to the Georgian luster of the above rooms. These up-lit underground vaults are the perfect place to kick-off your wedding evening, with a combination of romantic air and party vibes. No need to limit your evening guests either, as the vaults can cater for up to 220 people without losing out on its feeling of exclusivity. You and your guests will have fun dancing the night away knowing that you’re in the best hands with the team at RSA House. 

London Wedding Venue - RSA House RSA House

Key Features:

  1. Exclusive use of the venue when you book for 100 guests.
  2. RSA House is perfectly situated between the vibrant Covent Garden and Embankment, Central London. Enjoy great transport links here!
  3. Weddings can be bespoke. Rooms and food to suit your requirements.
  4. Nearby luxury accommodation can be sought at The Savoy, Corinthia and The Waldorf Hilton to name but a few of the best hotels in the area. RSA House RSA House

Wedding Coordinator, Rosalind, and the RSA House team have a strong wedding ethos: “We believe every wedding should be bespoke and encourage every couple to stamp their personality on their big day.”

RSA House can cater for a capacity of up to 140 guests for your ceremony or banquet, and up to 220 for your evening wedding reception. The venue’s packages start from £145+VAT per head, with an exquisite food selection from their specialist caterer H+J by Harbour and Jones.


Love this venue as much as we do? Book a show-round today by heading to their Bridebook profile and requesting more details. Trust us, the pictures just don’t it justice!


Happy planning!

Princess Eugenie’s Wedding to Cost £2,820,620

The UK is being graced with another royal wedding this year, and despite the shared venue, it is clear Eugenie and Jack are set to make their big day special and unique., the UK’s no.1 wedding planning app used by 1 in 3 UK couples, is here to call the trends we expect to be started, and the price tags along with them. With over 5,340 glasses of champagne and 1,800 glasses of wine required to keep all their guests happy, it should come as no surprise that the wedding is expected to come in at a whopping £2,820,620. Whilst £2.8 million is more than 100 times the price of the average British wedding, it pales compared to Harry and Meghan’s wedding cost of £32 million, more than 10 times Eugenie’s

Not to be outdone by the modern standard set by Harry and Meghan, Eugenie and Jack are doing what very few before them are likely to have done: having a completely plastic free wedding. If that isn’t the epitome of a millennial, environmentally conscious wedding, we don’t know what is!

Eugenie and Jack’s wedding is sure to set plenty of it’s own trends, from the outstanding decision of going completely plastic free, to the autumnal themes it is sure to embrace. But if our expert-predicted costs are anything to go by, Eugenie and Jack are sure to not be outdone either, with the costs quickly racking up despite the slightly smaller scale of this event. Explore just how much Eugenie and Jack’s tastes add up, as well as the carefully curated ways Eugenie is establishing herself as a pioneering young royal.

Eugenie and Jack engagement photo


Venue – £85,000 – £300,000

Just like Harry and Meghan, Eugenie and Jack will get married at St. George’s chapel and then have their party on Windsor grounds. Following the afternoon reception, hosted by the Queen at the castle, the guests will move on to the Royal Lodge, where Eugenie’s father, the Duke of York lives. Although Eugenie and Jack won’t have to worry about securing a venue, or paying for it, the crisp month of October will beg for a marquee to keep the guests warm and a fully-equipped catering tent. A luxury marquee to accommodate all the guests, as well as the additional tents for catering and loos, will cost upwards of £85,000. Alternatively, if Eugenie opts for the glass marquee style as Pippa Middleton did, she should expect it to cost upwards of £300,000.


Catering – £100,000 to £151,600

Luxury catering for 350 guests doesn’t come cheap! Add 1,200 members of the public, top that with a plastic-free motif, and the numbers stack up! Those little plastic spoons and forks that hold the lamb croquettes will be a big no-no at this wedding, and replacing them with plastic-free options will add up on the bill, particularly as the plastic-free trend is only just beginning to emerge in the wedding industry. We expect Eugenie’s highly publicised decision is sure to plastic-free much more accessible to all couples in the years to come.


Drinks – £84,500

If there’s one thing Eugenie and Jack will do better than Harry and Meghan, it’s the alcohol. Jack is the UK Ambassador for George Clooney’s Casamigos tequila, a previous club-owner (which is how he and Eugenie met) and his dream is to own a chain of pubs. As for Eugenie, her favourite drink is Vodka Soda. Together with her sister and Maid of Honour, Beatrice, the two make an invincible party duo, which means this wedding is going to be a very boozey occasion.  And with 5,340 glasses of champagne and 1,800 glasses of wine needed to keep their guests happy during the champagne reception and dinner, there is sure to be a hefty weight to the bill!


Dress – £230,000

One secret that has been spilt by Princess Eugenie is that, contrary to Meghan, she has chosen a British designer to create her wedding dress. An environmental activist who is having a plastic-free wedding could only go with an environmentally outspoken designer. In this case, we predict Stella McCartney is designing this Princess’ wedding dress. The price tag for a bespoke Stella McCartney gown? Somewhere around a casual £200,000.


Floristry – £100,000

An eco-friendly wedding is a perfect chance to show off the beauty of the season’s British flowers. Hundreds of thousands of fresh flowers and herbs will decorate the church, Windsor Castle and marquees, likely with the notable caveat that they can be re-planted following the wedding to ensure minimal environmental impact. This a noble, yet pricey decision.


Photography & Videography  – £17,000

If you’re throwing a Royal Wedding, photography and videography need to be beyond perfect, and that doesn’t come cheap! Fashion and Celebrity Photographer Alexis Lubomirski wowed everyone with his shots of Meghan and Harry’s engagement and wedding, if Eugenie and Jack want to keep up with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they will need to loosen their purse strings and find an A-list photographer to capture their happiest moments. Expect to see the ever increasingly popular documentary photography style prevailing, highlighting Eugenie and Jack as a young, fun and more laid back royal couple.


Cake – £5,600

If Eugenie and Jack plan on staying environmentally friendly with their cake and feeding all of their guests at least one slice, they will need a fresh, local and seasonal fruit 6-tier creation! Claire Ptak, the famous cake-maker who made Harry and Meghan’s wedding cake, is known for working with locally sourced ingredients, so she could be the top choice for these two, otherwise locally-based Melissa Woodland is a top pick. Cakes made with fresh seasonal fruit can’t be stored overnight, and this makes them more expensive than your average wedding cake.


Stationery – £30,000

The invitations for this Royal Wedding came with a special touch, a Nelson Mandela quote which is sure to keep the guests on their toes.  To top it there is come beautiful calligraphy work and the family’s badge printed in gold ink, which, although not as significant as the quote, will weigh on the final price a lot more.

The quote, seen below, only further reinforces Eugenie and Jack’s determination to make this a truly significant day, led by their values and passions.

“What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” – NELSON MANDELA


Music & Entertainment – £25,000 – £55,000

From trumpets and bell ringers to the organist and choirs in the church, DJ’s and live bands, Eugenie and Jack’s Wedding will be filled with music! Lucky for them, they have some of the best voices and entertainers in the world attending the wedding! Namely, Robbie Williams, who’s daughter will be a flower-girl, James Blunt, Ellie Goulding, Ed Sheeran and more… Their friends might throw in a free song or two, but everything else will come with a price tag. Add to that the other entertainment Eugenie and Jack are sure to provide.


Wedding Rings – £6,000

For decades, it’s been a Royal Family tradition to use Welsh gold for the wedding ring of the bride. Welsh gold is extremely rare, and only a small portion of it is kept by the Queen in the royal vaults. Although traditionally Royal Family men don’t wear rings, Jack will likely follow in Harry’s footsteps and opt to wear a wedding band, which will require a little bit more of that precious Welsh gold.


Bridesmaid Outfits – £5,000

Anyone who’s been married or been a bridesmaid knows how expensive bridesmaid dresses can be. A bridesmaid dress for the Maid of Honour, Princess Beatrice, will be designer, and though she is known for sporting curiously affordable dresses, she will want to look lavish for her little sister’s big cold! Beatrice has already expressed how much of a modern bride Eugenie is, and we can’t wait to see how this will affect the style of the whole wedding, and of course, her Maid of Honour’s dress!


Church Fees – £170

Eugenie and Jack will be getting married at St. George’s Chapel, just like Harry and Meghan, but even if you’re getting married at your family’s church, you have to pay the fee! A minuscule cost compared to the others, but nevertheless, it adds up.


Groomswear – £6,050

The groom is sure to be as dashing, particularly dressed in the royal Saville Row tailor Huntsman’s best wedding attire. A bespoke tailcoat, waistcoat and trousers are sure to cost upwards from £4,400, with new shoes costing around £900. Add to that an outfit change, as is sure to be expected for both the bride and the groom, and you have another £3000 for bespoke black tie. Our tip to Jack? Sand the bottom of your new shoes to avoid slip ups on the dancefloor!


Hair & Makeup – £2,700

We’re sure Eugenie will be having only the best makeup artists and hair stylists on hand for her big day. Even with the natural makeup look that she is sure to opt for, getting personalised beauty done on the big day for the bride and her entire wedding team costs a pretty penny.


Wedding Favours – £1000

Expect to see Eugenie and Jack opting for wedding favours that reflect their firm environmental beliefs. Perhaps an eco-friendly gift from Balmoral, or even Windsor Great Park honey. Wedding favours always work best when they are something that reflect the couple, with no need to be flashy or expensive.


Toilets  – £16,000

Don’t forget the toilets! Marquee weddings tend to cost more than weddings held indoors due to all of the extra facilities that need to be covered as well. For as many guests as Eugenie and Jack are having, and for the caliber that they will be, expect only the most formal temporary toilets. Pippa Middleton’s luxury toilets cost £4,000 for 350 guests. Eugenie and Jack are having a total of 1,200 guests, so it’s easy to see how this cost would add up.


Security – £2,000,000

It’s not a Royal Wedding without the highest security measures the country can provide! Though Eugenie and Jack’s carriage ride around Windsor will be considerably shorter than Harry and Meghan’s, there will still be a substantial cost in protecting the royal couple. From sniper coverage, to the latest anti-drone technology, expect the security costs to be upwards of £2 million.



The above figures have been calculated following an analysis of over 170,000 weddings via‘s wedding planning tools and budget calculatorand a review of over 70,000 wedding industry suppliers’ price estimates listed on’s wedding venue and supplier directory. is currently being used by 1 in 3 UK couples planning their wedding, and therefore has an unparalleled understanding of the wedding planning process, as well as relationships with brides and wedding industry suppliers across the country.


Hamish Shephard, founder of, the UK’s leading wedding planning app,  says:
“After Meghan and Harry’s wedding was the most viewed wedding in history, a second Royal wedding at Windsor is certainly going to attract another global audience.”
“With Eugenie and Jack both attendees at Harry and Meghan’s wedding at Windsor Castle earlier in the year, they will certainly want to differentiate their day to celebrate their individuality and have their personalities demonstrated throughout the wedding details.” 
“After Meghan broke tradition by walking herself down the aisle, and by having a gospel choir and her now infamous preacher, Eugenie will be delighted to have the freedom to do exactly what she wants.” 
“Whilst Meghan and Harry’s wedding was an international spectacular, Eugenie and Jack will be having a more homely occasion celebrating the best of Britain, but with an equally star studded guest list.” 


For further information please contact Hunt Communications:

07886 969086


Notes To Editor: is the UK’s leading wedding planning platform with over 1 in 3 UK couples currently planning their weddings on the website and app.

Launched in 2016,‘s state-of-the-art wedding planning toolkit with personalised Wedding ChecklistWedding Budgeter and Wedding Guestlist Manager, enables couples to plan their entire wedding from any device, anytime, anywhere, all in one place…for free.  With over 70,000 wedding venues and suppliers in its directory, increases the digital presence of industry professionals and connects them directly with local couples. has also partnered with leading experts such as Mary Berry, Bobbi Brown and Jimmy Choo to provide genuine expert advice and inspiration to its couples. was founded by Hamish Shephard, an industry professional and recently married groom who used to plan his own May 2016 wedding. Visit online and the App on the iTunes App Store and Google Play Store.



Planning your wedding? is the UK’s number one free wedding planning app, with over 16,000 registered wedding businesses and more than 100K couples planning their wedding with us.  

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See the largest selection of the UK’s best venue & suppliers here!

Are you looking for wedding advice? Start with these:

The Ultimate Wedding Budget Breakdown

21 Questions To Ask Your Wedding Venue

22 Wedding Saving Tips

The Whats, Wheres and Hows of Celebrant Ceremonies

The ‘I do’s’. For many (we hope), the most important part of the day. That moment where you can tell your nearest and dearest why you love the person standing beside you. And yet, looking back, it seems that that moment was actually rather drab and samey. Cold churches, long ceremonies, a lack of individuality and personality.
Luckily for you, that has all changed. Here at Bridebook, we support individuality and having a wedding day the way you want it. That includes your ceremony. Introducing Jeanenne Powell, celebrant and wedding enthusiast from Inner World Outer Life. Today, Jeannene will be telling us a little more about how to create the ceremony you have always imagined.
So whether you want a ceremony in a field with bubbles, on a boat with a goat, or you want to stick to tradition and say ‘I do’ in the presence of our lord – we are here to support that decision.
Jeannene over to you…


With the modern-day softening of tradition around parents paying for a wedding seeing more spouses-to-be saving for the big day themselves, couples both young and old, first-timers and third timers are starting to take ownership of their wedding day. Drawing inspiration from wedding reality shows and social inspiration, they’re not only deciding the finest details for their reception but the actual ceremony too.

Although celebrant wedding ceremonies aren’t legally recognised in England, Wales and Ireland (but are in Scotland), there are easy to arrange provisions for the legal paperwork to be done at a registry office.  This leaves you the freedom and flexibility to personalise what, where and how you celebrate your love, express your commitment and share your joy with those who matter most.

The Whats

Traditions and twists:  If you want a traditional affair, that’s great. But if you want to make it your own, add a twist to it like your mum or both parents accompanying you down the aisle, or partners walking in together then a celebrant can help you achieve this. Vows too do not have to be reserved for the wedding pair, so have guests expressing their support as well. Couples are stamping their mark on old favourites and celebrants allow you the freedom to do this.

Mixing customs and cultures: Draw on your heritages to include wedding customs from various countries and cultures. Even with simple personal family traditions honouring your roots can make the ceremony a unique affair.

Spiritual or religious, a mixture or neither: If, like a vast majority of couples, you have different ways of finding meaning in life, there are ways to include both philosophies and spiritual outlooks on the day so neither are left out.

The wheres

Licensed and unlicensed locations: Any place is a possibility. Imagine exchanging rings whilst on a beach, in a woodland clearing, sailing down the river or standing under the stars. These and more all provide enchanting and stunning backdrops to your key wedding moment.

Wedding breaks: Instead of a wedding followed by a honeymoon, some couples are venturing away with friends and family for the weekend. Whether glamping, hiring a manor house or attending a festival together, these and more can all make the celebrant ceremony the highlight of a joyful, memorable and fun time shared by all. 

Journeying abroad: Destination weddings are still as fashionable as ever, however, the related paperwork can be time-consuming and complex. Having the brief legalities done here, can make the overall organising far simpler. With your celebrant travelling to meet you and your guests at your destination, you can ease into having the full-blown celebration once arrived.

The hows

Have it your way: Whatever you decide to include, the ceremony can be tailored in a way to suit your style, personalities and tastes. Whether a small and intimate gathering or a large and luxurious event, a beautiful and elegant affair or unconventional and quirky occasion, what matters is that it holds significance for you both. Plus, unlike legal weddings, it can be a completely private affair.

Meet first: As with all your wedding suppliers, you get to choose who’s involved in making your ceremony special. Meeting with your potential celebrant before deciding will allow you to learn about their training, background and experience, so you’ll know if you really connect with them. This way you can feel confident they’re the right one to help design and deliver a ceremony that’s truly perfect, and unique, for the two of you.

So there you have some of the whats, wheres and hows. Having a celebrant ceremony is a really personalised thing. Not just the ceremony itself, but the whole experience of working with a professional celebrant over time, them getting to know the things which matter to you most and, on the day, having a friendly and familiar face welcome and guide you both successfully through all your nerves, anticipation and excitement.

Next time someone tells you “your day is about you”, just remember that goes for the ceremony too!

Found this article helpful? Here are more suggestions for you!

Interested in learning more about celebrant ceremonies? For further tips and to discuss your wedding contact Jeannene at Inner World Outer Life.

How working with a celebrant is a win for wedding professionals.

Couples now, more than ever, are choosing to turn their backs on ‘tradition’ and instead have their big day their way. So it should come as no surprise to wedding professionals that the ceremony, the most important part of the day, would also fall under the same millennial scrutiny.
The question is: is your venue or the services you provide ready to support a non-traditional and perhaps rather unusual ceremony experience?
Here to share her views and tips on how working with a celebrant is a win for wedding professionals is Jeanenne Powell. Jeanenne is a celebrant, assertiveness trainer and all round wedding enthusiast at Inner World Outer Life.
Jeanenne, over to you…


“Having the contacts to recommend others is good for potential business”


“Being inspired by TV wedding reality shows, and paying for the wedding day themselves, couples are less content to settle for having the same as others before them. Wanting a day as unique as possible, suppliers are being turned to for ideas to cater to the unique and truly memorable.

This is where celebrants officiating Celebrant Ceremonies come into their own. More and more couples are opting to wed with the alternative, symbolic wedding celebrations, and vow renewals.

Whatever your wedding industry specialty, having the contacts to recommend others is good for potential clients and business alike. If you find yourself working at a celebrant ceremony of any kind, and like what they do, take their details. If searching first off, meet in person, see if and how you can work well together to add value to the professional wedding experience each party provides.

Ideas on how working with a celebrant can complement what you do:



Giving the option for people to have Celebrant Ceremonies makes perfect sense whether you’re already licensed for marriages, not licensed or deciding whether to renew.  This is partly due to the legal side of the ceremony being done elsewhere, meaning that couples can truly make all aspects of the day their own.  For you, all the associated finances and restrictions of holding civil weddings on site do not apply.

Reception-only venues are really starting to take advantage of the option to hold ceremonies without needing a marriage license by simply setting aside space for the ceremony itself.


On other sites, offering visitors areas of the venue which would normally be off limits for ceremonies helps create a personalised experience. It also gives you a chance to gauge interest in the location before committing the time and money to licence it for marriages in the future.

If you boast a stunning outdoor location, make the most of it without the need to assemble a structure for the couple to get married underneath. Allow the uninterrupted scenery to provide the breathtaking backdrop to your clients’ celebration.

With bookings made so far in advance, and cancellations always a possibility, late bookings can be a dream come true for yourselves and enquiring spouses-to-be. However, popular dates could mean no registrar is available to attend which is where a Celebrant Ceremony can save the day,


With no legal aspect, the wedding can be as private as any other party event. No need for general public access at all.

Photographers and videographers:

Ask the celebrant if there are any specific personal touches happening within the celebration. This can add a further unusual, quirky or romantic twist to capture for the couple and show off your talents.

Wedding Planners:

Part of a wedding planner’s ability to reduce the couples stress levels is to know and offer alternatives. So for couples struggling to match the registrar’s availability with the venue’s, or just wanting something ‘a bit different’, suggesting the idea of a Celebrant Ceremony could be just the solution they are looking for.

Yes, the dress, venue, shoes, flowers and such are all important but don’t underestimate the importance of the actual ceremony.  For it’s here that the couple share their commitment to each other in front of those it matters to most – each other and their loved ones.”


For further tips and to discuss holding a Celebrant Ceremony at your wedding venue contact Jeannene at Inner World Outer Life at [email protected].

Best Autumn Wedding Venues in the UK

Are you dreaming of a fairytale autumn wedding where you have crackling fires and leaves crunching under your feet? We know just the place! Here at, we believe you should be able to enjoy your wedding day whatever the weather – so we’ve put together a list of the best autumn venues in the UK!

If none of these are for you, or you’re looking for a particular location, use’s Wedding Venue Search and type in your preferred area.

1. Dewsall Court, Herefordshire Wedding Venues Dewsall Court

The stunning Dewsall Court is surrounded by 12 acres of countryside and boasts breathtaking leafy interiors to bring the outside in. Just perfect for autumn!

2. Shilstone, Devon Wedding Venues Shilstone

This newly restored Georgian House in the heart of Devon is a combination of traditional and modern features. Shilstone is sure to be a romantic setting as the leaves fall!

3. Packington Moor, Staffordshire Wedding Venues Packington Moor

Exposed brickwork and beautiful lighting of the barns at Packington Moor will brighten up your wedding day no matter the time of year!

4. Butley Priory, Suffolk Wedding Venues Butley Priory

Butley Priory is a magical building dating back to the 14th Century and was originally a monastary. Get cosy in this one-of-a-kind venue near the Suffolk coastline.

5. Cripps Barn, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues Cripps Barn

This beautiful old Cotswold stone barn offers plenty of countryside features including a stunning open fireplace. Stay warm on your wedding day at Cripps Barn as the temperature drops!

6. Matfen Hall Hotel, Northumberland Wedding Venues

Photo  Credit: Paul Santos Photography

Say your vows in front of a roaring fire at the gorgeous historic venue of Maften Hall Hotel – a striking countryside backdrop for your autumn wedding.

See more Hotel wedding venues in the UK!

7. Curradine Barns, Worcestershire Wedding Venues Curradine Barns

Tie the knot in the lush Farmhouse garden, or if you’re feeling the chill, get wed surrounded by the rustic and charming interiors of Curradine Barns.

8. Blaisdon Hall, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues Blaisdon Hall

Boasting panoramic views of the Severn Valley, Blaisdon Hall is a grand venue finished off with elaborate decor and antique furniture. Feel cosy on your big day while enjoying the luxury!

9. Old Luxters Barn, Henley-on-Thames Wedding Venues

Wedding Venue Old Luxters Barn

Just an hour outside of London, Old Luxters Barn boasts exposed wooden beams inside, and a luxury marquee outside. A perfect canvas for creating your autumn theme! 

Check out these 20 beautiful barn wedding venues!

10. Leeds Castle, Kent Wedding Venues Leeds Castle

Imagine your journey through crisp leaves as you approach the enchanted Leeds Castle! What could be more romantic than saying ‘I do’ in this magnificent venue? 

If this venue is just your style, check out the 20 best UK castle wedding venues!

11. Dodmoor House, Northamptonshire Wedding Venues Dodmoor House

Grade II listed barns and a rustic courtyard make up the gorgeous venue of Dodmoor House, ideal for autumn celebrations.

12. Elmore Court, Gloucestershire Wedding Venues

Wedding Venue Elmore Court

The 750-year-old Elmore Court, with its stunning countryside views and luxurious decor, is bound to sweep you off your feet.

13. Tunnels Beaches, Devon Wedding Venues Tunnels Beaches

Tunnels Beaches is a unique venue offering a hand-carved tunnel through the cliff leading to a private beach. Stun your guests with this dramatic backdrop during an autumn sunset! Get inspired by the UK’s best beach wedding venues.

14. Grittenham Barn, West Sussex Wedding Venues Grittenham Barn

The rustic walls of Grittenham Barn is the perfect place to celebrate on your wedding day and get cosy with loved ones. See more farm wedding venues!

15. Middle Coombe Farm, Devon Wedding Venues

Middle Combe Farm

This 400-acre sustainably-run farm is home to a thatched cider barn, beautiful farmhouse, and plenty of woodlands in which to tie the knot! Middle Coombe Farm is the ultimate venue for nature lovers getting married in the autumn season.

16. Birtsmorton Court, Worcestershire Wedding Venues

Wedding Venue Birtsmorton Court

Birtsmorton Court is a lovely manor house with its very own moat. Watch while the team creates the perfect autumn wedding in front of your eyes with crackling fires, fab food, and even fireworks!

We hope you liked our choices of top autumn venues! However, if you’re still trying to find ‘the one’, use’s Wedding Venue Search and type in your preferred location.

Once you’ve got your venue secured, you’ll no doubt still have heaps to do! Make the preparations easy by using’s wedding guest list and wedding budget planner – not forgetting our wedding checklist so you don’t forget any important steps.

Happy planning!

UK wedding supplier events 2017 / 2018

In our previous post, we highlighted the importance of networking and how wedding suppliers like you can network smarter to secure more referrals.

This week, we thought we’d take a look at exactly which big wedding industry events are happening in your area as we near the end of peak wedding season 2017.

Whether you’re interested in attending a big wedding industry event to network or are hoping to have an exhibition stand at the next great wedding show, here are some of the names you need to have on your radar…

 London 2017 / 2018


National Wedding Show: London Olympia

Friday 22nd September

Featuring over 300 of the UK’s finest wedding suppliers across stationery, bridal wear, jewellery, favours and wedding cakes – to name a few – The National Wedding Show is one of London’s biggest and best opportunities to showcase your specialism and network up a storm!

Pssst! The Bridebook team will be here too so hunt us out for any ‘on-the-spot’ networking tips or even just for a good old chin wag!


The National Wedding Show: ExCeL London

Saturday 21st October 2017 

The ExCel London show (born of a joint venture between The Wedding Fair and The National Wedding Show) is fundamentally the same but slightly smaller than the Olympia show above – but every bit just as good!

The October ExCel Wedding Show features around 200 of the UK’s finest wedding professionals and their skilled wedding work.

Pssst! The Bridebook team will be here too!


Chosen London Wedding Fair: Islington Assembly Hall 

Sunday 8th October 2017

A small but exciting event, the Chosen London Wedding Fair is a newer addition to the Wedding Show scene featuring creative, unique, modern and vintage suppliers, ideas and services.

We’re talking cutting edge trends from London’s most stylish wedding pro’s – showcasing the very best in contemporary wedding design. Between 25-50 exhibitors.


The London Bridal Show – An International Bridal Buying Event: EXCEL London

25 – 27 March 2018 

This international bridal buying event features over 200 collections from over 100 exhibitors over the course of three days. Plus you’ll have the opportunity to impress over 2000 attendees.


The Wedding Industry Awards

Technically one for 2018 however entries, nominations and voting is now open. Attending this fantastic award ceremony will grace you with the company of industry greats. It provides a fantastic opportunity for wedding pro’s like you to find out what the best in the business have been up to as well as giving you the chance to meet and speak with industry experts afterwards over a glass of wine.


East of England 2017


The Suffolk Wedding Show: Wherstead Park 

Sunday 24th September 2017

The Suffolk Wedding Show takes place on Sunday 24th September 2017 (10:30am – 3:00pm) at Wherstead Park. This show is the biggest of its kind in the area and featured around 75 exhibitors at its last show.


East Of England Wedding Show


 Peterborough Arena, East Of England Showground

Sunday 22nd October 2017

Now in its 13th year this prestigious event is one of the best known and loved wedding shows in the east. Attracting the most spectacular exhibitors and a huge number of visitors from across the region, this wedding show now boasts over 80 stands, amazing fashion shows and the greatest exhibitors in the region.


The Cambridge Wedding Fair: Anstey Hall

22nd October 2017

The Cambridge Wedding Fair is recognised for its unique fashion shows featuring some of the very latest in bridal style, as well as between 25-50 inspirational exhibitors from in and around the Cambridge area.


 South West of England 2017


Cheltenham Bride & Groom Wedding Show: Cheltenham Town Hall

Sunday 3rd September 2017

Attending the Cheltenham Bride & Groom Wedding Show will give you the chance to meet some of your County’s finest fellow wedding suppliers! Join 75-100 exhibitors also hoping to network with you and secure more bookings.


The Bath Wedding Show: Guildhall Bath

Sunday 17th September 2017

This friendly, welcoming wedding exhibition provides the perfect opportunity for you to meet likeminded wedding suppliers in a glorious environment. Expect between 50-75 exhibiting wedding suppliers.


The Dorset & Somerset Wedding Showcase: The Exchange, Sturminster Newton

Sunday 17th September 2017

Showcasing the most talented wedding professionals in North Dorset and South Somerset this wedding show will be showcasing the work of 50-75 wedding suppliers all of whom serve the rural areas of Dorset and Somerset.


Plymouth Guildhall Wedding Extravaganza: Plymouth Guildhall

Sunday 17th September 2017

With up to 100 stands, the Dream Weddings Extravaganza at Plymouth Guildhall is the city’s biggest and best wedding fair so don’t miss out on the opportunity to see what your fellow wedding professionals are cooking up for 2018 weddings.


Midlands & North of England 2017


Birmingham National Wedding Show: NEC, Birmingham

29th September – 1st October 2017

Officially the UK’s Biggest Wedding Show, the Birmingham National will feature over 300 wedding specialists from all areas of the industry; from bridal boutiques, venues, honeymoon companies, florists, wedding cake companies to jewellers, photographers and everything in between. This is truly one not to be missed.

Pssst! The Bridebook team will be here too!


Manchester Wedding Show: Manchester Central

28th – 29th October 2017 

The North West’s biggest wedding show is back! With over 250 wedding specialists from bridal florists to jewellers and photographers, this is a networking and / or exhibiting opportunity to take full advantage of if you’re local to Manchester.

Pssst! The Bridebook team will be here too!


Durham Wedding Show: Emirates Durham International Cricket Ground

Sunday 24th September 2017

The hugely popular Durham Wedding Show is back this September with up to 75 exhibitors and a whopping 1500 visitors or moreregularly attending.


Newcastle Wedding Show: Newcastle Racecourse

Sunday 1st October 2017

Expect to find the North East’s most impressive wedding suppliers and wedding venues exhibiting at Newcastle Racecourse this October. With 100 stands expected to be filled, could you be an exhibitor this year? Get yourself down to the Racecourse anyway to mingle with the industry elite in your local area. 


The North of England Wedding Awards 

Monday 18th September 2017

One to watch; this annual Gala Awards Dinner held to celebrate outstanding customer service from the wedding industry throughout Yorkshire and North East England is an event you don’t want to miss in 2018. Whether as a guest or a nominee for an award, surround yourself with the best in the business.


Scotland 2017


The Scottish Wedding Show: Scottish Event Campus, Exhibition Way, Glasgow

7 – 8th October 2017

Scotland’s largest wedding show will feature over 300 suppliers taking over the SEC and providing you with inspiration and networking opportunities. Enjoy glittering catwalk shows and a cocktail bar to keep you entertained and inspired for hours!


The Big Dundee Wedding Exhibition: The Caird Hall, City Square, Dundee DD1 3BB, UK

14th October 2017

Between 11:30 am – 4:00 pm over 100 exhibitors will adorn City Square for the opportunity to meet newly engaged couples and local wedding suppliers like you.


Wales 2017


Top Tier The Members Centre Wedding Fair: Royal Welsh Showground

Sunday 1st October 2017

Get yourself along to Mid Wales’ biggest Wedding Fair at the The Members Centre at the Royal Welsh Showground, where the finest local wedding suppliers will be on hand to showcase their wedding talents. The clue is in the name – this really is an event for the best of the wedding supplier bunch. Between 50 – 75 exhibitors expected.


Chosen Artisan Wedding Fair: Portland House Cardiff

18th March 2018

Sister to the Chosen wedding event in London, Chosen Artisan Wedding Fair Cardiff is returning once more to the gorgeous Old Banking Hall to feature 25-50 wedding exhibitors and welcome hundreds of newly engaged couples looking to create their very own wedding with a difference.

Showcasing some of the finest artisan businesses in Wales and the South West, you can guarantee you’ll be in good company here; amongst the most talented and passionate creatives, designer-makers and businesses in Wales.


Will you be attending a wedding show in your local area this year?

Let us know of any must-visit wedding fairs near you and we could feature them in our upcoming articles on networking and the importance of attending events in your local area.

TED tips for building creative confidence as a wedding professional

Wedding professionals are in the business of creativity.

As event planners and wedding suppliers we are expected to use our experience and imagination to create unique and beautiful wedding designs – whether in the form of floral arrangements, culinary creations or decorative inspirations, to name but a few.


But being continuously creative under pressure isn’t easy.

And subsequently, there may be times when your creative confidence is knocked and this can damage your ability to move on and continue creating.

Innovation and the pursuit of innovative ideas is the lifeblood of a successful wedding business.


So how do we continue to create when we’re busy, exhausted and feeling uninspired?

We’ve gathered tips from two creative experts (and their incredible TED talks) on how to stay innovative and creative – even when we’re feeling the opposite of those things.


David Kelley says “face the fear”

In his powerful TED Talk on Creative Confidence, David Kelley talks of unlocking the creative potential of people and organisations to ensure we* all *have the ability and the drive to innovate.

During his talk, Kelley explains that when creative confidence is knocked, that bruised feeling can become ingrained in us. But whether you consider yourself naturally creative or not, innovation is something we can all achieve.

Just as you’d overcome any fear, you need to face what it is you fear head on.


Is wedding photography what you were born to do? Well get out there and take photos – and lot’s of them.

Is wedding planning what makes you truly happy? Go to events, browse weddings online and find that source of inspiration that’ll get you excited about creating new weddings and forming new ideas for your 2018 wedding bookings.

It’s all about following steps to ease yourself back into the ‘creative room’. It’s about turning fear into familiarity.

Start working on things that are really important to you regardless of how creative you think you’re feeling. The more you work at it, the more ideas you’ll have.

You are naturally creative. Let your ideas fly. Do what you’re set out to do and you’ll naturally reach a place of creative confidence.


Julie Burstein – how to create in the face of challenge, self-doubt and loss

Radio host Julie Burstein shares four lessons about how to create in the face of challenge, self-doubt and loss in her acclaimed TED talk.

Burstein touches on how our creative conscience exists somewhere between our need for control and our ability to let go. She says that with creativity you need to let go at the very beginning of the creative process because creativity grows out of everyday experiences.


Paying attention to the world around us and being open to embrace all experiences is one of her fundamental rules for improving the ability to create.

This means switching off your phone for a period of the day; stopping, taking stock and being open to the experiences all around you because you never know which of them might change or inspire you.

She also explores how for many successful artists and creators, some of their best work is born out of some of their most difficult moments in life. As human beings, it’s important that we embrace challenges and learn from them. Try not to be discouraged by things that go wrong and when they do – because inevitably they will – pick yourself up and carry on.

Burstein places the following four factors at the centre of creativity: experience, challenge, limitations and loss.

She believes that a combination of all of these elements – whether we actively pursue them (the former) or come up against them by chance (the latter) – makes for a truly creative mind and the most original of ideas.


Similarly to Kelley, Burstein says that you must be driven by the need to do what you do best.

Possess the determination to push through boundaries and maintain a passionate optimism no matter how uninspired you may feel at times.


6 practical tips to help you unlock your creativity

In light of the wisdom we’ve garnered from these creative experts, here are six easy ways to help you unlock creativity when planning a wedding with your next happy couple…


1. Get visual

Visualising ideas is a great way to develop concepts. Get off the phone, step away from your laptop and book in some face to face time with couples to let your creative flair run wild.


2. Work backwards from the ‘dream’ end result

Clearly define what the couple you’re working with want from their wedding day. What is ‘the dream’? Now work your way backward from this and all the little pieces that help build the dream will seem obvious and things will fall right into place.


3. Write everything down

Carry a little notepad and pen with you and whenever a stroke of genius hits, write it down.

No thought is too small and no idea is too crazy! Anything could potentially add value to your business. You never know which little thought could spark your next big idea. Display some of your best ideas on the wall or on a whiteboard to help lead new brainstorming ideas.


4. Take mental breaks

Frequent mental breaks are so important when it comes to developing creativity and boosting morale. Whether you take a break to catch up with friends on social media or go for a walk at lunch time, step away from the everyday. It’s practically impossible to nurture creativity in yourself or others with a tired, burned-out brain.


5. Get physical

Regular exercise or engaging in any physical activity will help unlock creativity. Whether you run, walk, cycle or hit the gym, physical activity will relax your mind and enable you to think more clearly and creatively afterwards.


6. Just start

The hardest part of any creative process is getting started. And the best way to kick start your creative brain is to just start talking, writing and planning. No matter what the quality of the idea is at this stage, the fact that you’ve started and have a basis to build on will be enough to get ideas flowing.


Are you feeling creatively confident?

Let us know how you keep those creative juices flowing to ensure you consistently strive to deliver your best and most original weddings, year after year.

Groom Styling 101, by Turnbull & Asser

You’ve searched far and wide and have finally found the perfect suit for the big day. There’s no feeling quite like putting on a perfectly tailored suit for the first time, and with confidence at an all-time high, it’s easy to get carried away and assume the job is done. However, the subtle nuances of savvy tailoring and styling are often what takes you from a slightly-above-average Joe to an unadulterated style savant. 

So who better to dish their tips than the timeless Turnbull & Asser, who have dressed the likes of HRH The Prince of Wales, Charlie Chaplin, Sir Winston Churchill and James Bond! Enjoy as they break down the necessities to complete your wedding day look. groom styling tips


The Tie

Presuming you’ve opted for a single breasted three-piece, your tie becomes your statement piece. Whilst tradition dictates that a bowtie is the go-to, there are a few equally-smart-and-a-lot-less-fiddly options that will make you look the part. In this case, go for an ornate or herringbone silk tie in a Prince Albert knot for added depth. Head of Design Dean Gomilsek-Cole recommends this knot over a regular 4-in-hand as it provides greater length. Ensure it matches your wedding’s colour theme and that your shirt is plain – allowing the tie to have pride of place. groom tie tips


The Shirt

Take it from us when we say there are white shirts, and then there are white shirts. Our West Indian Sea Island Cotton bespoke shirt provides immeasurable quality and exceptional comfort. Double cuffs (or French cuffs) and a customisable collar will allow you to have, quite literally, the perfect shirt. You can’t go wrong with a classic T&A collar, but the beauty of bespoke is that you can create something to your exact shape and preference.


The Cufflinks

Subtlety reigns supreme when it comes to your cufflinks. They need to stay on the right side of elegance, removing excess flashiness. A monogrammed pair add a heightened touch of sophistication and will remain as keepsakes from the best day of your life. Win-win. cufflinks for grooms


The Collar Stays

Behind every successful man, is a woman rolling her eyes. Behind every collar, are collar stays keeping everything intact. Arguably the most subtle of details, they play a pivotal role in ensuring one never looks unkempt. Whether it’s sterling silver or mother-of-pearl, it’s an absolute necessity for every quality shirt. We’d also suggest having an additional pair at hand, for emergency’s sake. groom styling tips


The Pocket Square

Go for a square that complements the tie, but avoid having a repeating pattern. Matching at times can look relatively lazy, and loses personality and flair. Your pocket square shouldn’t steal the show, however, but rather accentuate the tie. Opt for plain silk in an accent colour, or white with coloured piping. groom style tips


The Socks

An exposed ankle is more of an established rule rather than a temporary trend nowadays, however, it forms a more casual take on sartorial. There’s a time and place for that and it’s most definitely not on your wedding day. We’d suggest a plain sock that works subtly with your outfit, ideally an off-black colourway. Avoid Colgate white at all times – the only man that could pull it off was Michael Jackson, and it should be kept that way.

Always remember, when it comes to the big day the aim is to look as handsome as possible, without ever taking attention away from the bride. Other than that, enjoy the day and all it brings, and to the next chapter that awaits!

To see more of what Turnbull & Asser has to offer the groom visit:

Happy Planning!

How wedding pro’s play the pricing game

How successful wedding suppliers maintain pricing power

You’re in a meeting with a newly engaged couple. You’ve bought into their wedding vision and they’re clear on how you can help them build their big day.

Then the couple looks at you – eyes wide and enthusiastic – and one of them says…”how much?”.


Handling pricing questions can be tricky. Here are 3 tips to help you handle pricing and secure the sale when meeting newly engaged couples:


1. Be transparent with your pricing

Let’s assume you’ve already provided some basic pricing information online and are confident that the couple sitting in front of you are there because you fall within their budget and they’re serious about engaging your services.

The best way to avoid pricing issues before they even arise is to discuss each of the fundamental components or services you offer upfront and to be transparent about which of those added extras will cost the couple more.

If you’re a wedding planner be sure to mention whether you offer an ‘on the day coordinator’ package which costs a little extra but means that you’ll be there from the start of their day until the last lady dances her way home.


If you’re a wedding venue manager be clear on what is included within the brochure price and highlight the additional extras available to the couple at an extra cost.

Focus less on selling added features and more on providing a list of options that the bride or groom can buy into.

By offering cost breakdowns in keeping with the couple’s specific requests you earn their trust and avoid any difficult pricing queries later down the line.


2. Support your price with reasons why you’re great value for money

The best way to avoid price becoming the main point of conversation is to explain why you charge what you charge, and to support the fact that you provide exceptional value for money.

If you specialise in making wedding cakes explain that your costs are slightly higher than some other local wedding cake companies because you create all of the iced flowers yourself by hand. Or perhaps you charge more because you provide detailed drawings and cake designs, and work with the couple to perfect their wedding cake regardless of how many revisions there are.


Whatever your reasons are for charging what you believe you’re worth, justify them.

Have you any reviews or recommendations that you can show the couple? By supporting your claim that ‘you do it better than anyone else’ you give the couple no reason to argue with your price. They either choose quality or they’ll compromise and choose the supplier with the lowest price.

Whatever you do, don’t undervalue yourself.


3. Be careful with discounting

If you’re open to discounting make it part of your pricing strategy. If you’re willing to reduce your costs you could build in a little extra on top of what you believe your wedding services are worth before applying a price to ensure you don’t end up working for less than you can justify.

Another way to approach discounting is to agree something in return. Perhaps you’ll reduce your costs ever so slightly if the couple pays you in full now or if you’re a wedding venue, you may ask the couple to agree to a minimum guest count.

Ultimately whether you decide to discount or not is up to you but stand by what you believe in and only negotiate on price if you feel it’s a fair deal.


Be sure to sell your specialism 

Gaining and maintaining pricing power is all about ensuring that the couple will want YOU to cater to their wedding day more than anyone else.

If they can’t find anyone else to do precisely what you do as well as you do it at any price you’re in the strongest possible position.

Of course, if they don’t perceive a difference between what you do and what another wedding supplier does, the price will win.

Be transparent, be confident in your ability and know your worth, and the pricing game will be a much easier one to play (and win!).

How to network with wedding suppliers

Networking with other wedding professionals is one of the cheapest and most impactful ways to earn leads and secure bookings from engaged couples.

With that in mind, do you think you are doing it often enough or well enough?

Networking is something that comes naturally to some and fills others with dread. But don’t be fooled; being confident is *not *the most important factor in becoming a networking pro.

Successful networking is all about earning trust and taking the time to prepare beforehand.


Here are 6 ways that you can ensure you’re preparing well and giving yourself the best chance of securing bookings at your next networking opportunity…


1. Ask yourself why you are networking in the first place

Perhaps your sole purpose for networking is to spread the net far and wide in the hope that wedding suppliers across all areas might refer you to the brides and grooms they meet.

Perhaps your objective is more specific. Are you a wedding planner who has identified a gap in your partner portfolio? Perhaps you’re keen to get to know more wedding florists or cake makers so that you can offer your clients more options when it comes to helping them plan their wedding.

Perhaps you’re keen to strike up a partnership with your local wedding venue in the hope that they’ll include you on their supplier referral lists.

Whatever has driven you to focus on wedding supplier networking, know what your objective is and what you want to talk to people about before you turn up.


2. Be selective with who you want to speak to

Before you go to any networking event, take a look at the list of attendees and make a note of three people you’d like to meet. Don’t be afraid to ask the event organisers for an attendee list if it’s not listed online.


Giving yourself a target for when you arrive is likely to make you feel more confident about approaching those people. Plus by doing your homework beforehand you’ve already learnt a little about the people you’re approaching and can prepare a few specific questions and conversation topics that you’re confident will impress or engage that person.

Remember that your time is valuable so try not to get distracted and go off topic when you’re conversing with other wedding professionals. Yes, the conversation should feel natural and flow easily but try to bring it back to your core focal point if you feel you’re spending too long discussing holidays or the weather.


3. Be ready to start the conversation

Ensure you’ve rehearsed a brief elevator pitch so that you can confidently and succinctly talk about yourself and your wedding business.

Arrive at the networking event with three questions you want to ask fellow suppliers to kickstart the conversation and help you build the kind of relationship you want.

Remember, all relationships are a two way street so don’t force the conversation purely for your own benefit. Be prepared to answer questions about yourself and your wedding business, and try to let the conversation flow naturally rather than allow it to slip into a question and answer format.


4. Try not to see other wedding suppliers as competition

We speak to lots of wedding suppliers who see other businesses as competition and who are therefore reluctant to strike up a conversation with them or support them on social media with a few ‘likes’ and ‘shares’.

Change your mindset.

Whether businesses are similar to yours or completely different you’re missing a huge opportunity if you dismiss them on the basis of competition.

Think about it; when a qualified lead enquires about a weekend that another wedding supplier is already booked for, who will they recommend? Couples will inevitably ask this supplier if they can recommend anyone else and you could be the wedding supplier they choose.


5. Establish yourself as an expert in your field

Building a strong network is largely about earning trust and the best way to prove your worth is to ensure that the world knows you’re good at what you do without being boastful.

Positioning yourself as an expert verbally without saying “look how great I am” is an art, but there are a few easy ways to show you’re an expert online without seeming arrogant.

Showcase testimonials and recommendations on your website and in places that they’ll be seen, like the homepage or on your contact form. Include good feedback on your Bridebook profile from brides, grooms and other wedding suppliers so that other wedding professionals can see that you’re highly thought of by your clients and other wedding pro’s.

Set up a blog and share your expertise in the form of articles; writing about real wedding stories and giving insight into some ‘behind the scenes’ tips that help you prepare for a wedding and impress the couple you’re working with.

Knowledge sharing is to be encouraged. Other wedding suppliers can find answers to any question they need answering on the internet anyway, so be the one they turn to for this advice rather than worrying about protecting your trade secrets.

As your blog develops you may even be contacted by the media for interviews or opinion pieces as you’ll be seen as the number one expert in your field.


6. Make sure that you work at maintaining the relationship

Don’t let all of your efforts be for nothing!

Think of these supplier partnerships as friendships. You must continuously put work in to reap the true benefits.

Stay in touch with suppliers regularly so that you’re always at the forefront of their minds. Small added touches can go a long way, like sending Christmas cards and birthday cards.

Share your networks content on social media and include them when you write about real weddings they’ve worked on too on your blog.


Building supplier relationships should be your number one goal for 2017 / 2018

Building relationships with local suppliers is the best marketing tool you could ask for.

Creating a wedding dream team in the form of a community of wedding professionals all supporting each other allows you to grow professionally and you’ll see your business flourish as a result.

Plus those referrals and relationships often won’t cost you more than a cup of coffee and a little of your time.

Attend events at your local associations, meet people, exchange cards, and most importantly, follow up. Make sure that you’re easy to work with and try to position yourself as an invaluable resource of information.

Spend a little more time today nurturing your supplier network and reap the benefits in 2018 and beyond.

How to stand out in the wedding industry and win new business

5 ways wedding suppliers can win new business and improve sales skills.



Sales and bookings are the lifeblood of wedding business success. Without them, we wouldn’t be a business at all.

But it’s not always easy to understand why brides and grooms choose a competitor over you.

And in a highly competitive industry like the wedding and events industries, it’s important that you’re aware of how you approach closing a sale in order to be really good at it and to continue improving and securing more bookings.

We’ve spoken to several industry experts to find out what they think helps wedding businesses like yours stand out in today’s competitive market, and what you can do to secure more bookings.

Here are 5 ways in which you can win new business and improve your sales skills…


1. Identify what makes your business unique

It’s essential that you can instantly identify (and be prepared to discuss) your wedding business’ USP – your unique selling proposition.

You need to give potential clients a reason to choose you over the competition and to do this, you must have evidence to support what makes you different to everyone else.

What do couples say about you after you’ve finished working with them? What do they write in testimonials and reviews?


Be prepared to discuss your best assets and show proof of weddings you’ve worked on where these assets have come into play and made a couple overwhelmingly happy with what you’ve done for them.

2. Listen more than you talk

It’s easy to get carried away when meeting a prospective client and to talk about all the wonderful things you could do for them.

The most powerful sales tool at your disposal is the ability to listen.

Ask open ended questions and be sure to listen to their specific needs to show that you understand that their wedding is unique to them and to show that you’re willing to tailor what you’ve done in the past to suit them and their desires for their wedding day.

3. Consider your pricing strategy carefully

Why do you charge what you charge? How highly do you value your services?

Pricing competitively is important but providing great value for the services you specialise in is the most important thing.

Of course couples will be cost conscious but this doesn’t always mean that they’ll choose the cheapest wedding supplier.

Be prepared to explain why you charge what you charge and focus on the quality of the service you provide, the value you could add and support these claims with client feedback.


4. Pay attention to how interested the couple seem to be

Try to read prospective clients and be conscious of any buying signals they might be giving.

If they ask you about your availability for their wedding day or if they discuss their plans and reference your business specifically as being the wedding venue for them or mention you helping them with wedding planning, floral arrangements or their cake in conversations, they’re most likely ready to commit to you.

Similarly, if the couple seem disinterested or keen to wrap up the conversation, give them the space they need to reach a decision but prepare to move on to your next potential client.

5. Express your intent to close the sale and begin helping them build their dream day

It’s ok to be open about how much you’d like to work with the couple. Once you’ve reached this final stage, ask the bride and / or groom if they’d be ready to move forward and pay a deposit to secure your services.

And whilst it’s ok to let them know that you’re booking up fast, be sure not to put too much pressure on the prospective clients and make them feel forced into making a snap decision. A lot of people will feel uneasy and even a little suspicious if you focus too much on securing a deposit fast because of how busy you are.

If they choose not to pay a deposit there and then, make sure that you follow up with them after your meeting.


Be confident, be professional and success will follow

Approach ‘closing the sale’ with a quiet confidence in your wedding business and in your abilities as a wedding professional.

Prospective clients will pick up on how keen you are to work with them so a balance between interest, calm and professionalism is the most surefire way to impress couples and win bookings in 2018 and beyond.

How wedding suppliers impress couples at the first meeting


Secure wedding bookings in an instant with these handy tips from seasoned pros

Do you struggle to nail the first client meeting and secure wedding bookings?

Having a successful meeting that culminates in a booking is largely dependent on how you prepare for and approach meeting newly engaged couples, and on the kind of first impression you make.

Here’s how successful wedding professionals prepare to meet new couples and guarantee themselves a booking in 2018 and beyond…

1. Preparing for the first meeting 

As the saying goes, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

It is so important that you prepare for the first meeting ahead of time and really do your research.


Treat this appointment as seriously as if you were going for an important interview. Find out as much as you can about the couple and their tastes before you meet. Send them a short, fun questionnaire to complete and return, or arrange a Skype call to guarantee some face time with the couple and ask them about their wedding style preferences.

Don’t ever assume you know everything and arrive at the meeting armed with lots of new ideas and fresh suggestions that reflect the kind of wedding you think the couple are looking to achieve.

Questions are your most important weapon at this first meeting. It is your job to ask, listen and make suggestions.

Tip: ask the couple to take a look at your website before you meet (which will of course, feature tons of great reviews – bonus!) and give them an idea of your costs. Most millennial couples will ask to know your prices before meeting anyway so it’s worth including pricing parameters on your website and Bridebook profile to save you time and ensure you don’t attract couples who aren’t genuinely interested in hiring you.


The final thing to consider before you meet is what you’re planning to wear to the appointment.

What do you know about the couple? If you know that you’re meeting a young, London based couple who work in advertising, for example, feel free to let more of your personality shine through and wear something informal that reflects who you really are.

But if the bride and / or groom you’re meeting haven’t given much away about themselves, dress conservatively as this shows professionalism and is a surefire way to make a good first impression.

2.How to make a good first impression

Making a good first impression is absolutely essential for wedding professionals when securing bookings and in securing a professional reputation for yourself amongst other wedding suppliers.

So how do you do it?

Well realistically, you’ve probably only got 2 minutes to make a good first impression and it’s all dependant on the words you use and the body language you choose. In fact, research shows that 60 to 90 percent of our communication with others is actually nonverbal.

Here are some tips (verbal and nonverbal) to help you make the best first impression…

  • Check your posture – keep your back straight, your shoulders relaxed and your head raised to give off an air of confidence
  • Mirror the body language of the person (or people) you’re meeting. This shows that you are in agreement and that you like the person you are with
  • Align your body with the person you’re talking to and lean in so that you appear engaged
  • Always remember to greet others with a firm handshake – but not too firm. This is probably one of the most important elements of body language because it sets the tone for the entire conversation
  • Introduce yourself and your business with assurance
  • Make eye contact and give the couple a genuine smile. By nodding and smiling in a natural way as you communicate with a couple you are showing them that you understand, agree, and are listening to their opinions
  • Use your hands to gesture when you speak as this improves your credibility with the listener. Did you know that there is evidence to suggest that gesturing with your hands while speaking actually improves your thinking processes?
  • Speak slowly and clearly to couples as this brings a sense of calm and control to the conversation

3.Start the conversation strong

Ensure that you’ve prepared and rehearsed your elevator pitch in time for the meeting.

As a wedding supplier, this ‘introductory speech’ should be relaxed yet professional. Think of it as a well articulated introduction of yourself, your wedding business and your experience which will set the tone for a positive conversation thereafter.

Keep your intro to less than 30 seconds and make sure that you smile, pause often and leave space for the couple to ask any questions or interject with details about themselves and their wedding desires.


Don’t forget to ask questions and remember to use this first meeting as an opportunity to show – not tell – the couple about your experiences.

Share stories of recent weddings where you’ve helped another loved up couple realise their wedding dreams. Bring a portfolio to the appointment and showcase your best weddings of 2017; making sure you pre-select just a few examples in keeping with the couple’s preferred style so that they can relate to the weddings you’re showing them.

Use the examples as prompts for the new wedding you’re trying to build for this new couple and explain how you could apply similar elements to their very own special day. This should be your constant focus so don’t get too preoccupied with weddings you’ve catered to in the past.

This meeting is all about helping a new couple create future memories.

Tip: Remember that you’re there to learn about the couple as much as they are there to learn about you. Ask lots of questions and listen more than you talk. Your contribution to this meeting shouldn’t feel like a sales pitch – it should be centred on how you can help this particular couple plan and build their wedding.

Are you ready to make this first client meeting your best yet?

Approach your next client meeting confidently knowing that you’ve done all you can to prepare for it; both literally (with research and portfolios) and mentally (by rehearsing how to make a good first impression).

If upon meeting the new couple you feel that for some reason you aren’t the right fit for their wedding, be honest with them early on. They’ll probably appreciate it and will be more likely to share your name with their engaged friends.

But the chances are that if you’ve taken the time to get to know the couple a little before you meet and if you prepare the kind of information you think they’ll appreciate, the meeting will go well and result in a booking for your business.

We hope we’ve left you with a great impression of what a little prep and a little forethought can do for you at your first client meeting.

Go get that booking!

5 tips to guaranteeing wedding show success


Can you believe we’re already reaching that period when wedding bookings begin to slow but the number of national and local wedding fairs begin to ramp up in anticipation of 2018 / 2019 bookings?

The smartest wedding pros will already be signing up to showcase their unique supplier services at wedding events from September through to November so we thought “what better time to take stock and remind ourselves of exactly how to stand out at a wedding supplier show?!”

Whether you’re preparing for your very first wedding show or are an established wedding show exhibitor, check out these top tips from wedding industry experts that’ll help you maximise your return this year and make the most out of the opportunities that present themselves at UK wedding fairs in 2017…

1. Preparation is key

Tell people you’re going 

At least one week before you’re due to exhibit at a wedding show, use social media and email to advertise your appearance and let your followers and prospects know that you’ll be there.

If you’re lucky enough to have a list of contact numbers from interested prospects, call them and invite them to come along too. Remember to let couples know which number your stand will be at.


Prepare post event communications before the event

It’s really important that you set aside some time to prepare follow up communications for after the wedding show in advance. You’ll want to be able to follow up as soon after the show as you can, and having pre-prepared templates will enable speedy yet effective post event communications.

The last thing you want to do is rush to put something substandard together after the wedding show or leave it too long only to find that your prospects have already booked with another supplier.

Prepare separate email templates for ‘interested parties’ versus ‘appointments’ so that you’ve got very separate communications ready to tailor to each individual you’ve met. For more information on the importance of personalising your emails and how to construct effective email communications, read this article.

2. Make sure your wedding stand stands out

There are probably going to be a lot of other wedding suppliers competing for the attention of brides and grooms at this event so it’s imperative that you stand out.


Here are three easy ways to say “look at me” at your next wedding show…

  • Try to build some height when dressing your stand so that you can be spotted from across the room and don’t be afraid to use lighting and colour.
  • Use professional signage that’s easy to read from a distance and again, put it up high so that more people can see it.
  • Make sure that your stand reflects what you do. If you’re a wedding florist create a showstopping booth made up of your most creative and impressive blooms and floral combinations. If you make wedding cakes, construct a tower that will draw “oohs” and “ahhs” from engaged couples looking to impress at their weddings next year.

3. Give away good freebies

It’s no secret that we all love a freebie and it’s a great way to attract crowds to your stand. True, some attendees will just be interested in the free goods but you’ll definitely reel in interested couples too.

The trick to separating the freebie-lovers from the serious bookers is this…when people approach your stall qualify them by asking when their wedding day is and which suppliers they’ve already secured so that you don’t waste time with the ones who aren’t going to convert to bookings.

Don’t sit down in your booth or stand with your arms crossed. Be open, friendly, smile and encourage couples to approach you and communicate.

Wondering what freebies you could offer?

Sweets and cupcakes always work well, as do gimmicky toys or gadgets that could help couples in their wedding planning journey. If you can, make sure that whatever you give away has your business name and contact information on it for maximum promotion.


You could try running a competition and include a bigger giveaway such as a romantic meal for two or an overnight stay at your wedding venue and gather contact details in exchange for entries.

4. Set a clear goal

Are you trying to make sales, book appointments or just gather as many contact details as you can from interested prospects?

Decide what your objective is beforehand and stick to it as best you can. When couples approach you, know what you want from them before you start discussing your wedding services.

Talk to as many couples as you can. Gather their details and if you need to offer something extra to get them to commit to an appointment you could offer them 10% off if they book your wedding venue or services within a 2-4 week period.

Remember to follow up with your appointments and contacts soon after the wedding show to give yourself the best chance of securing bookings whilst your wedding services are fresh in their minds.

5. Network with other wedding suppliers

One of our favourite benefits of a wedding show is that it gives you a chance to network with other wedding suppliers on a national and / or local level.

Arrive early so that you can meet other wedding professionals whilst you’re setting up and trade business cards or details so that you can keep in touch with them after the wedding show.

Creating networks between like minded suppliers is the best way to help boost referrals between yourselves.


Make wedding shows work for you

Now you’re armed with some of the best tips we have to offer it’s time to go and put your stamp on the industry.

How will you stand out from the crowd at 2017 wedding fairs?

REVEALED: how millennial couples planned their weddings in 2017

Take note of how millennial couples planned their weddings in 2017 and let these insights influence where you focus your marketing efforts next year.



Wedding suppliers; arm yourselves with these behavioural insights on wedding planning couples in 2017 and use them to inform your marketing decisions in 2018.

Take a breath. This isn’t another ‘younger generations love the internet’ post. Well, they do, of course…but you don’t need us to tell you that.

This article is our way of helping you predict the trends of tomorrow so that you can ensure your wedding business is poised and prepared to be exactly what millennial couples want you to be.

Because after all, that is what it’s all about isn’t it? Capturing the hearts and minds of newly engaged couples; to have them say “we want you to help us plan the most special day of our lives”.

But to attract the attention of couples you need to be following their every move to decipher where you need to be and how you should be presenting your business online.

Or you could let us do the hard work for you…


What wedding planning couples looked for in 2017

Bridebook surveyed 4,000 recently married couples in a bid to understand more about their ‘wedding planning’ mindsets, including how they found their suppliers, what they spent on their wedding and what they found most important throughout the planning process.

Here are the top three things you need to know about as you begin preparing your wedding venue or business for 2018 bookings…

1. Money talks

Did you know that one of the most searched for wedding queries on Google in 2017 was “how much does a wedding cost”?

Now, this may not come as a big surprise however there’s a very real discrepancy between what millennial couples want and what UK wedding suppliers are actually providing.

Many UK wedding suppliers still shy away from including pricing details on their website or Bridebook profile despite the fact that Millennial couples are more price savvy and ‘keen to know your cost’ than ever before.


With an average increase of £487 in UK supplier cost year on year, it’s more important than ever for wedding suppliers like you to highlight your ‘value for money’ and show off the range of price points you offer; remembering to mention what you often include for free, e.g. the bridal suite for one night or a free engagement shoot.

We’re not recommending that you list out every service you provide and attribute a cost to each; we’re suggesting that you include pricing parameters so that couples can see that you cater to weddings between X and Y price. They’ll then know whether you’re at the top end of their budget or bang on the money when it comes to ticking the wedding cost box.

If you’re still not sure about putting everything out there for people to see, here are a few reasons why being transparent with your pricing as a wedding supplier is more important now than ever before.

2. How other couples rate you really matters

After price, the most important thing that couples look for when planning a wedding in 2017 is feedback, with couples ranking recommendations from friends and family (72%) followed by reviews (58%) as the most important resources when finding wedding suppliers.

We can’t say it enough…reviews, reviews, reviews! It’s what wedding bookings in 2017 and beyond are so heavily dependent on.

They’re calendar-filling gold dust for wedding suppliers so please make sure you dedicate time to asking for them after every wedding you work on.

3. Finding local vendors is a challenge

Another of the most ‘Googled’ wedding queries in 2017 was “how do I find vendors near me” and it was also mentioned as one of the top challenges for Millennial couples planning a wedding this year (after budget).

The fact is, a nice website isn’t enough any more. To win bookings, wedding venues and suppliers need to be omnipresent.


Here are 3 ideas to help you secure a presence online and increase the likelihood of being discovered by wedding planning couples:

  • Feature on wedding planning platforms like Bridebook and gain exposure to around 40,000 wedding planning couples. Not only are you tapping into a new audience but you’re also benefiting from free marketing and brand presence at the top of google results.
  • Place SEO and Content at the forefront of all your online marketing efforts – paying particular attention to local SEO.
  • Up your social media activity – post regularly and share details of everything you believe would matter to newly engaged couples

Wedding booking success depends on how willing you are to adapt

Not keen on the idea of putting your prices online? You may find that if you choose not to be transparent with your pricing online in 2018 it could affect how many bookings you secure.

Think reviews and recommendations don’t really work for you? Think again, because trends over time across all industries suggest that endorsements from others will only become increasingly important when it comes to influencing purchasing decisions – particularly within the wedding industry where decisions are personal and have a huge impact on a very important day.

Believe your website is all you need in terms of an online presence? This is a dangerous mindset to have in an increasingly competitive online world. Be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket as you could find your wedding business trailing behind the competition.

Login to your Bridebook Account now and update your pricing information to take note of how millennial couples have planned their weddings in 2017